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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by JAdamson

  1. Greetings to all, I have read the manual several times & finally began to set up my Fat Frog today. I was able to navigate into the super user mode, load fixture definitions, and set the desk for "partial mode". But there are 3 other fields in that section: color, beamshape, and position. The choices are "all" or "channel". I checked through the manual thoroughly, but can not get any further info on what these two options are. Could someone please explain this? I am using v 10.4 software on a Fat Frog. My light plot will include both generics & intels; and will be composed mostly of scenes, but also some chases. Thanks. John
  2. I am researching the feasibility of using a Fat Frog in a primary/middle school scenario. I am using a majority of conventional instruments, but also have some basic intels for color changes. Given that these students may not be entirely consistent about remembering their blocking, I may need to add "live" looks 'on the fly'. If I were in the submaster playback mode, would I be able to just go to the 'Scene A faders' and bring up the needed light--or are there keypresses I would need to do? Note that I am not trying to rewrite the cue. This is for a "1 time" temporary look only. Thanks for your responses-- John A
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