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SimonH last won the day on January 14 2023

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  1. That is really sad news, he has only just had my desk in for repair and in my short dealings with him, he was a delight to deal with. Condolences. Simon
  2. SimonH

    FLX repairs

    Thanks all. I have messaged Ian.
  3. SimonH

    FLX repairs

    Where are people sending their desks for repair? Sub 24 has become very unstable and never reaching 100% . We also have an older desk that could do with some general tlc. Thanks, Simon
  4. What addresses are you using? Are you using RDM? I've had issues with non RDM fixtures flashing even if the console has RDM disabled as I think (Edward correct me if I'm Wrong) the Gateway 4 still transmits the RDM signal unless disabled in it's own config.
  5. Ok thanks for that, will give it a go edit: just checked and my stick is already FAT32 but it is a USB 3.0
  6. Hi, This is an old post and I wondered if there was any update on the size of USB? I carry a 192Gb on my keyring for all my handy bits and pieces and it doesn't seem to want to read that? Is it limited to USB 2?
  7. SimonH


    Ok found the midi notes so I’ll phrase it differently. is it possible to trigger individual cues in the flx via midi but to include point cues and still be able to see the cue stack you are running?
  8. SimonH


    Is there a guide for using Qlab to trigger a cue stack in the flx?
  9. Think it's only you and me on here!!
  10. Thought this place might be dead and forgotten but finally managed to log in. Very quiet and lonely here though.
  11. Is this a thing or are you referring to the list of wants? when I said list I meant the one you were working on not our would be nice list. thanks
  12. Can you tell me if the custom screen settings is on the list and where abouts roughly please? As far as usability for me this is the biggest hinderance during a plotting session. Thanks
  13. Thanks for the reply. I’ve sorted it now, my fat fingers had typed the wrong ip. still like to know where the reset button is though.
  14. Hi, ok used dmx workshop to change the IP address to and now cannot see it anywhere. The instructions on here say to return to factory settings press reset button and cycle power but there isn’t a reset button or any button for that matter. help please.
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