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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by vossy01

  1. Hello I have a question about Toucscreens. I want to buy a new 15" Touchscreen for my leap frog 48. Now my question: wich Monitor works the best console? thanks for answer Stefan
  2. Hello Franck ok I'll check the fixture from P3 if the channels are correctly set for the 16-bit resolution but my attitude is already at 40% sensitive. I'll make it but still go further down. Thanks for the info ever Greetings Stefan
  3. Hi thanks for the quick answer. how can I set the console? if I want to have the speed of the encoder wheels or the values. asked or the other way around with settings which can best follow one person on a stage on this encoder wheels? Thank you for your help in advance Stefan
  4. Hello ereybody i havé a problem with my encoder wheels about the adjustment on my leap frog 48 is not so accurate or precise. example the moving spot move from left to right with the wheel and moves into the center of the spot back to the left again but the dmx value is not spring back. is my encoder wheel now defect ? these errors, I often live in the operation by pan and by tilt. the settings of the encoder wheels are 40% sensitive. the Moving Head Spot is a JB Lighting P3 the same by settings sensitive 50 - 60 - 70% for suggestions and support I am very grateful sorry for my bad english. Stefan
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