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Everything posted by Sven76

  1. Regarding the title of this Thread: How do you define β€žsoonβ€œ? πŸ€”πŸ˜„
  2. Actually I have a MacBook Pro M1 Max (32 GB)
  3. Hi, yes. I have this running both on Windows 11 running on parallels without issues.
  4. This would be great. Iβ€˜m waiting for this for years now 😏 especially Pixel mapping. But also effect! I still donβ€˜t understand why someone would want to change effect speed and size if you chose your fader to be β€žFader controls effectβ€œ! Maybe an easy β€žfixβ€œ would be to create a option in the desk defaults settings if you want the fader to control fx speed or size or both.
  5. Is there actually a Zigbee sender/receiver in the Zeros-Server? Or do you need a bridge to talk to Philips Hue? πŸ€”
  6. Intresting announcment from PLS today: I can't remember to see this in this wishlist here... 😜
  7. Hi Edward, I could also provide the timeloard showfile and a capture showfile if this might help... Please just let me know. Best regards Sven
  8. Hi all, we just created a showfile for an online event and discovered a strange behavior in regard of MTC using offsets. Unfortunately I can not remember if this behaved the same on the previous OS version. This is our setup: We have a PC running the "timeloard" software connected via MIDI to our ORB XF running zeros 7.10 On the timeloard we have 16 songs. All of them have an offset of 1 hour (so 1st starting with 00:00:00:00, 2nd with 01:00:00:00 and so on) On our ORB XF we have 16 cue stacks representing the 16 songs. Each cues in theses stacks are triggered with the related MTC offset This is what happens: if we start 1st song, first stack gets triggered βœ… If we after this start 2nd song, 2nd stack gets triggered βœ… and so on...βœ… So if we play all songs in the "correct" order the stacks are called correctly BUT: If nothing was played so far and we for instance play song 15 (with offset 14:00:00:00) ALL stacks from 1 up to 15 get triggered simultaneously! ❌ So every time you start a random song all stacks with offsets less then the offset of the played song get triggered as well.❌ I think this is not how it should be?! Did anyone experienced something similar? Best regards Sven
  9. Hi Edward thanks for this hint. We really have a couple of multicell fixtures. I will email the Showfile. Best regards Sven
  10. Hi all I just started to prepare our desk for a new show based on 7.10 and realized it especially on recording a cue is pretty laggy. It sometimes really takes some seconds until the desk responds again. Does somebody else experience this? Best regards Sven
  11. Hi all I hope this was not already added but Iβ€˜d have a which/proposal for color fanning on legacy devices with no multitouch available: What about if you just could click the two β€žendpointsβ€œ of the color range one after the other? I know you could do it also with a connected Tablet but I think this might be not to hard to implement and would give some extra value πŸ˜‰ Best regards Sven
  12. I already thought about this... πŸ˜„ One thing I would also love to see (but of course after Pixel Mapping πŸ˜› ) is to have the ability to have a "FX speed master" and a "FX size master". I never understood why the both are combined and why I would want to have an FX "smaler" just because I want to have it "slower" - if you get my thought... πŸ˜‰ Best regards Sven
  13. Hi Edward, thanks for your answer! This indeed was very helpful! I can imagine how dumb I would have looked if I would not have found my console πŸ˜„ Best regards Sven
  14. Hi all, did someone already test if the zero apps are compatible with IOS/iPadOS 14? (I wanted to post to the APPs or Software forum but for whatever reason they are closed) Thanks and best regards Sven
  15. Wow! This "Inhibitor" thing was really brand new for me! Do you have some more hint for me how to achieve this? Best regards Sven
  16. Hi Jon unfortunately (or luckily?) I was not able to reproduce this issue again 😏 (Even as I did some very intense Programming sessions) So I would not be able to tell if the fix would solve something. sorry!!! Best regards Sven
  17. Hi, I made the very same experience with our Orb XF. Strangely after going into Setup and back again everything was responding fine again Best regards Sven
  18. Hi all, cool Idea. Let's hope the ZerOS gods are merciful to us πŸ˜‰ My most missing features are: - Pixelmapping/Matrix (yes it is in W.I.P. but really really need it. The sooner the better) - Independent "real" FX-Masters to independently scale FX Size and FX Speed. I never understood why speed and size were bound together. Best regards Sven
  19. Iβ€˜m happy to tell you that your hint perfectly worked for me! 😁 After I did the update as it is documented sven.kempf@t-online.de be done all F/X are perfectly working for me. Thanks a lot for the perfect help! Best regards Sven
  20. Hi@all before I start upgrading to iOS 13 I'd like to ask if "Z Remote" and "Z Monitor" are already compatible? Thanks in advance Best regards Sven
  21. Ok. Good to know. From time to time reading manuals seems to be a good idea πŸ€” I will try over the weekend and give feedback again Thanks and best regards Sven
  22. Well you are right: I really did it like I was used to πŸ˜• You really believe this might be the root cause?
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