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  1. ... to post here or anywhere I can find a software version with which I can use AB playback on my Illusion 120... For the moment the light designers have aknowledged tu work with masters or GO playback but I'm not sure that next ones will be as "cool"... so I would like to have an Illusion in order of work... My local seller told me that the EPROM wil come soon but I got shows next days.... and I think next days will be nearer than soon ... Thanks to you... I search the Internet to find older version of the soft but I didn't find anything...
  2. same version... I have time next week to test anywhat you want with illusion 120 live... and report that to you... i propose U to send me some thigns to process with the desk and I will report U what happens... if U are interessted... Gill_DG@hotmail.com (it's a cool week at my place of work.. it'll happen no very often ;-) )
  3. the same... illusion 120 witch I upgraded in last september ... everything works except the AB playback.. hoping my re-sealer will fix the eprom soon... if you have tricks or hints ... we can exchange ;-)
  4. after having encoded memories, I tried yesterday to playback the Show via crossfaders AB... then in some memories, some circuits disappered :cry: I've called the french distributor who said me it's an eprom prob... this will be fixed for me in the next weeks so i only post here to inform users... Finally we have used the playback via Go button... not as good as the AB for the lightning director of the show but it has worked... ... it was a hard wednesday... but the show goes always on... :wink:
  5. Loris Binot 5et... i got the record of the show... but shhhht fusion jazz and installation of a plastician... very much work but intense artistic pleasure...
  6. hoping it'll be pleasant for you..... :roll:
  7. many thanks
  8. many thanks i'll try on this afternoon. Seems to me that the 3.6 part of the manual has not been translated in my manual. after having d/l the english one and read your answer, I feel much better! :roll: just to be sure... My desk version is NOT the 7.0 I downloaded yesterday the upgrade software but there's no manual... Do i simply put on the desk with the disk in (bootable?) or must i load anything via a menu?
  9. Hi I use Illusion 120 since one week in my theater. Just looking to print the whole conductor of the show... effects, cues, and times... unfortunately, my manual is silencious about this feature. :cry: I didn't find any "print" button in the whole graphical interface. and the hotline says (yesterday september 20 ) "the office are closed for the christmas period from dec.23 to jan.3rd" :!: :!: :oops: sorry for my english... I have not many occasions to practice... Hoping you'll understand me :oops: And thanks in advance for your answers...
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