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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Carl Ehrhardt

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Everything posted by Carl Ehrhardt

  1. Thanks Peter I'm gona try it with your file. Great service! Carl
  2. I'm looking for the fixture of the Ypco250pro from GLP. There are som other Ypco250 - but i havn't found the pro-Version GLP Xpco 250 Hompage Is there a fixture that matches?
  3. Is there a new grouping in the forum? i miss the old way with bugs, requested features, ... or is it just temporalere?
  4. That's great! I am so happy that you listen to the wishes of your customers! Big thanks to all of you at Zero88! You are doing a great job!
  5. Well sounds like the "fucus-memories" on the old Sirius 250. I miss them too - you could just put all together and change the settings of your movinglights a very easy way. Submasters / memories are not so fast to reload. Specialy if you use touchscreen it would be much easier to have mixed cues.
  6. Hi Matthew You are right. I just had an DHCP WiFi Router that i have configurated at home (manage DHCP and Broadcast a WLAN) . At the Ehternet (LAN) Port I connectet the Leapfrog. After a few seconds on the PDA there was the LeapFrog online and i was able to connect to it. Hope it'll help you. Greatings Carl
  7. after the last memory the frog preloads memory 1. The fade up time is korrekt but the fadedowntimes where not working.
  8. Well same problem on the new Version 3.0 on the Frog :-( if you load the show again it sems to work korrekt but normaly we only safe the show for backup. Well it also would by a nice feature :-) if we can chose a different fadetime for a few dimmers this would also be nice - but not the way it's working right now. Thanks for fixing it soon!
  9. Yes that sounds good!
  10. yes or that it could be stored when switching off and on the desk? We loose this setting every time.
  11. Oh yes - would be very usefull! just had the same wish :-)
  12. I have found a easy way for this. if the command line is activated I can just by entering the Ch No chose the right one and then get fast access to the Colour / Beamshape without disabling the flash function on the preset faders.
  13. Thanks - have done nearly the same setup. And it's exactly what I was looking for!
  14. Is there a possibility to enter the Lee/Rosco colour No to get near values on a CMY / RGB Fixture like the ColorCommand?
  15. I have a question about the ColorCommander. As i think it would be usefull to have a "ColorComander + Dimmer" Fixture. So we can work with move on dark. Now i only have CMY and the angle that can be programmed. Is there an other way to get it work like that? Greetings from cold Switzerland!
  16. Well for me the most important fade time is the brightness - all others are nice to have but not necessary. For the Color, Beamshape and Position it could be something like on the Memory-Screen. That setting which is selected on the buttons (Color, Position, Beamshape) is show the fade time. There is also the move on dark that could be indicated if and when it's changing any settings. But for me the first would be first of all enough.
  17. Yes that would be very helpful - so we have also a way without 2 progress bar as on other topic shown ;-)
  18. Oh that would also be great for Switzerland / Germany ;-)
  19. It would be very useful to get a print / export function. I need to print the channel data eg. memories no / Submaster no., text, fade times, Ch 1-48 value (nice to have: C/P/B/E No MFK). So I can program it easier on other theatres if I have to. And its a good backup if there are any problems.
  20. Can anybody tell me how i can make a WiFi PDA work as remote control? Do I need any special software? For sure I have a WiFi accesspoint but what is needed to configure on the Leap Frog? Thanks for help.
  21. You think about somethin like on a Martin Case - so that you can "fade" to an endposition on the way of the fader? that sound very usefull! Was also thinking about something like that.
  22. Thanks and have a nice day. Carl
  23. Thanks and have a nice day. Carl
  24. Situation: LeapFrog 48, Software Version: 2.15 I try to patch a 1ch Scroller to MFK 1 and DMX 512. There comes a error: “Insufficient Channels in the Selected Universe to patch” If I try to patch the same fixture to Channel 100 it works. Is there anything that works wrong? We have the 512er to control all our vans in the Scrollers (switch off the Van by Value > 50%). Greetings Carl
  25. Situation: LeapFrog 48, Software Version: 2.15 I have found an other little bug. I have some Memories. Between 4 and 5 there's only 1 Channel that is added. so all others stay on same level. The Leap Frog don't give a fade down-time because there is nothing that has to fade down. I Transfer the Mem 5 (no fade down time) to Sub 1-1. There are at all no times shown in the submaster window. If i switch off and on the desk there is the fade in time. If i fade up the fade there is the time fade as expected in 3 seconds. But if i like to fade it out - the channels stay at their level. They don't go off. You have to switch off the desk and turn it back on. Very bad during a show ! Thanks for solving - Carl
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