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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Mike R

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  1. Dave, I had the same problem when I tried to install the latest version (7 ) of the Illusion OS, the solution I found was to continually reboot the desk with the OS floppy in the drive until the desk recognised it was there and installed it.
  2. guest, surely if you have an audience of 100 000s then you would be using a rig larger than the illusion is capable of handling- you would certainly have the budget. You've obviously never dealt with zero88 tech support- i have on 2 occasions and had immediate (and very helpful) replies, problems have to be replicated in Cwmbran as they occur in a show environment- otherwise the solution might not work.
  3. Mike R


    I have a bit of a problem with my illusion 120, sometimes (most of the time at the moment) when I plug the power in and turn it on, all of the LEDs on the front panel light up and the submaster page display shows random numbers (40,42,06,12,00...) and the desk doesn't turn on. sometimes when it does turn on, it crashes and resets, leaving the LEDs on sometimes and surprisingly dmx coming out. Its going in for a service next week with the local dealer, but i'm running a show with it for the rest of the week and obviously i'd prefer it not to crash during one. Has anyone else experienced this and if so what can I do, other than sending back to Wales? Thanks Mike R
  4. Moving light control poll
  5. Its a possibility, I gues it would plug into the serial port, but Zero88 might be reluctant to develop a piece of external hardware which would take time and money when an internal option is possible. I feel a poll coming on...
  6. :idea: Just had a bright Idea: when the moving light software is released for the Illusion 500, would it be possible for a version for the 120 + 240 to be released using the submaster faders instead of the 500's built in jog-wheels, for parameter control? Just a thought, but very useful for existing illusion users who would love you forever...
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