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Everything posted by NPhillips

  1. There is a need to have channels modified in the CDW easily released. I believe this ties directly with my post about captured channels. It is a real problem that the only way to quickly clear multiple channels is to close the CDW and key [memory][0][GO], or key [1][thru][512][@][0]... I have written a macro to do this, but it is still a problem that one cannot simply loose all channels. Obsessions have "cue 0" and "rem dim", Expressions "release" and "release release". Very speedy, very needy!
  2. Currently is there no way to bring up by dimmer? This is a real problem when teching out a system. Perhaps this has been mentioned before (search) showed no results for such topic. There is a HUGE need to have this ability. Dimmers and channels should in interchangeable (in terms of being able to turn on a light). A user should be able to say: [dim][1][@][50] - and the dimmer is hot @ 50%. There should also be the functionality to scroll/step through the dimmers one by one with a single key press, such as arrow forward/back or up/down.
  3. Yes, I now agree VERY much! The Barnevelder Festival has been dealt some CD-80's and the curves are awful! There is no way to correct the "fast bottom" curve they are naturally having! HELP!
  4. One should be able to key: [channel][x][@][3][5][enter] in addition to the current: [channel][x][@][3][enter] This would allow the user to set both whole number and integer levels as a designer in the US will often say, "@3" or "@30", in addition to anywhere in between, "@35", etc. If one wants a level at 5%, one would key [@][0][5][enter] Additionally, it would be good to be able to enter multiple commands in a string with one [enter] execute: [channel][1][thru][25][@][3] [channel][2][3][and][2][6][@][4][5][enter] ...and it all happens at once...
  5. I would like to see more color schemes developed. User definable schemes. This is especially important in having the console mimic the color rules designers are use to, be it Obsession, Expression, Galaxy, Sabre, whatever... One of the biggest complaints I am getting right now from people is the difficulty in reading the color information and channel number configurations (not 20/25 across!). Sitting down to a new console and having to figure out what the basic information is (colors, channels, and levels) should not be the most difficult part of lighting a show. Being able to lessen that gap would be huge. This has been somewhat alleviated by the implementation of an 18.1" flat panel here...
  6. Here we go! So the problem of advancing to the next cue before the currently executing cue is complete has been solved (not it takes the time of the incoming memory rather than a time of 0). This is the way it should be -- no problem. The improvement would be to have virtual faders within the console... 8-12 faders, let us say, that run cues or effects simultaneously. So hitting [GO] twice before cue 1 is complete would throw cue 2 into VF2. Cue 2 has an effect linked to it with a delay of 4 seconds ... it then loads/runs in VF3... the user/the console can then run all three independently of one another. Having each part in its own fader would be ideal as well...
  7. I believe this has been mentioned before, and in my posts about tracking/timing, but it is really necessary to have the ability to goto a cue (cut) onstage regardless of its defined fade times/parts (as far as parts one should have the ability to goto (cut) any one given part in "solo"). Using the override at maximum rate increase is not quick enough for longer fade times. This functionality could be compared to "quickstep" on an ETC console where timing is ignored (although, quickstep should be improved upon to allow for scrollers to have a defined "quick" time (not 0 counts) while the function is engaged. This maybe where not having that "time" key on the console becomes a problem as how could you differentiate: [memory][6][GO] = memory 6 becomes live onstage in 0 counts (or maybe user defined default "goto" time) vs. [memory][6][time][GO] = memory 6 becomes live on stage in its defined fade times/parts
  8. I think it would be nice in addition to momentary and latch on/off if the auxiliaries could have a defined fade time as well.
  9. Why is there a limitation as to how many dimmers maybe patched to any one given channel? One should be able to patch all 512 dimmers to any one given channel.
  10. Sorry, though it would be nice to export data to MS Excel, I need the spreadsheet functionality in the console's software. Currently there is no means to track charges through cues regardless of tracking or cue only modes.
  11. Range editing commands should be made available in reference to memories. Currently there appears to be no way to set fade times in a range, or modify and memory parameters in a range. [memory][1][thru][12][time][12][enter][6][enter] Now all of the memories 1-12 have an up time of 12 and a down time of 6 (see my timing post about setting fade times like this!).
  12. The/A command line should remain in the display all the time. This is the only way to know what has been entered.
  13. There needs to be a spreadsheet function where cue are displayed on the y axis, and channels displayed on the x axis. This allows for safe range editing of channel levels.
  14. NPhillips


    Often times I will ask the programmer to "select everything to the wheel and roll it down 20". So, I think it would be helpful to the programmer to have some way of seeing what the wheel's level is in relation to where it started. In this case, when "everything" (Meaning all intensities - not attributed, and independents, etc., or course!) is selected to the wheel, the wheel is at "0". Rolling the levels down 20, the wheel is now positioned a -20. Otherwise, the programmer has to focus on channel level he determines and does the calculation himself. Along these lines, and not critical on a console of the IL500's size, but I tend to use a +/-10% command for quickly modifying levels. On the Obsession these are keys and make it very quick. It is the "hunt and peck" for a level approach (most useful with the balcony rail units during the final/only dress rehearsal!).
  15. All the more reason for more macros! Perhaps more macro keys on the ML wing discussed in another topic... Very Compulite!
  16. Or, perhaps, an ML expansion wing (hardware)?
  17. I really need a 20 across channel display, 100 channels per page view. A 25 across display would be useful as well (sometimes). I am familiar with the 20 across format, which happens to suit dance/ballet channeling well, and I layout my channeling as such. Having list upon list, row upon row, with little delineation between channels/levels is proving to be most frustration for me as a designer.
  18. NPhillips


    No doubt with the keying... The [enter] to select to the wheel is just a comfort thing I believe; prevents "fat fingering" the wheel and sending channel levels everywhere. I guess one just has to be careful on a Z88 console in regard to the wheels! Another subject... Is there a way to see, proportionally, where the wheel is at (say a +/- from 0 reference)?
  19. Let's be like Compulite and add an optional "macro wing"...
  20. Partially true Richard... What you are describing is what I call "parking" a channel (another feature the IL500 is in need of). A captured channel would be any time you select a channel at a level. It is then "captured". Yes, it is affected by the grand master as these levels are altering what is live temporarily.
  21. Yes, opening the CDW in blind would work. Although, you'll see my other post questioning the CDW at all.... can we not integrate its functionality into Edit Live/Blind?
  22. OK, I really need to have the selected memory follow what is live on stage, not what is coming next. In a tech, I will start modifying the cue I am looking at.... the operator is going to want to hit channel and go from there. I think this also means that the channel display needs to have the functionality of edit live to save steps and confusion about which mode one is bring up/chaning channels in. If one makes changes to memory 1 in the channel display, realizes they are not in "edit live" and then has to be in "edit live" to make a change and update, those changes will have to be recreated/entered as switching to edit live drops the channel level changes from the CDW. Perhaps this would be fixed with captured channels, or opening the architecture ... what is the necessity to have edit live and CDW separate??
  23. Can we make it a Setup option? (add 'em to the pile eh?) Only because I will hardly, if ever, use the A/B fader pair... I would much rather have two (or more) automated fader pairs then 1 manual set and 1 automated. This is just a limitation of the IL500.
  24. OK, so let's make go previous a Setup thing ... one way takes it back to the previous output state, the other sequentially in reverse. Being able to goto a cue in time, or in a different on the fly defined time, fixes the need to go back to the previous output. I need the ability to go back sequentially all the way to memory 0, especially during techs. Previous state, I agree, has its place too. As an operator, I would have a macro key to toggle this setting most likely. Perhaps a status on Cueline would help?
  25. NPhillips


    @ 00 is just a way I like... I like CHANNEL X ENTER to select things to the intensity wheel.
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