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Everything posted by NPhillips

  1. I think it would be quite nice to have each box (memory) in the cueline display always display the up/down, and wait times. That way one could easily use the cueline display to view and modify timing. As it stands, one cannot glance at cueline and see timing information as one can in the memories display (where many memory's information can be viewed simultaneously).
  2. So why is it that all memories are shown whether they are recorded to exist or not? I am questioning whether or not this is necessary, or if it is (which in some situations I quite like it), if there is a way to get rid of it when cueing a show with gaps? Often times I will skip many cue numbers, leaving space for later. The problem is that there is then no easy way to be modifying memories and looking at multiple memories listed in the memories window. This is especially the case when one writes a point cue and then all of the point cues there after are displayed in perpetuity. It takes much of the screen real estate with something I do not necessarily need to see.
  3. One should not have to wait for [go previous] to complete. As it stands, keying [go previous] runs the memory previous but one can [go previous] again, and again, and again as would could go forward with [GO]. Additionally, I believe [go previous] should go in reverse rather than to what was actually previous as it is more useful when programming a show. Now one is constantly keying [memory][x][GO] rather than being able to just hit [go previous] however many times is necessary. This also means the functionality needs to exists allowing a user to go to a memory in time or cut to that memory... override only does so much with a 60 second fade...
  4. The channel windows should display channel information in a manor which one can easily determine what the channel is doing or has done in the past. Looking at the channel window on the memories or cueline page (the only way to see both a cuelist and levels simultaneously), there is no way to tell what the channels are up to. I would like to see these color/meanings implemented: Channel number (itself): Black = unselected channel Black on red background = selected or captured channel Yellow = ML or attribute channel Yellow on red background = selected or captured ML or attribute chan Output numbers: White = current channel selected or captured level Blue = level has moved up Green = level has moved down Magenta = level is tracking thru- unchanged by the current memory Yellow = submaster is setting level Gray = blocked (tracking) channel Red = effect controlled level
  5. NPhillips


    It seems that undo is only undoing the instruction and not restoring the previous state. An example is: Memory 1 is active with channels 1-4 @ 50 Channel 1-4 @25 Undo Channels 1-4 go to 0 not to 50
  6. Edits to memories should not take affect on stage unless they are dome live. What this means is that when a memory is deleted when it is in active playback, it should remain in the playback as active (lights on stage) until the next memory is taken or the memory is reloaded in the playback (which it will not exist for playback at that point). If changes are made in blind to an active memory, one should have to reload the memory live to see the changes, they should not just happen. This idea of not automatically reloading should follow through to other modifications in fade times, etc. unless the changes are being made live.
  7. In techs this has proven to be a big problem... in order to modify the memory on stage in memory follow on the memories screen, I have to arrow up, and then key edit live. Modifications are made, saved, the window closes, then one has to arrow down or double go. I think the active memory on stage should be the active memory going to be edited.
  8. So I am having a problem with memories follow on the memories page . When I switch from stay to follow after editing a memory, the screen does not center on the current memory, but further ahead in the stack.
  9. The up/down fade times should be swapped so that the up time is entered and displayed before the down time. Currently the format of down/up is backwards to what US designers have become accustomed to on just about every console used. Also, without the facility to enter a fade time on the key pad, having to alter, then re-alter the fade time can cause the next cue to be missed in a tech and a very frustrated LD!
  10. Which address would you like it sent to? Oh yeah, last night the display crashed twice while modifying groups. I still cannot figure out what the cause could be... it just happens.
  11. Not just channels... by dimmer as well...
  12. Why 3.5? Could I not just say 35? Why is the "." necessary?
  13. [@][enter] should unprogram channels from a memory...
  14. It would be great to be able to teach a macro what to do live not in edit. That way it could learn to do thing like turn on and off the desk lamp, etc. As the pages in each level stay where they were last used, macros like this do not work. Teaching live also relives the programmer from having to remember every step to a macro when setting it.
  15. The timing of a submaster should only apply to the "GO" of that sub, not to the handle movement itself.
  16. As with my "by dimmer" post, there needs to be a way to quickly flash/scroll through channels, as well as dimmers. Next/last is needed especially for quick channel checks.
  17. Keying [clear] should clear the entire entry in the command line. I am finding it cumbersome to clear the command line when the designer changes their mind while entering a string of instruction.
  18. So there is a real problem with edit live in regards to having to make a decision. It can be fixed though (ESPECIALLY with working tracking!). The problem: say the designer is working through a cue (I am in Edit Live), modifying levels, and then decides she would like to have these changes made in the previous memory. Ah! Start over as the console does not "capture channels" nor does it allow one to update changes in a different memory (cue only or to track). See the problem/fix here? This is another way levels are easily lost on this console... when editing 100+ channels, it can be frustrating and, perhaps, worse! I do this quite a lot, where I will be working in a cue and change the level of something, like that change, and want to effect it earlier (say at the top of a scene). Its easy as pie on the Obsession (update whatever memory cue only or to track (depending on the mode). This ties in with the post about being able to move channel data arround in multi-part memories. Same idea...
  19. I need a way to easily switch from part to part in edit. Currently one can only work on one part, close that part, select the next part, edit that part, and so on. There needs to be the facility to quickly switch through all of the parts. Perhaps a "next part/last part" couple of buttons (as with chases) could do this... Additionally, it is a real problem not to be able to move data from one part to another. This is true of "scene" memories as well when editing (see next post!).
  20. I am having a problem easily knowing if a submaster has contents or not. I am also having a problem remembering if I have posted some of the comments before, but not having much luck searching for them! Anyway, I think the submaster lights should function as such: No light = no contents Solid light = contents recorded in the sub, regardless of sub level Flashing light = contents active by means of "GO" or "FLASH", etc.
  21. I need this feature BADLY!
  22. Sorry to mention it again, but I cannot emphasize enough tracking changes through cues is absolutely necessary regardless of tracking or cue only modes. The spreadsheet display is one way of doing this designers expect to see on a console.
  23. Working internationally, I am not bothered by it so much, but the electricians get rather confused by the date/time formats. US users are looking for: Month/day/year - - and - - 12 hour time formats
  24. So far, in nine hours of programming, the console has crashed four times. All of the crashes occur in the Edit Live or CDW windows. What happens is: I will be setting levels, modifying a memory I will save the changes The window does not close, and will not close: [F8] does not close the window- the command line says "close" Mouse click "close" and the button responds, window does not close With no way out, one is forced to reboot the console (which requires unplugging since there is no power switch). The changes will be saved properly, and nothing is lost. I still cannot find a direct relation to something I have done to causing the crash to occur... this is a problem...
  25. So, in programming this festival, it has become apparent to me that it is VERY easy to loose channel levels on this console. Some instances have been: Channels were brought up in the CDW. [F8] and the CDW closes. Then I want to [edit blind] submaster 1. I make my changes and [save] the changes. The changes to the sub are saved, and all the lights/channels go out! Ah! Problems! - the designer is furious that all her work is gone and one has to start over! Not good. Later on, I have channels up, then I decide I want to change a time... lights turn off when the change is saved.
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