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Everything posted by jester777

  1. Problem solved.....did not load correct profile. I had MAC 250 wash, not extended mode selected.
  2. I have a Fat Frog running the latest software controlling 2 MAC 250 Wash units. Everyting has worked fine for several years, until today. I upgraded to the 10.2 software this morning. Now I cant control the movers. Fixture 1 has starting address of 50 and fixture 2 starts at 70. This has been the setting since day 1 with no problems. I go into superuser and see in the patch screen that these values match what is set in the light. The only contrlol I have is when i use the postion wheel the colors change ont the Martins, beamshape and brightness work as well, nothing else works, not even home. Any thoughts? I have limited knowledge! Thanks! Daron
  3. Thanks for all of the replies!! I will try some of these tips when I get some time at the church with the board. The Mac 250 washes are great!!! We only have 2 of them now, hopefully get a few more next year when the budget is replenished . Our church space has a ton of ambient light on Sunday mornings, however the fixures can punch right thru, I frequently have to dim the fixtures down or else they can be overwhelming. Im sure I will have more questions as I go along, I am new to this, but must say the Fat Frog has been great to learn on. Daron
  4. Hi all! how do I program a smooth back and forth pan?? the 2 fixtures (MAC 250 wash) are on the floor, I have one position pallett on stage left, and another for stage right, it takes 2 button presses to achieve the pan. Is there a way to program to pan right to left and back over and over again without pressing the individual pallett positions or have 2 memories and keep selecting them over and over?? In other words, i would like the lights to move left and right without having to manually press the 2 position palletts I am becoming familar with the manual, however it still is puzzling. Thanks a million!! Daron
  5. Bemi, Thanks for the advice, I will try that today and get let you all know how it works! Daron
  6. Hi all, I have a fat frog with conventionals and 2 Martin MAC250 wash units. I am a novice at programming movers, however I was able to set a few scenes and load them into memory and submasters. I also created a few palletts for color and position. My question is this: How do I access color and position at the same time using palletts?? I am limited to either or using the flash buttons, I would like to more on the fly/live effects with the movers. For example, i would like to have a scene in submaster 1 with conventionals and the movers. I would like to have the movers change position and color using the palletts, it is hard to press position button and the flash button then very quickly press color then the pallett flash button. Am I making sense?? Thanks!! Daron
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