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Everything posted by Morn

  1. I'm using a Fat Frog in a dance club for alternative music at Oberhausen/Germany. It's called Saint and looks like a church or chapel inside. Very beautiful... Installed a complete new lighting system some weeks ago. Photos of the venue are on the website (just click at the banner below, if you like) unfortunately no ones till now with the new cans. :-(
  2. OHHH, big sorry on the fader thing :-D Must have missed that while reading manual...*gg* It seems I need a brighter desklight. :-D But the numeric keypad thing doesn't work on Version 10.4 Phantom Frog...will test it on Fat Frog on sunday. It just works via cursor keys....
  3. When in Edit or Blind Edit mode you can only change the generic values via + & - Buttons. I think editing could be speeded up, when values in the editing modes would react on fader movement and/or via Num-Pad inputs of the external keyboard. What do you think of this?
  4. @K-Nine: You got me completly wrong...it's like Kirkup_xp says...I meant the editor... [kidding]But when thinking about this...Why not drag&drop on the monitor screen...we could use the desk light socket for connecting a mouse or trackball...just a bit hardware tinkering.... Does anyone else need this? No? [/kidding]
  5. I'd done this right now. But I would like to have the parameter on the Monitor Screen (output screen) in correct order, too. This is currently only possible with editing a complete new fixture type. Editing (e.g. via drag&drop) is not possible. I can't imagine that it is a lot of programming work, to add some drag and drop to the particular window...(hit me if i'm wrong :roll: ) It would be very concise, especially when "parameter details" on Frog Desks would be introduced sometime... This would rock!
  6. Is there any chance that there will be a function which let me change the order of the fixture parameters via Fixture Type Editor without creating the whole fixture type from scratch? (Fixture Type/Parameter/ ) This could be solved with an extra Input field in the "Properties" menu or even better with drag&drop in the "Parameter" Window... Asked for that some time ago, but found now that this feature wasn't introduced in 2.0 :cry: It would be very cool, because some of the fixture types are quiet disordered in my opinion. (eg. Technobeam Iris) Access through the wheels and optical recognition on the monitor screen (at least on Frog1 series Consoles) could be speeded up when parameters are ordered logical... Thank you :roll:
  7. Try pluging in and out the keyboard...this avoids powering down the console. Had this problem for a few times, too, but i thought it came from the very old keyboard I use...
  8. Ohh, ok...I missunderstood you...:roll: I thought that the lost names magically appear again, when programming the beamshape palettes. But I see now, that programming the Beamshape Palettes is more like "locking" Position names. Thank you anyway for your efforts.
  9. Hey, there they are! :-) Thanks for tracking down these bugs and making our Frogs a little bit better again. Tried this on 10.4 Phantom Frog and it didn't worked. I programmed the empty Beamshape Palettes with some data (fixtures were tagged ) and gave even names to them, saved the show to disk, reloaded it, but missing Position Palettes names didn't appear again. I fixed it for me, with naming lost Palettes again via F2 button.
  10. And what is with underlining the untagged values (or maybe the tagged, when this makes more sense)?
  11. Hmmm...had the same problem, when loading the file into Phantom Frog...so it's perhaps a saving (or loading) issue? Nevertheless here is the showfile Names of Position Pallette 14, 15,16 and 21 are gone...
  12. Noticed something after upgrading from 10.2 to 10.3. Some of the names of my Position Palettes were gone. Had the same problem when I upgraded 9.6 to 9.8. The data in those Palettes is still there, but the names were deleted. Moderation: Moved into the 'Bugs' & Errors' forum since this is a general problem with all releases to date.
  13. Morn


    I've seen dimmers, which are able to "switch". For example the Zero88 Contour Dimmers or the Zero88 Demux 48 have s-curve, linear, square and switch dimmer laws for every single channel. Maybe people should look for dimmers with this capabilities, when there is need to buy some. Kind of investment in the future. ;-)
  14. Before version 10 of the Software: No, because there are 2 Gobo Wheels. One with 8 positions, one with 5 (including open positions) You use both wheels simultaneously you can reach 40 different Beamshapes. Of course with separate fully adjustable rotation of both Gobowheels You had to program 40 pallets or if you don't have such an amount of them, renounce. Since version 10 this is no problem anymore. I just have to program 15 pallets and can reach my adored Beamshape then with a maximum amount of 2 button-presses. So thank Frog for V10 8)
  15. Yeah, I knew that recalling a pallet will only affect selected Fixtures, thats why I use them heavily :-) Didn't managed such behavior on subs....would be cool thing though. The Technobeams have 8x5 gobo possibilities (Gobo+FX Wheel) plus different shutter things (I like wild white fast strobing effects and ear protection, when our DJ plays Electronic Noise Stuff occasionally :twisted: ) that I need and for heavens sake I can now just combine those two wheels with V10 instead of programming 40 Beamshapes :-) That means 13 Gobos and say about 8 Strobe/Shutter effects. So 24 pallets are enough for my scanners....but then the laser enters the realm:-) (255 Anims *gggg*) So I think 24 pallets are enough when you have a set of the same type of fixtures connected, but with 2 or more types you will often run out of palletes. So let's see if it may be implemented by our hard working software-smithes
  16. I hope the fix will come soon....I'm getting mad 4 times a week with the Fixture LCD Output *wuaaahh* 8O
  17. I think this would be a quite handy feature, though I currently don't use long fadetimes. But you never know, what people want the next time from you. :wink:
  18. 2x24 Pallettes would be very very useful. My Beamshape Pallete is completely full with the stuff of my Technobeams (Gobo, Shutter, FX Wheel etc.) So I had to modify the Fixture Datatype of our new laser, so that the 2 Channels are controled by Position Pallette instead of Beamshape, because there is no space in Beamshape anymore. (I don't use many positions for the my scanners) The monitor output could be changed to 25-48 easily (similar to submaster screens, when swiching Palette Page on the Channel Flash Button switch. Or maybe all Pallettes are viewed on the monitor screen. Exept of the Bull Frog/Mambo Frog there is enough space for them on one screen. Bull and Mambo could have a second Pallete Screen then.
  19. Any news regarding Zero88 Trainings sessions in good ol' germany?
  20. Great, great great...this time I'll not miss it *ggg*
  21. I'm using Technobeam Iris Moving Mirrors.... :?
  22. I would set the Grand Master to the desired output level and then flash or soloing any channels or subs you want. Anyone a better idea?
  23. Don't you just get a simple line, when you set one X/Y Parameter to Zero?
  24. Wouldn't it be nice to have a direction parameter (clockwise, anticlockwise) instead of the positive and negative speed values in the movement effect generator? I often have the problem, that I have to adjust the speed of my fixture movements. But in relative mode for example my "negative" fixtures go slower when i accelerate a positive one. In absolute mode everything would go to positive values of course. Some times I use the fan middle mode, but this is only useful when you only have a maximum amount of two fixtures to modify.... So wouldn't it be convenient to separate direction from the speed parameter?
  25. Interesting thing came to my mind recently...How do I program a half circle movement in the fixture section... I was first thinking about a 2 step chase with the circle effect but how do I exactly get the timing for my half circle and what is, when I have to adjust for example speed parameter or so live, because it's necessary for the show...Or is there maybe another solution except of the "chase" one....????
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