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  1. A feature i thing would be useful would be a button (perhaps one of the F buttons?) that would put all fader outputs to about 80%. The idea would be that it can be used in an emergancy situation. I don't know about other theatres but our policy for an emergency (fire or other hazard) is house lights and all stage lighting on, and at the moment this means pressing each fader to 80% individually. The reason i say 80% is because our venue, for example, the dimmers are Z88 Betebacks and are 10A channels, but are supplied by 32A breakers so all channels on 100% would blow the breaker. Maybe the value could be changed in Super User. I think i have made that clear enough. Just to summarise: A button that fades all generic (and maybe fixture brightness) channels to a level defined in Super User, all at once. The button could be used in a fire alarm situation or similar to turn on all lighting as required by venue policys. Nick
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