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Everything posted by TomBrien

  1. I like escape to memory 1 or maybe -- how about when in menu's escape used for exit or any other up level function
  2. If you need more channels and only using recorded scenes why not make a fixture with alot of parameters and just patch each one as another parcan or what ever, if that makes sense. you could then have upto 512 channels surely, would just be a pain to plot.
  3. Ok didn't spot the date (april fools) having being on phantom frog till early hours this morning.
  4. 'But why not make 10 brighter?' 'This B*tch goes up to 11!' Well it looks nice, got the retro thing going on, can't see the point yet but hey it's fun!
  5. Yep im looking to use CAT5 to make a rigging remote should work nicely by the looks of it
  6. 2m, hence the reason I said that if we could have remote control options to go up and down (so not just like go) throught memories...
  7. On the same block as DMX (i think) there is as AL connection the alarm system is connected to this and the 0V connection, using less than 50m of cable etc etc etc
  8. Agreed in a fire you want smallest amount of current going around, and dazling people wont help.
  9. I think it would be really handy to have a few more options added to the remote switch, most handy I can think of would be a way of cycling through the generic channels, for example each time you press your remote switch a different channel is solo'ed, if that makes sense. Tom
  10. Well that means i can then!
  11. if you just want analogue outs best bet is to get your self a Demux 24 or 48 depending on what you need
  12. Level Series I think and our older hall uses a old strand mini2! EDIT/Update: yep it is the level 24 no DMX memories or any thing posh like that you push the fader and a light comes on, well some of the time anyway.
  13. Yep you can! don't mind any thing would do, sorry I will take anything at the moment! looked at schools lighting the other morning, i'd forgotten how bad it was looked at our desk (been fixed twice now) Channel 2 on preset B control the master 1(A) shorts at 0 and so is on full at zero, 16( doesn't exist not just the faded cover come of the fader it self has gone!
  14. Yeah guessed as much, nah don't have any intelligent lights, i've hardly got any intelligence
  15. Thank thought that much was the thing looks like i will have to put in for a demux as well, hmmm me wonders if a could get one cheap of my old work
  16. Can't find out any where how many DIN connecters to dimmers the Fat frog has, I would assume 4, would that be right? if less how is connected to multiple dimmers? Thanks Tom
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