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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Thanks for all your replies and advise guys. With that my problem is sorted. It was programmer error. I was using the wrong Gobo parameters. THANKS AGAIN :!: :!:
  2. Sorry Haytech, I meant on the desk (fat frog)
  3. As my desk is still under warranty canyou give me an address for a replacement battery please Paul? Great if you could.
  4. Even though my desk is only a couple of months old could the batery still be going? I'd have thought that if this was the case I would lose all memories and settings. Is this not the case then? :?
  5. Hi Guys! Having a bit of a problem with my Fat Frog. After every power down my desk loses submaster memories. O.K I'm backing up my shows on disk but it's getting quite frustrating, as other people I have spoken to outside of these rooms of endless information, ie theatre technicians who have used fat frogs, haven't had the same irritation. Has anybody else, before I send mine back to Zero :?: :?: :?
  6. Found that out Friday night. Thanks for all your info though guys.
  7. Thanks for all your advise guys. I'll look into all of them as soon as I get the chance. As regards to the Personality settings, Where are they? I've looked through the manual can't find it.
  8. Thanks kirkup_xp if I get time tomorrow I'll try that. I can't see it being a fault on all six though. Got to be something I'm doing wrong. :roll:
  9. Off the top of my head I can't remember. Does it make a difference? Which parameters do you you mean anyway gobo selection or rotation? :? :?:
  10. Posative about being 250+s GLX. Would it be anything to do with selecting from a palete, or is that just being stupid?
  11. might be a fault Haytech, Thanks. Hi GLX not quite sure what you mean. Out of time now gotta get back to work. Back later.
  12. No fear always do especially considering I lost 50% of my show of the rat pack after a powerdown once. :x
  13. Question for ya! Started doing a fair few conferences. When displaying company logo's in my mac 250+s, I'll position the logo's, store to a memory then transfer with time to a sub (on a fat frog). If I go to another scene or chase then change back to that scene the logo's dont go back to there original position. Apparantly the 250+s are capable of this so is there a particular way with my desk? All help would grateful
  14. Thanks Paul. Once I've changed the desk to partial mode,(call me stupid) will it effect any of my other programs (in full) at all? :? :?
  15. Please help! For some reason when I try to change a generic scene in a submaster, my 250+'s decide to change aswell. At first I thought I might have selected the fixtures by mistake before hitting program when writing the show. This is getting really frustrating now. Can somebody please tell me where I'm going wrong? :x
  16. Is there some kind of virtual room or stage where you can plot fixtures and visually preview a scene or chase? :?: Err didn't realise there was a topic on this already open. :oops: :oops:
  17. Thanks Sam. That's a big help.
  18. just downloaded the phantom editor. Do you have to be on-line to use it? I can't seem to get anything to work. Even tried entering Super user mode to load a show off a disk. Am I missing something? :?
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