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Yes using the DMX monoitor under the Z key. Show now finished.Will monitor as we move onto a new production to see what happens. I can't see any rational explanation why the fixtures should have behaved in that way. No cabling or other changes. The only other factor that may impact is that prior to programmiong the desk we have been using the remote app whilst focussing, the app wass till connected, could that have any impact?
Following a summer break, with addition fixtures being added, I have found that the the LED fixtures would not initially respond to the desk. Randomly they would start working and respond to being faded up and down, this wake up time was random with some taking seversal minutes to respond to the desk. I would see the DMX output was under the control of the fader but the fixture was not responding. Using the identify feature the fixture could be flashed. Since programming the desk for the first production of the season the fixtures come up on cue. What could cause a fixture to behave this way, this is clearly not a hard fault as the fixtures do in the end respond. The fixtures are ETC Coloursource Fresnels and Junior spots. This doesn't seem to make sense, any suggestions?
Thanks Edward with your help sorting out sundry teething challenges with setting up a our FLX S48, some I think were unique but with your patience we achieved a working system. Best wishes for the future.
Thanks for this feedback. One or two points on clarification. Re the saving of the port allocation, I guess in the short term I can simply swop round my use of the ports to take account of the fact the port 1 will always default to RigSync enabled and use that for my LED fixtures and use Port 2 with RigSync disabled for the Betapacks. So for now I will pass on your Beta S/W offer, thanks. Re the DMX addressing, the Betapacks are not RDM enabled. I did try running with it on but found RigSync would insist on changing the DMX start address on each of the 5 packs making a nonsense of the labelling on the packs for patch purposes. What was happening was whilst the desk had reallocated DMX channels to the new Coloursource fixture i.e. 1-5 the Betapack was still seeing the DMX output and so I had the Betapack and Coloursource all running off the same channels on the desk. Re the RigSync control of the Coloursource Fresnels via the splitter, since these fixtures were previously discovered and known to the desk I assume there was no RDM management going on and the DMX was simply taking the fixture up and down. So I cannot say RigSync was working only that it was possible to take the control the fixtures in terms of setting intensity etc. Re the issue with the lack of DMX output, I will need to check this in the theatre when I can next get across, possibly tomorrow or Friday afternoon. If I still have problems I will phone direct as you suggest.
I have checked further this morning. It would appear that regardless of how I configure Universe 1 outputs the desk always reverts to Port 1 with Rig Sync enabled and the opposite for Port 2. Simply powering the desk off will reset to these settings. Why does the desk not retain the settings I input i.e Port 1 RigSync disabled and Port RigSync enabled? In terms of the use of the Chauvet RDMX Splitter 8 it appears that if I connect the new fixture direct i.e. bypassing the splitter the desk will see it and configure it. However it simply allocates the fixture to DMX start address of 1 and takes the next 5 addresses. This means the first 5 DMX channels that should be driving the first Betapack only is now driving both dimmer and ETC fixture. Why is Rig Sync not using the first free DMX channel for this additional fixture as the start address in our case 59?? I thought that was the point of RigSync, does it not ensure that such DMX clashes are avoided? It certainly worked fine with the previously installed ETC Coloursource Fresnel V fixtures that simply the allocated channels following on from those already in use. I can recover this by deleting the fixture and realocating the DMX chanels back to the Betapack. But this means the new fixture is still not in service. The next problem is why is RigSync not working via the Chauvet DMX splitter, as noted previously the device is RDM compliant. Does RigSync not work via other manufacturers products? This is well used by our supplier in his installations an hires and is made by one of the large lighting companies, surely it should be compatible. More alarming whilst investigating the desk has taken umbridge and has now completly blocked all DMX ouput from the desk! All the Dimmers and previously installed fixtures will simply not respond to the desk. I have powered off and restarted but still no output. What can cause such a wholsale inhibit on the DMX outputs? I am supposed to be starting to rig for our Christmas show and need a working system, how can I at least get my existign rig back and working??
The Chauvet splitter does support RDM. I will recheck the port settings when next in the theatre.
I have recently reconfigured our S48 desk to use both Output ports for our single unverse desk. The two ports are configured as per FLX 48S Universe Outputs That is Port one serves our 30 channels of BetaPack dimming with no RigSunc enabled. Port 2 has RigSync enabled and feeds an 8 way Chauvet DMX splitter, this currentlysupports our existing four Coloursource fresnels. All appears good with this existing set up. However when I have tried to add an additional ETC Coloursource Junior spot, the RigSync is not picking this new fixture up, the desk is showing the following message "RigSync is processing 35 devices". The additional fixture would indeed be number 35 but it has not appearing in the fixture schedule. What does this message mean and why is the new fixture not being picked up correctly. I have used the "discover all fixtures " button but it still does not pick up the new fixture. In looking at the fixture itself it was showing one on its display, when the DMX cable was connected the display simply went blank. This feels that it is probably something simple but offers no clue as to why it is not being correctly set up. Any thoughts. Over time we will be progressively adding more LED fixtures and the aim was that the use of RigSync would make this process a simple plug together task.
All OK, update successfully applied and all new lamps sucessfully connected and set up with full access to the colour menus, thanks for the help.
There are no show files to reload. I was trying to use the RigSync feature to enable the ongoing process of adding more LED to the rig as we move forward. This was the first fixture of a block of 4. It feels that it might be sensible to disconnect and then delete the fixture with its rig sync profile, do the OS update and then reintroduce the fixture to DMX, hopefully this will then use the correct profile from the OS update?
Thanks, I will update the OS. Do you need to delete the profile that seems to have been obtained by RDM from the fixture or will the update simply replace it with this new version autmatically?
We have recently purchased the etc Coloursource fresnel V for our rig. There is no profile for this fixture, using RDM the desk has successfully identified and loaded the standard 7 channel operating mode and the lamp can be controlled in terms of the colours etc via the wheels. However, the “colour” tab doesn’t appear and therefore we cannot access the Lee mood boards and other colour tools available. In checking the set up the fixture is identified in red. I cannot find any clues on how to enable these options, any suggestions on this can be resolved as will need access to these functions?
So when I switched off RigSync this solved the problem and got us through the first show with a new desk. In the long term it makes sense to run with RigSync on so that as we are able to buy new LED equipment to replace our vintage tungsten lanterns the set up will be handled by the desk. After the show I have cleared the show file and removed our 30 channels worth of BetaPack 3 dimming channels from the fixture list, swiched on RDM on the racks but left them with the channel allocations previously entered on the racks. The racks are physically mounted and arranged in logical channel number arrangement for ease of patching. In switching on RigSync and selecting Discover all fixtures the Betapacks were discoverd and the 30 channels allocated, the problem is that the desk has reallocated the DMX channel numbers so that rack 1 (previously channels 1-6) has now become 25-30, all the other racks have similarly been shuffled arround. To preserve a logical rack layout for ease of patching would now involve demounting and moving the racks around. I cleared the settings and started again but switched the racks on one at a time in sequence in the hope that RigSync would allocate the channels correctly, the same thing happens! Is there not a way with RigSync that the previously physically allocated DMX channels can be preserved? There was no conflict with DMX channel numbers as I completly removed all previous Fixtures from ther desk set up so no DMX channels were allocated. I am puzzled.
Hi I am running an FLX S48 with 5 packs of Beta Pack 3 giving 30 dimmer channels. In the last couple of days whilst plotting a new show the desk has started flashing up an error notification warning on the the touch screen and external monitor on power up. See the attched photos. There are 7 error message entries all with an identical timestamp and identifying 7 unpatched RDM devices that are not responding. It is not clear what these 7 devices refers to. The 5 Betapacks are working just fine and responding to the desk. Whilst you can delete these messages and the desk/dimmers continue to work the same message will appear next time the system is powered up. The Betapacks are run with RDM disabled and have simply been connected by creating 30 channels worth of Dimmer fixtures on the desk. There is no evidence of any other fixtures on the desk. It doens't make any difference which order the desk and racks are powered up. What is causing this and how do we get rid of these error messages? I cant find anything in the manual to offer advice on this issue.
I have done further tests, I have obtained a second router and borrowed a lap top with an ethernet connection. I have connected the lap top to each router in turn to see if will connect via ethernet not wifi. In each case the lap connected by ethernet and was allocated an IP address in the range of the router DHCP server. Using Netanalyser on the phone I could see the local network showing athe ethernet connection to the lap top and the wi-fi to the phone. I have then closed down and connected each router to the console, it is still not connecting to either router and presents the same messages on its status as previous reported. Where do we go from here? The routers are good and can talk to a lap top but are unable to wake up the console. Advice on next steps please.
Thanks for your inputs. Firstly the ethernet socket on the router LED is lit, there doesn't appear to be a corresponding LED on the console. Both my phone and lap top are seeing the router with the following IP Phone Lap top This is confirmed using Netanalyser on my phone that also shows the Lan port on the router as I have set the following static address on the console, subnet mask, router address I have checked the DHCP settings in the router that show address range to be to with the default gateway as In checking th N/W overview via the Z key shows for the Remote - Security enabled, Not listening Socket error (101) 0 connection active. - What does this error message signify?? I have input the static IP address of the console on the iPhone app which simply comes up with "Desk connection failed". This is sort of feeling like a fault either in the router or console unless I am missing something else.
No the device is this TP unit https://www.tp-link.com/uk/home-networking/wifi-router/tl-wr902ac also known as the AC 750 Wi-Fi travel router, it appears to have full DHCP capability and the wi-fi aspects work fine but the ethernet connection to to the console isn't behaving for some reason. I referred to the manual for the set up and all seems to be as it should be.
Unfortunately my lap top only has a wi-fi connection that works fine to set up the router. My phone is also getting a wi-fi connection for the remote app. The problem seems to lie on the wired connection between the console and router. I have tried two different cables.
Hi I am trying to set up our new S48 for a network connection for the remote apps. I am using TP Link AC 750 travel router. The console is set with remote apps enabled and the IP address is set to DHCP. The router has a number of modes that I have tried including Hot Spot, Access Point, and range extender mode. None of which seem to work. DHCP is enabled in all the different modes. In looking at the network overview via the Z key it keeps displaying DHCP - No DHCP IP address, and for Remote - Security enabled, not listeneing - no DHCP address available. I have the Remote ZerOS on my iPhone that is connected to the TP link router wifi and it is not seeing the desk. Is this the wrong router if so what is recommended? Or have I tried the wrong mode? Or have I missed some vital setting on the console? Or is this only going to work with static IP? This feels like it is something trivial but I can't fathom what. Has anybody any idea why this happening, as far as I can tell everything is set as it should be but it doesn't want to play, somewhat frustrated!
Problem solved, all good, thanks for your help. Slight mystery as to how this function was engaged as we never use Auxiliaries!
We have a Jester 48. The Page A button LED is now permanently flashing. Depending on mode it can still select either 1-24 or 25-48. In most respects it still seems to work as expected, however in Run Mode we are no longer able to Flash individual channels. The Page B button still works to flash Sub Masters and the LED is not flashing. The handbook under "Presets in Run Mode" indicates we should still be able to Flash channels on Preset A. You can still raise channels on the fader as expected. I have been unable to determine if this propblem is due to a setting being wrong somewhere in the desk or if the desk has developed a fault. Advice please.
I want to use the auto trigger to start a second Q a number of seconds after the first Q and to let that run independently of the first Q. However it seems that the first Q is simply slowed down so they both finish at the same time rather than give a proper lapped Q effect. Is this correct of have I set this up wrongly? I am trying this on the Phantom desk. .
We are running a show on Jester and have had two instances of complete blackout on stage for about 2 seconds about 6 days apart during performances. There were no Qs at the time the lights simply went out and came back on for no apparent reason. There was no apparent power failure and the desk & monitor stayed live. The dimmers are 5 x Betapack 3 and would hold their level if the DMX signal was lost, so it must a clear DMX level change from teh desk I would assume. Is this simply an annoying hardware/software bug or something else, any ideas? This has never happened before in the 10 years we have had the desk. Could it be the current high temperatures and a chip on the way out? How feasible is it to find a fault like this?
We have several Betapack 3 purchased about 5/6 years ago. One rack has suddenly stopped working on the top two chanels i.e 5&6. The circuit breakers haven't tripped, the onward connection is OK., the DMX to the rack is showing as OK. The rack is driven by a 24/48 Jester and are on desk channels 11&12. Is their some internal electronics that can cause a pair of channels to fail like this? If not what is likely to cause this problem? All fine last week but would not play this morning. We have a show in the next couple of weeks and I need to sort this ASAP and I can't afford to loose a couple of channels on a heavy show.
Whilst there is a way to live edit a scene state as per the handbook. There does not appear to be any way to live edit a submaster state. Have I missed a way of doing this or is this bid hole in the way the Jester works. When working on shows that are plotted/edited during rehearsals this a real problem. Any suggestions.
What is the recommended approach to protecting the supply side feed to a betapack 3, the handbook mentions Type k MCB, does it work with the more usual type B and C? What is the position on use of RCD or RCBO, can they be used or are they not recommended for use with dimmers? Advice please.