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Everything posted by Halo_djk

  1. If I programme a chase with say colour and beam position in it, then decide I don't wat colour saved with the chase anymore, is there anyway of removing the colour parameter from the chase? If I re edit the chase and save it with "0" on the colour channels wouldn't I get the chase saved with "White" saved in it? How do I convert this chase to be as if it was never saved with colour information? :?:
  2. When transferring (with time) a memory (chase) why is the N shot information I stored on the chase, not transferred to the SX button (Mambo Frog) too? Is there anyway of "Loading out" all the information that has been loaded on the "Fixture control"? After programming a chase and un selecting and untagging the fixtures, the Brightness control stays on meaning when I turn all my other chases and SX's off the scans shutters stay open, frozen in their last positions on the stage. :roll: this is a pain because running a SX will clear all the other params (Col, gob, BP etc) but the brightness control is locked up until i go back to the Fixture controls and pull them back down. This also means My SX fader and X Playback bader wont fade the lights out because the fixture controls are holding the brightness channels up! Perhaps pressing "Deselect all fixtures" and "Home" together would remove anything that had been loaded from the fixture controls? Also after you program a chase with the say pos and colour in it, then decide to "remove the colour params from the chase how do you do it? If i re edit the chase and set the colour channels to "0" the chase is recorded with White on the chase. Is there a way of removing the colour params so they don't exist like I didnt program them in the first place? Also after a chase has been programmed, it runs, all fine and dandy, but would someone please tell me how to stop it!? its running in the X Playback and theres a Go, & Pause button there, but how do I stop it without loading it to a SX, then starting it there, and turning it off again?
  3. So you can effectively run them all at once!? Wouldn't this stall the desk?
  4. Just curious as to what the maximum number of running chases is for the Mambo Frog. Some desks have a limit of say 4 or 8 chases at a time.
  5. I think the Materpeice desks have the lock issue down pat. You set the desk the way you want it. enter the lock code (SUAL) and enable or disable ANY button you want. Sliders are locked by placing the slider over %50. whatever was running on the slider would continue running, even if you power off the desk. If pages on the sliders are changed (Provided the page buttons are unlocked) the sliders that are locked remain locked. This enables you to control how your operaters use the desk. and prevent problems like getting a phone call at 3 in the morning because the Grand master got "Knocked" down, and because no one uses it, didn't realise thats why the desk wont work! (Yes Ive had this happen!)
  6. I would have expected the movement would be frozen on the step it was when the transfer to the SX button was made. I may be wrong?
  7. Thanks (Again) K-Nine, I love the support from you guys already? OK One last question for the moment, Is there any way of creating a enviroment to be saved on a SX button? EG I have one main mirror movement I use that includes. 1 A Beat operated pan chase. 2 A slow faded tilt chase. 3 A 4 beat (Or counted out to close as poss) operated colour step. Is there any way of loading all thease on one button. Some of the operaters at this venue are a little in-experienced for me to expect them to load all this up on seperate buttons. They mainly want a "Look" per button, two buttons at the most, eg moving head progs on one line, moving mirror on another. Thanks again.
  8. thanks for the reply, is that "Live snapshot" a running snapshot eg, the chases that were running at the time then run again, or is it a static "Frozen" snapshot. Re your answer 2, what happens if I want to run the shivas and the Macs together, as we usually do? If my mac programme contains 0 brightnes info for the shivas, and my shiva programme contains 0 brightness for the macs, when I press my Mac SX button the macs fire up normally, but the second I press a shiva programme the shivas will fire up normally, but the LTP macs will black out due to the shiva programme contains 0 brightness on the macs. Why does "Partial" programmes not include brightness information, eg the brightness info is global? how do you get over that hurdle?
  9. The info on the zero88 website states you can store "Environments" to the SX buttons, does this mean you can store a collection of perhaps 2 or more chases to run together on the same button? I also wanted to find out what the situation is with saving a two distinct groups of moving lights to these buttons as the manual says that after tagging the particular lights only the attributes for those lights will be saved to the chases you are programming. BUT it also states that the brightness information will be saved for ALL lights and this would be a problem for us, if I want to have a group of "Shiva" programmes on a row or SX playbacks, and a separate group of "Mac 250+" chases saved on another row. This would mean that if the shivas were programmed with the macs brightness off, whan I pressed a SX for the Shivas (After I already had a Mac chase going) the macs would black out as the shivas programmes would have "Black out" stored on its button too. Can you run more than one SX playback at a time, and if so how many?
  10. Thanks K-Nine, will do.
  11. You're a great help. Thanks. Next question, I imagine the disk drive of your PC acts like the drive in the frog? EG loading profiles? Thanks again.
  12. EG, I can't even find the "Desk setup" button to start setting up fixtures? Ahhh, just found that you have to press + and - to get into super user, but how do I do that with only one mouse button?
  13. Thx for the replies, a photo would still be handy if someone could just take a quick snap for me.
  14. We are in the market for a replacement desk for our Robe 1024. We are looking into the idea of a Mambo frog for this purpose. Problem is that although I have downloaded the Phantom Frog software to test the features of the desk, I cannot read the button or slider names on both the simulater software OR the Manual. I Can't tell what buttons are what! :roll: Would someone be so kind as to take a nice sized (EG 640x480) pic of their mambo frog from the top, thus I can print it up as a guide as to what buttons are what. If your unable to post it on the forum, please email it to halo_djk@hotmail.com and I would be forever grateful Thanks
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