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Jon Hole

Zero 88 Alumni
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. Hi Augo, If you go into setup (press SETUP), click FILES and then click DESK INFORMATION, you can see which 'Software Version' and which 'Fixture Library' you are currently using. The latest Software Version available is 7.1.0 and the latest fixture library is Version 23.00. If these are not what you are running, you can upgrade them free of charge here: http://orbdesk.com/downloads/ If the fixtures you require are still not there, please let us know which fixtures you need and we'll make them for you. Regards,
  2. Hi MarcoMPL, The part numbers for the bits you need are as follows: 5446000 - Yellow Fader Cap 5445000 - Red Fader Cap 4418000 - Faders 5367000 - Rotary knob 5396000 - Cap for above 4407500 - 10k Pot Lin ('rotary potentiometers') You can order these directly from us, just send an email with your order to customerservice@coopercontrols.co.uk
  3. Hi, Please find attached the fixture profile you need. Many Thanks, Futurelight DJ Head 250 Wash.ift
  4. Hi Jo, What is the error that you see on startup? Do you get the same problem if you plug the keyboard in after the console has booted up? Thanks for reporting the issue, your help with these questions will help us look further into the problem. Many Thanks,
  5. Hi Jo, I have recorded the two issues you are having in our bug tracking database. ZOS-3865 - App Crashes when Phone is Rotated We will look into what's causing this, thanks for reporting it. ZOS-3866 - ZerOS App too small to use on some screen sizes The problem here might simply be that the X8's screen is just too small to use for the amount of information the ZerOS App is displaying.
  6. Hi Jo, There are a few options. Once you have transfered the shutter to a brightness parameter, you can change the topset so it never goes into the strobe settings etc. This can be done in SETUP > Edit Fixtures > Topset If you still want access to the strobe settings, then you just need to make sure that when programming the unit to 'FULL'... you set it to the top of the dimming (probably about half way) instead of right to the top of the channel. That way, it won't dim through strobe, but will still respond to the GM and B/O button. I hope this helps,
  7. Hi IanS, Please find attached the profiles for the RGB, White and UV Slimline Par 64 LEDs from QTX Light. Many Thanks QTX.ift
  8. Hi Sven, Could you email me the fixture you have made and I will look at fixing it for you, and adding it into our next release of the Library. Many Thanks
  9. Hi nomadlx, Please find attached the Fixture Profiles for the Neptune Wash 324 in all modes. Many Thanks, Neptune Wash 324.ift
  10. Hi sabah69, Thanks for posting your Fixture Profile. I've made a few changes, and added both Operating Modes, so it can be included in our next Fixture Library release. I've also attached it here in case anyone finds it useful. Stairville MH-x50+.ift
  11. Hi IanS, Please find attached the fixture file you need, Many Thanks Equinox Microbar.ift
  12. Hi Bob, If you change a fixture it won't update the pallets automatically on a Jester. However, if you remake the palettes and overwrite the previous ones, the cues will still reference them, so will be updated automatically. Jon
  13. Hi John, There's currently no way to change the 5% trigger value on the Jester ML. It's set to 5% to ensure that Submasters don't get activated automatically due to the tolerances that can be seen overtime on the fader components.
  14. Hi Norm, Could you take a photo of the screen (or a screen if this is possible on your phone) so we can see the problem? Thanks,
  15. When you say sometimes, is that sometimes when you reset the console / start a new show, or just randomly as you are using the console?
  16. You can go into SETUP, select PATCH along the bottom and then choose 'Edit Fixtures' along the top. Then go along to 'Patch'. Press the flash buttons of the faders you would like to repatch (such as flash buttons 1, 3 and 5 in your example above). You can then click in the DMX column to change the address. 1/3 means Universe 1, DMX Channel 3. I hope this helps,
  17. You control them via the wheels like you would fixtures / moving lights / LEDs
  18. You can patch standard dimmers as 'fixtures' so they appear on the Multi Function Keys on the right when you press 'fixtures'. When you are in 'Add Fixtures' 9inside SETUP) choose 'standard fixtures' instead of a manufacture (it will be at the top of the list) and then there is a normal 'dimmer' in there.
  19. Hi Aniaki, On the Leap Frog 48 & 96 you could record each of your 'memories' as submasters. There are 10 on the 48 and 30 on the 96, but these each have 20 pages, so that's 200 and 600 submasters. To record a Submasters, press 'Submasters' and then use the flash buttons under the submaster faders to select the submaster you would like to record onto. You can then record in the normal way (create your scene with the channel faders and press record). I hope this makes sense, if you have any other questions please let me know. If you would like to try it, there is free offline software called 'Phantom ZerOS' available to download here: http://support.zero88.com/main/en/download/466
  20. Hi Smithy, I believe you emailed us about this too? I replied today asking a few questions. Thanks,
  21. Hi Oysterbandit, I would suggest using Submasters as these don't get affected by the clear button. You can also change what the fixture / relay does when you press HOME in SETUP > PATCH > EDIT FIXTURES > DEFAULT / HOME. Use the flash buttons / MFKs to 'select' the fixtures, so they appear in the list. You can then edit these values by double clicking in a cell, or selecting it and pressing ENTER. I hope this helps?
  22. Hi Aniaki, I can't find any information on the DMX breakdown for the mark2 fixture. Try the fixture that Pete made for William, and if it doesn't work we can easily make a new one if you are able to send us a scan of the manual, as William did.
  23. Hi Jesterfish, All you need can be found on this page: http://support.zero88.com/main/en/product/9 Fixture Tools Version 2.1 allows you to create your own fixtures, and the Fixture Editor User Guide Issue 3 takes you through how to do this. I hope this is useful, Jon
  24. Which desk were you using? If you wanted to program a 'Down Stage Left' position palette for example, have ALL your fixtures pointing to the same point down stage left, and then record the palette. Then, when you only want one fixture to go DSL, you make sure that only that fixture is selected when you run the palette. If you want 30 individual palette for each individual fixture, you could have fixtures pointed in different places on the same palette. For example, if you want Position Palette 1 to point centre stage on Fixture 1, but you want it to point at the cyc for Fixture 2, record Position Palette 1 with the two fixtures pointing at the respective positions. Then, when fixture 1 is selected, palette 1 will send it centre stage, but when fixture 2 is selected, it will point it towards the cyc.
  25. Hi Chris, Unfortunately that's the only way to do this on the Fat Frog range. Sometimes you are lucky that you can program them in such a way that you won't ever need the two submasters that 'overlap' at the same time.
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