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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. Hi John, It's always worth updating to the latest software. There have been a 3.4 and 3.5 but these have been to support small hardware changes in the Jester range, and don't change the functionality of the console.
  2. Hi, Please find attached the fixture file for both 11 and 14 channel mode. Regards, Q Spot 360 LED.ift
  3. We are looking to improve this, it's listed as issue ZOS-3111. I don't have a time frame at the moment I'm afraid.
  4. This is listed as a future feature request (ZOS-1229), and I have added your post to the request.
  5. Glad that fixed the problem. I guess it's no different than having to work out how to get yellow or magenta additively! Just two different colour spaces with some people preferring one and some preferring the other. We have a request on the system for this functionality to change (ZOS-3566) so in a future update, you may find that ZerOS gives you RGB if it's a RGB fixture and CMY if it's a CMY fixture (which makes sense!)
  6. Hi Nick, This document is slightly out of date, but try following the instructions within the 'Remote' chapter: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/364/0/zeros-networking-guide---issue-1-en Let me know if it works,
  7. Hi Nick, The console is setup in CMY mode by default. This means that ZerOS is doing the conversion of the RGB fixture into CMY. This is useful when you have some fixtures with CMY colour mixing and some fixtures with RGB colour mixing, as you only have to work in one colour space. With CMY colour mixing, you start at white and filter out light to get the colour you want, meaning that CMY all at full is black. This is called 'subtractive colour mixing'. It's the opposite of RGB, where you start at black and add in light to get the colour you want, meaning that RGB at full is white instead. This is called 'additive colour mixing'. If you hold SETUP and press COLOUR you will get a popup that lets you change 'Colour Edit Mode' to RGB, and the console will work how you were expecting. Hope this helps.
  8. Hi Dan, I can't confirm that the specific monitor is working on ZerOS, but we have built in the drivers for all* the Elo Touch Screen Monitors into ZerOS, so they should do. The full list of monitors we support is here: http://zero88.com/su...-zeros-consoles *there are notes at the bottom of that link which list a couple specific Elo monitors we know that do now work
  9. Hi Ferg, I'm sorry we haven't been able to deal with this in the timely manner you would rightly expect. We've been able to fix this specific problem, however due to some major delays with ZerOS 8 we haven't been able to release the software. We're working really hard to get ZerOS 8 out - I'm sorry that I am unable to tell you more than that at this stage. Best Regards, Jon
  10. Hi Johnny, So long as that keyboard keeps within the USB specs, then it should work - the same as any USB keyboard. However, I have no experience with that specific keyboard, so I can't comment directly. Regards,
  11. Hi Marc, Our software team are confident that this will be fixed in the next release of the ZerOS software (ZerOS 8.0) I don't have a time frame for this at the moment, but we'll keep you up to date via the forums, website, facebook, twitter and email! Best Regards,
  12. Hi lxkev, The Android App has been totally rewritten from the ground up. I'm hoping to be able to post a public beta version on the forums next week.
  13. ZerOS should display an error if the Battery has died or become unseated
  14. Hi, Are they shown as available (light blue effect button rather than the dark blue). Can you email me your showfile please?
  15. Thanks lxkev. Is it possible to post a photo / screenshot of the screen so I can pass this onto the software team? We are currently reworking the Android App - so stay tuned.
  16. No, we don't provide them - you'd have to get them from a third party dealer.
  17. Hi Marc, Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I am hoping to receive the debug file back from our software team early next week, which will hopefully give us more info on what happened. Best Regards,
  18. Are you definitely using the software for the ML series, and not the basic Jester? Try downloading it again from here: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/412/195/jester-ml--tl-operating-software---version-33
  19. Hi Johnny, Searching for the HiPoint keyboard you mention above shows many different keyboards. Please could you give me a link to the one you have? Ideally somewhere where I can buy one for us to test? Does the keyboard have media keys, or any 'additional' keys that aren't always found on a basic keyboard? Regards,
  20. Hi Dennis, Thanks for your feedback. This is a feature we have updated on the Jester ML 24, Jester ML 48 and Jester TL Xtra, but hasn't made it's way down to the standard Jesters yet. I've taken note of your feedback as issue ZJE-5014
  21. Hi, Without the Make, Model Number or a copy of the manual, we can't help I'm afraid. Can you give us more information?
  22. Dear Succa20, An option is to get a Floppy Disk emulator, which replaces the floppy disk port with a USB port. Many customers have had success with this method, however it's important to note that we do not support this, as it's using 3rd Party hardware which we have not tested.
  23. Hi Sigill, The console will fan the fixtures in the order they are selected. Regards,
  24. Hi Cucolino, The app doesn't use the physical size of the screen, but the number of pixels that make up the screen. Apple iOS devices are easy, as they have a small product range. However, the Android product range is so wide and diverse it's a lot harder to define between phones and tablets - cheaper Android tablets have a physically large screen size, but a smaller number of pixels than the more expensive Android phones that are now available. We are looking at ways we can get around this, so stay tuned!
  25. Thanks for discovering that Cucolino, I've reported it as issue ZOS-5012
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