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Jon Hole

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  1. Jon Hole


    Hi piero, We're a bit confused on this one, your thread says 7.6 but the debug says you are running 7.1 of the ZerOS operating system. This is an issue that was fixed quite a while ago, so please update to 7.6: http://zero88.com/software/zeros Best regards,
  2. Hi All, All the 'behind the scenes' work has been completed on our Community Support Forums - thank you for your patience whilst we've been sorting this out. If there are any questions, or you find any problems, please let us know. Best regards,
  3. Over the next few days, we will be conducting essential maintenance on the Zero 88 Support Forum. We hope this will solve our current CAPTCHA issues for new users, along with many other problems. During this time the forum might not be accessible. If you have any urgent issues, please email support@zero88.com or call us on 01633 838088. Once this maintenance has been completed, certain elements of the forum will be reset, such as the skin we use. Please bear with us while we reinstate all these features back onto the forum, and fit them in with our new website. Many Thanks,
  4. Hi Christian, Yes! We'll be in Hall 11 on Stand D40 and Hall 9 on Stand D51. There will be several of the Zero 88 team there, split across the two stands, so please come and introduce yourself! Best regards,
  5. Hi Oliver, No we don't have any dust covers for the Jester range I'm afraid. Best regards,
  6. We occasionally hear from users who are struggling to upgrade their ZerOS consoles via a USB stick. Bootable USB devices are notoriously difficult to identify - some USB memory sticks are natively bootable, others take a little configuration, whilst some cannot be made to boot. We recommend the use of the Zero 88 branded memory stick which is supplied with the console - this stick has been tested for this purpose and our software is built around these sticks. If you cannot use the branded memory stick, there are a couple of things you can try: In the USB Install Maker, when you're on the Select Device screen, push and hold SHIFT whilst clicking the Next button: The USB install maker will ask you to select OK to confirm you wish to set the Master Boot Record. Note that this can render some USB sticks unusable, so only use this if you have a dedicated stick for software upgrades. Select an MBR Image ( start with A, if that doesn't work, try B ) Push OK and your stick will be formatted - the tool will then prompt you to remove and reinsert the stick. After this, try running through the normal upgrade procedure and the stick should work as expected.
  7. Hi Marc, This problem seems to happen on some PCs, and not on others! I find that closing the small 'control' box first (leaving the monitor and console windows open) generally closes the whole programme much quicker. There is a few seconds delay, as the programme closes down 'safely'.
  8. Hi Marc, Looks like you've found my post explaining 7.6 - but I've included it below for reference. We're still working on ZerOS 8 - but as you can see, there were a lot of bug fixes and we wanted to get them out to you as soon as possible! We included some small but nice new features in there too which will hopefully really speed up programming. As always, if you have any questions please let me know
  9. Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of ZerOS version 7.6 software - a major new software release for ORB Series, Solution Series, FROG2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96 consoles. More information can be found at http://zero88.com/software/zeros A full list of changes are available in the Release notes. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the office. Out contact details are: email: support@zero88.com phone: 01633 838088 Best Regards,
  10. Hi All, We have released Version 7.6 - more information can be found in this thread: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/6495-zeros-software-76-released/ Best Regards
  11. Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of ZerOS version 7.6 software - a major new software release for ORB Series, Solution Series, FROG2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96 consoles. More information can be found at http://zero88.com/software/zeros A full list of changes are available in the Release notes.
  12. Hi Rob, the part number for a Sirius 500 wheel is 1198099 and it lists at £34. You should be able to buy this through your local Zero 88 dealer.
  13. If you would like to request support for a new touch screen, please see this thread: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/6494-compatible-external-touch-screens/
  14. We're looking to update our list of Touch Screen monitors that are supported within ZerOS. Do you have a preference of touch screen that we do not yet support? Please let us know if you would like us to add support for your touch screen. Our current list can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/ae8gbpj Many Thanks,
  15. Hi Piero, Perfectly clear - thank you. I have added this as ZOS-5245 Regards,
  16. Dear All, Today we are releasing ZerOS 7.6 RC (Release Candidate). As usual, this is a pre-release build of ZerOS, so we do not recommend using it on live shows without prior testing. You can download the USB, ISO and Phantom versions of it here: /// link removed due to software being publicly released /// USB - for ORB Series, Solution Series, Leapfrog 48/96 and Frog2 (New Hardware - one usb port on the front) ISO - for Frog2 (Old Hardware - two usb ports on the front) Phantom - 'Offline' PC software for Windows Best Regards,
  17. Dear All, Today we are releasing ZerOS 7.6 RC (Release Candidate). You can find out more information here: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/6491-zeros-76-rc-release-candidate/ Best Regards,
  18. The technbppac, I'd be happy to send you a beta version of ZerOS closer to the end of the week, if this would be helpful? The Android Remote was released to a handful of Beta Testers, and we're now working on the issues and requests that came back from that round of testing. We'll then release a second Beta. Best Regards,
  19. Hi Fernando, Once you do the upgrade, can you go into SETUP? If so, go into there and reset the console. That should clear the showfile (which sounds corrupted). Regards,
  20. Hi techbppac and lxkev, I've recently taken over the software development of ZerOS. I'd like to try and explain what's going on 'behind the scenes'. As you saw at PLASA, ZerOS 8 was a massive update (with well over 200 issues and new features), and was far from being ready for release. We've learnt that there was just too much in this single release which then had knock on affects on other areas of the operating system, and kept pushing back the release date. We are now scaling back a release, called 7.6, which is the fastest, and most stable release of ZerOS I have seen in my almost 3 years here. However, stability is THE most important thing, so we are spending longer than normal testing this release, both internally and externally on shows around the UK and Europe. We are *so* close to releasing 7.6. After that, we are going to be working on Tracking Backup, as this is an area our current customers have told us they would like us to work on further. Once these areas, which are most important to our current end users, have been completed, we are then going to revisit the new features we want to release, as 'ZerOS 8'. I hope this gives you some insight into the incredible amount of internal beta software releases that's going on here at Cooper Controls, and I really hope you're going to be as happy with 7.6 as I am. We're always looking for new Beta Testers from a variety of backgrounds, and if this is an area of interest to you, please drop me an email. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me directly - all my details are in my signature below. Best Regards,
  21. Unfortunately this isn't quite the case. We are looking at a way we can cleverly get around this in software, however we need to ensure we don't then cause other issues that are unpredictable to the end user.
  22. Hi, Thanks for this. We are currently trying to move server, because of these (and more) problems that we are unable to fix on the current server. It's a very annoying and frustrating situation at the moment, but in the next week or two we will be on new servers which we will have full access to, so we can fix these problems. Best,
  23. Thanks for this info John - topic pinned
  24. Hi, Please can you send me a copy of your showfile? My email is in my signature below
  25. Hi, It sounds like the close contact connection is staying connected (is the pedal latching? It needs to be 'push to make'), or possibly connected until you press the pedal instead of the other way around. Are any of those possible? Regards,
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