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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. First, load the submaster (using the 'load' button). Secondly, hold down the clear button, and move the parameter wheels to untag those parameters. Keep clear held for a half second and then let go to ensure you don't clear everything else. Thirdly, record the submaster and choose OVERWRITE (merge or update will just update the tagged values and leave the untagged values as they were. Then choose 'Colour' in 'Submaster Controls' within the Submaster Setup window (as per my post above). Repeat these steps for each of the colour submasters C4 means 'Colour Palette 4'. This means that the data is 'referencing' - so the submaster / memory is remembering 'Colour Palette 4' instead of the actual DMX values within the palette. This means you can update the palette, and all your memories and submasters which use that palette will automatically be updated. Hope this helps?
  2. Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of ZerOS version 7.7 software - a new software release for ORB Series, Solution Series, SCD Sever, FROG2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96 consoles. This update is recommended for all users. More information can be found at http://zero88.com/software/zeros A full list of changes are available in the Release notes. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the office. Out contact details are: email: support@zero88.com phone: 01633 838088 Best Regards,
  3. Zero 88 support for the Edinburgh Festival has begun! Our support line is +44 (0)7734 736690 We are based at Universal Quidem in the New Town Theatre, 96 George street (EH2 3DH - Venue 7) We'll be running training sessions and drop in sessions on Jester Series, Solution Series and ORB Series consoles and are also available for on-site help and training - give us a call or send us a message if we can help in any way. zero88.com/edinburgh
  4. Hi Huber, We've run effects over 8 universes of RGB leds (significantly more than 1000 cells) without any problems. Are you running the latest version of ZerOS? Could you upload your showfile with all 141 fixtures patched? Many Thanks
  5. The other option is 'Highlight' which is SHIFT + HOME, using similar syntax as above - 101 (SHIFT) (HOME). This removes all colour and beamshape info, so the moving light is a white beam. You can then position the moving light where you want, and then turn off Highlight (SHIFT + HOME) again to restore the Colour + Beamshape information. If you want to do this on multiple fixtures, you can use the 'Next' and 'Previous' keys on the Syntax Keys (the 5 blank keys with the LCD above them). If you use 'Highlight' or 'Rem Dim' often, you can set the blank key to perminantly be this option, instead of having to use SHIFT and HOME / FULL. To do this, hold 'SETUP' and press the blank key, and then select 'Highlight' or 'Rem Dim' from the list.
  6. Hi Mike, I'll look into this a bit more when I'm back in the office. There was a bug back when we first released the Windows Remote Monitor where it wouldn't work if there was a password set on the console, however this was fixed.
  7. Here's the fixture personality, with both modes. To use it, save it onto a USB stick, plug it into the console and then patch the fixture in the normal way, but choose 'USB' instead of 'Fixture Library' when selecting the source. Best regards, Chauvet Q Spot 460.ift
  8. Hi JudgeAmyHost, There are a few different ways to do this. You can either start up one or more effects, make the changes to the size / speed / offset / rotation and then re-record this as an additional effect by pressing and holding a spare effect palettes (on the multi-function keys - remember there are the page buttons giving you a total of 400 effect palettes). If you want to create an effect from scratch, open the Effects Palettes Window (SHIFT+EFFECT) and then click the 'Effects Window' button in the top left corner. This allows you to specify specific waveforms to each individual parameter, each with their own size, speed, offset etc. You can 'fan' the offset across multiple fixtures by holding SHIFT whilst moving the wheel. To change the type of fan (Fan First, Fan Middle, Fan Last, Fan V etc) hold SETUP and press EFFECT and then change the 'Shifted Wheel Mode'. Hope this helps,
  9. Hi, I've asked our software team to look into this for you, as I'm seeing the same thing in Non-Tracking mode (works fine in tracking mode). I've recorded it as issue ZOS-5469 Best regards,
  10. Hi Huber, It's not possible at the moment, but this syntax has already been requested as issue ZOS-5370. You could go into Tracking Mode, make the change you want, and then jump back into Non-Tracking mode? Best regards,
  11. Dan's method should work, but you'll also want to change a setting within the submaster. Go into the submaster setup window (hold SETUP and press the flash button of the submaster), choose 'Submaster Controls' and then choose 'Colour'. Now, the colour will be added as you move the fader, instead of being triggered at the trigger level.
  12. Hi, When you take a channel up and then bring it back down, you've put '0%' into the programmer, so submasters and memories can't affect that channel until you clear the programmer (the programmer always wins!). Press the clear button, and then your submasters and memories should work fine? Regards,
  13. No need - I've added you to our Beta Test group. You should find an extra forum within 'ZerOS Consoles' called 'Beta Test' which will have all the instructions and downloads. Give me a couple of hours... after lunch I'll upload a new version of software (7.6.23)
  14. Hi Sfalken, I've been coming up with a very similar specification, but I can't promise this too soon I'm afraid :-) I think you will definitely find this over time. However, the processors are not as powerful in the Solution, so we can't bring you all the features of the ORB! We'll have to do some tests on Solution software to see what we can do. I think several people were in this situation, which is why we released the ORB XF with the 60 faders which can be Channels, Submasters or Playbacks.
  15. Perfect, thank you. Added as issue ZOS-5441, our software team will look into adding support for this.
  16. Hi Mike, No problems. There is a possible bug that might be causing this, which has been fixed in the Beta software, so it might be worth giving it a go. Best regards,
  17. Hi Mike, OK, let's try another method of finding out what's going on here. If you open the system information window (listed under 'Other Windows' in the Output Window) the touch screen should be listed as a USB device. If you can copy the UID/PID from there, it may help track down what driver/kernel version is needed for us to support the Touch Screen. If you're not sure what you're looking for, feel free to take a photo of that screen (you might need to take a couple of photos, as part of the window scrolls). Best regards,
  18. Hi Yattasin, I believe we've sorted this with you by email now? If that's not correct, please let us know! Best regards,
  19. Hi Mike, Did you see the behaviour whilst running the beta software, or just whilst running 7.6.0?
  20. Hi Mike, Please can you send me a photo of this list? If you unplug the USB Keyboard and Mouse (so the touch screen is the only USB device plugged in) do you get anything in the list? If so, select whatever is in the list, and see if you get a load of text appear on the screen when touching the touch screen
  21. You could create a macro that says: @@ RECORD ENTER @ . NEXT That would speed it up and make it very quick
  22. Hi Mike, Thanks for trying this. Unfortunately the link you supplied doesn't appear to be working, and I expect they only had Windows drivers there anyway... which ZerOS doesn't run on. However, if it's possible to briefly install the Beta Software again, in SETUP> Desk Setup > Peripherals there's a button called "Input Capture". If you go into this screen, select the touchscreen from the drop down list, and then move your finger around the screen, we will capture all the data that the monitor is sending through the USB port, which will help us determine why your monitor isn't working. Ideally, move your finger right to the edges, and into the corners, so we can capture as much information as possible. There is a standardised protocol for touch screens (and two additional protocols for multi-touch screens) and we support all three of these in the latest beta, and have proved them working on other monitors. This suggests that BenQ aren't quite following the protocols somewhere. I'm not trying to shift the blame - they aren't the only one, and we've managed to add in patches for other monitors with similar problems, so hopefully we can do the same here! Many Thanks,
  23. Hi Lars, Have you got any more news on this? Have you got any debug files? We haven't been able to recreate any of these issues I'm afraid - it's all working fine, apart from the one bug I mentioned above. Best regards,
  24. Hi Huber, The 'effects' palettes and window are 'wave' based effects, whereas the 'chases' are step based effects Hope that clears things up
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