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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. Hi greggr1, What's the IP address of the console and of your tablet? Regards Jon
  2. Hi Lars, Please find the fixture attached Zoom LED MJ-1006B.ift Regards Jon
  3. Hi Mattdyas, This sounds like a tracking issue. Can you post your showfile up and let us know which chase you are getting the problem in?
  4. Hi AxelfromSect, Which console are you using this on? The 48 channel version is just 12 x RGBA, so you get a lot more control of the unit if you patch it as 12 separate RGBA fixtures (found within 'Standard Fixtures' when selecting the manufacture). Best regards, Jon
  5. We have updated the Linux Kernel we use for 7.8, which will be released shortly. This means a greater range of touch screens should be supported in this release. I'd be happy to send you some beta code so you could try it? We don't recommend running shows on beta software, so you will need to try the beta, and then backdate your console back to release software. If you would like to give it a try, please send me an email (address in my signature below). Many Thanks Jon
  6. GoPowers, As I said, if manufactures kept to standards - all touch screen monitors would work with ZerOS. However, unfortunately, they don't. The support within our Linux kernel are for the touch component that is used within consumer touch screens. Without knowing which manufacture made the touch component of the touch screen you list, it's hard to say if it will be supported or not. Touch Screen manufactures could also change touch component half way through production, making it even harder to track down. I've listed a good value, good quality, touch screen monitor which has been tried and tested, and that is currently available in various sizes - what else would you like to know?
  7. Sounds like a good way to upset the DSM when they have to change every cue point in their book! Once a memory is recorded, we try never to change the number of that memory, as it's often written in various scripts etc, and from experience when this changes it creates a lot of confusion. A much better way is, as Ian has suggested, to use point cues.
  8. Hi John, Probably easier to chat over the phone for this one. When will you have a chance to be in front of the desk? (edited the title!)
  9. Hi Jayartibee, It should work out of the box - the Jester 24/48 have the channel faders pre-patched to DMX channels 1 onwards, and the demux should be set to DMX address 1 out of the box too.
  10. Hi Lightmaster, Yes you can do this. If you hold down the SHIFT button whilst moving the 'offset' wheel, it will fan the offset across the fixtures. This will offset them in the order you select the fixtures (if you have selected them using a group, the group will have remembered the order you selected the fixtures when you recorded the group). If you want to change the fan settings (from the middle out, for example) hold down SETUP + EFFECT together, and change the 'Shifted Wheel Mode' setting. Best regards Jon
  11. Hi Dan, I see that you are in our Beta Test group, are you running Beta software? If so, there is a discussion about software speed issues within the Beta Forum, and how you get around these. If not, which version of ZerOS are you running? Regards Jon
  12. Please don't double post - other thread deleted. Manual available here: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/de/Knowledgebase/List/Index/120/downloads
  13. We've discussed this on the phone, but for everyone else's help... Yes, so for example: Memory 10 - Trigger GO - Fade 0s - 1st Light on Memory 11 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 1st Light off Memory 12 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 2nd Light on Memory 13 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 2nd Light off Memory 14 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 3rd Light on Memory 15 - Trigger AUTO - Fade 0s - Dwell 0.2s - 3rd Light off Obviously change the dwell time to the length that gives you the effect you prefer.
  14. Hi Howard, Do you have the budget to hire something in to do this effect for you? If not, what do you already have? If it's just tungsten, it's quite hard to get the effect you want, as there's a natural dimming curve with a tungsten lamp due to the filament warming up and cooling down. You can, however, slightly get around this by putting a preheat on the lamp, so instead of flashing from 0% > 100% > 0% you instead flash from 10% > 100% > 10%. You could program a "follow on" cue within you memory stack (search the manual for "auto" and "dwell") or you could put this onto a submaster and manually use the flash buttons. Hope that helps a little bit. Remember to use some CT Blue gel to get a cooler colour temperature from your tungsten lamps
  15. Hi AshA101, Have a look at page 61 of the manual - it explains how MIDI works on the Jester ML48 http://zero88.com/manuals/jesterml%20manual%203.0.pdf Hope this helps Jon
  16. Hi James, "Effects" (which are wave-based) can be put onto submasters, but "Chases" (which are step-based) have to live within cue stacks. If you want live control of these chases, press "Fader Function" (it's one of the four buttons top middle of the console) and then choose "playbacks" on the Syntax Keys (the 5 blank keys with LCDs above them). This will turn the bottom 20 faders on the ORB XF into playbacks 1 - 20 (the top 40 faders will stay as whatever they were before - channels or sub masters). This means your chases on Cue Stack 1 and Cue Stack 2 will now be on the first and second fader of the bottom row. Hope this helps.
  17. Our software team are looking into a way to automatically create these files for you :-) You need to use the Fixture Tools to select the fixtures you wish to use, and save just theses to floppy disk, as explained above. Unfortunately, as time moves on, companies make more and more fixtures. This means the files are going to get bigger and bigger and there's not much we can do about that! All our current consoles use USB to get around this problem, and we have created software to allow users of legacy products to choose which fixtures they require. We can't remove fixtures, as this will generate just as many complains, if not more, about how we don't support customers with legacy products! However, we can look at hosting the old fixture libraries and making these available to download. I will look into doing this next week.
  18. Hi Little Man, Any USB keyboard should work - but we advise the simpler the better, so try and avoid keyboards that are backlit, have "media keys", or USB ports on the back etc. Are you aware that when you go across to the 'name' column, and press ENTER, the Multi-Functional Keys turn into a basic keyboard to allow you to input a name? An external keyboard is a much quicker solution, but this is a helpful solution if you don't have a keyboard with you.
  19. Hi gdrlighting, do you have a laptop? There are several USB floppy disk drives that are still available and much more convenient than carrying around a full PC! Also, several customers have had success updating FROG consoles with a USB emulator so they can use USB sticks instead
  20. Hi gdrlighting, Doh! I've copied the instructions from an earlier version of the fixture library - I'll update those instructions now. You need to download our fixture tools and use the 'Common Fixture Manager' to select just the fixtures you wish to use, and save this file to floppy disk. Regards Jon
  21. Zero 88 Fixture Library Release 26 For full information, please visit: http://zero88.com/software/library This release contains 3637 fixtures from 209 different manufacturers. For a list of fixtures in the library please click here. The library is released in 2 formats: a full unfiltered version for desks running ZerOS software (ORB Series, Solution series, Frog 2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96). a smaller filtered version for other Zero 88 desks. This removes data that is not used by these other desks, so that the file is smaller. When using a floppy disk (original Frog series, Illusion500) it is recommended that the floppy disk be freshly formatted before copying the library onto it. Download & Installation The correct format of the library for your desk can be downloaded by clicking the product name below. The library (.ift file) should be placed in the root directory of the floppy disk or USB stick. ZerOS desks (ORB Series, Solution series, Frog 2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96) The latest fixture library is automatically installed on the desk as part of each operating software update, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Files -> Update Fixture File. JesterML & JesterTL The fixture library is installed on the desk at manufacture, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Update Fixture Lib -> Update Library. Frog Series and Illusion 500 Use 'Common Fixture Manager' (included in the Fixture Tools download) to select the fixtures you wish to use, and save this as a file to a floppy disk. Diablo The fixture library is used with the Diablo Fixture Manager PC software. Sirius 250/500 Use the Fixture Type Editor to import fixture types from the fixture library, and then use the ‘Export Sirius UFT’ function (under the ‘File’ menu) to generate data in the correct format for the Sirius 250/500. Further details of assigning fixtures on the desk to fixture types in the fixture library can be found in each desk’s operating manual. Additional Fixtures If you need a fixture type which is not in the library, then you can create this yourself using the Fixture Type Editor. If you post a link to the manufacturers datasheet on the forum, we will endeavour to add the fixture in the next library release.
  22. Hi Glenn, Development of the Frog Range software (with floppy disks) was stopped around about 6 years ago. Regards Jon
  23. It can be fitted to the USB Leapfrog 48 & 96 and the Solution & Solution XL. By standard, it is already fitted into ORB and ORB XF consoles.
  24. Could you expand on this please? What's selected when you are changing pan / tilt? All of them? Please upload your showfile here, and let us know the DMX addresses of your 4 iCues Regards
  25. Hi Andrea, Welcome to our forums! If you press 'special', you will see that one of the Multi Functional Keys (MFKs) is called 'Time'. Pressing this allows you to set a time. Holding SHIFT whilst pressing 'time' turns this time on and off. When on, everything you do in the programmer (including palettes) will take this amount of time. Hope this helps, Best regards, Jon
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