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Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. Hi pierotec, This is exactly what we're working on - giving you two separate apps for each of the functions, so you can choose which app to run, and on which device. Regards Jon
  2. Hi timthetutor, If you Right Click on any button, it's the equivalent of holding it down. So, you can right click the SHIFT button, and then click and hold the MODE button for around a second. Make sure you then right click the SHIFT button again, so you are no longer emulating holding it down, otherwise you'll get some strange results. Best regards Jon
  3. Hi Lightmaster, Sorry, I understand now. In each stack, go into "Stack Setup" and then click "Unblock". If you do this on all three stacks, I think you'll find it works. Best regards Jon
  4. HI Clemens, We're going to be uploading a Beta version of the app soon, so it then depends on the feedback and testing! Jon
  5. Hi Nick, SHIFT + CUE will open the cue stack window. Which version of ZerOS are you running? In older versions of software, it will only store the View layout every 30 seconds or so, so if you make a change to the layout and then restart quickly, that change might not be stored. A quick and easy way to "force" a save is to go into SETUP and then come back out. Best regards Jon
  6. Hi Both, I'm guessing you're talking about the old Jester ML, rather than the Jester ML24 or Jester ML48. Your local Zero 88 dealer will be able to get these for you, they are part number 9074500 ("Rack Mounting Brackets").
  7. This has now been uploaded. This only affects SCD Server & SCD Server Pro. The release notes are here: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/GetAttachment/366/835
  8. Ahh, I didn't realise that was sent out today - it's on my to-do list to upload it tomorrow morning! It's actually been shipping on products for a while, there is no major improvements over 7.8.1. We're working on 7.8.2 which will solve your problems.
  9. Hi, I'm guessing you just phoned the office, but just in case it wasn't you and this is coincidence, please find it attached. indigo 5500.ift Jon
  10. Hi Johnny, Yes - come out of SETUP, and in the Output Window, choose "Other Windows" and then select "System Information". We've combined 5 different windows all together in that single place now. For a full list of the changes, you can download the release notes from this link: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/366/156/ Best regards Jon
  11. Hi AlexSky, ZerOS allows you to pick which colour space YOU want to work in, no matter if the fixture is CMY or RGB. The console will then convert from the colour space you choose to the colour space of the fixture automatically for you. There is a request to offer direct control of both CMY or RGB, which is on the to-do list! Jon
  12. Hi Jimmi and Mike, There are a few extra settings you'll need. Full information here: http://www.zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/585/ Jon
  13. It's always worth asking the question - all our developments are chosen from customer comments!
  14. Yes, definitely. We're completely reworking it to bring a much more useful and improved app.
  15. Hi Max, Yes, the colour picker only affects RGB or CMY currently. The reason for this is that the White and Amber channels across different fixtures can be a lot of different colour temperatures, so without calibrating every fixture, it's very hard to get the colour picker accurate (the same applies for Red, Green, Blue, but the variation isn't quite as much as it is with Amber and White). We have got an issue to see if we could implement this somehow, and we're looking into various options. Regards Jon
  16. As I say, it's not going to do what you want, no. However, that doesn't mean it's not a useful feature!
  17. You can set separate fade up and down times, and a "dwell" time (wait time) for auto followons, but you can't set delay time specifically for just the up or just the down time on the Jester range, no. The console will do dipless crossfades, so if the channel is at the same intensity in two memories, it won't change during the fade. You could use "Preset" Mode which lets you manually cross fade between A preset and B preset, but you can't manually crossfade between pre-recorded memories. When in "run" mode, the Jester TL allows you to select a memory, press "edit" (which automatically takes you into "program" mode), make the change, and then press "edit" again to take you back into "run" mode. This means the artist won't see any changes apart from the ones you make. We're glad you like them - if there's anything else we can do, please don't hesitate to ask more questions!
  18. Hi Max, Ziglight's reply is the nearest the Solution can do. So, you program the Tilt at 70% onto the submaster, then go into Submaster Setup (hold SETUP and press the flash button of the submaster), choose "Submaster Controls..." and then choose "Position". Now, that submaster will take Tilt from wherever it currently is to the Tilt you recorded (70% in the example above). If you only have the submaster at 50%, the Tilt will only half move to the end position and so on.
  19. This is already added, and is high up on our "to-do" list. I definitely agree, and there is already work on creating a new specification for CSV Export to make this much better. As you say, the new order of the CLEAR button solves this, and makes it much much easier. I'll add this as a further request, but there are future developments which may not make this possible.
  20. Added as a bug, thanks for spotting it!
  21. I definitely see that this would be a useful feature, we'll add it as a request for a future feature.
  22. Hi Jimbob, Have you recorded anything on them? If not, I wouldn't expect to see any text on them, just several vertical lines between each fader. If you still think there's something wrong with them, maybe you could take a photo of them and post it up? Jon
  23. Hi Andy, No, unfortunately a keypad won't work on any of the Jesters apart from TL and TL Xtra. Jon
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