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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. Ideally, there shouldn't be a need to have to - once we've got the calibration of your touchscreen, linked to it's unique ID, it shouldn't matter if it's plugged into a different port, or unplugged and plugged back in. I'll ask our software team to look try and make this a bit easier. You should only have to recalibrate when you reset the console or update the console (which resets it anyway).
  2. At the moment it's desk wide so the user only has to "think" in one colour space, rather than having to switch between RGB and CMY for different fixtures - we do all the calculations for you.
  3. Yep, we're working on this - it's coming! If you press SETUP+COLOUR together, you can choose between CMY or RGB - this allows you to choose which colour mixing space you prefer, no matter what the fixture is. Currently, you can patch them as separate fixtures or have all the colour attributes on the encoders. However, we'll be moving over to a new Fixture Library (which will be a free software update) which will give you much better control over these fixtures. I'm really happy that you were impressed with the console. Those little extras you're looking for will come soon :-)
  4. It's definitely not with *all* touch screens - but it might be multi-touch screens or something like that. We'll let the software team look into it. Almost all the information in the debug files only makes sense to our software developers! I can look through and see key bits of information (like software version etc) and if there's an on-going issue, I'm told what to look out for! However, it's down to them to work out what caused the problem from the information provided in the debug. Ahhhh... ok - found it! I think you should be able to upload debug files now. It looks like showfiles should be fine already.
  5. Hi All, Really appreciate your time at going into so much detail, and helping each other. I've added all these comments, and showfile etc, to a new issue to be looked at independently by our Senior Software Design Engineer. Reference number ZOS-6186
  6. Is there anywhere else in the forum you're "not permitted" to post? What exactly does it say? I can't see a setting that would be causing this...
  7. Strange... I've added this has ZOS-6184 Thank you for sending it to us, I've added it as ZOS-6185 I'm not sure why some people are, and some people aren't. It's nothing personal! I'll have a look at the forum settings.
  8. Hi Mikenoah, Here are the fixture files for the MH-666S and the MH-6616S ACME.ift Regards Jon
  9. Jon Hole

    Missing features

    Ahh ok, yeah - so we'd call that "Intensity Palettes". You're correct that we don't currently support anything like that, but there's something a little similar that we're thinking about...
  10. Jon Hole

    Fader wing

    Hi HPCTechnical, Really glad you're liking the console - that's fantastic :-) The Congo Junior wing won't work on the FLX, no. We support the ZerOS Wing and one of the Enttec wings. Regards Jon
  11. Hi jw-lighting, Yes, of course, all the colour parameters appear on the encoder wheels when you press "colour". If there are more than four, just press "colour" again and it will cycle through the available parameters. There will be a software update later this year which will make control of multi-cell fixtures (such as the Robin LEDWash 300) much much easier. These can then be recorded into colour palettes etc. Jon
  12. Hi Marcusm, What version of ZerOS are you running? In earlier versions of the software, there was a little bug where you had to touch a Multi-Touch screen with two fingers at the same time before it would accept any touch at all (you had to do this each time you turned the console on). Try updating to the latest software - zero88.com/software/zeros
  13. Hi Massimo, Please can you save your show and send it to me, so I can have a look? Thanks Jon
  14. Jon Hole


    Hi CTLX, I can't think of any reason why this would have happened. The only thing I can think of is if something like a SOLO or RemDim was activated? Then, because you tried the Blackout key that then triggered the LED within it?
  15. Hi Theo12, Is it this fixture you require? http://www.chauvetlighting.com/colorado1-tri-tour.html Many thanks Jon Edit to add: If so, here's the profiles you need: COLORado 1 Tri Tour.ift
  16. Hi Andre, Here's the Expolite TourLED Pro 28 Zoom in all modes. TourLED Pro 28 Zoom.ift Regards Jon
  17. Jon Hole

    Missing features

    Do you mean some form of display above the faders? We're keeping this in mind for any future product we made, but unfortunately there was just no way we could do something like this without a dramatic price increase. ZerOS in general doesn't support true undo functionality currently. We have a "backspace" button which will undo the last commands on the command line one at a time. However, this won't update a record/delete/update at the moment. It will updo any updates to the programmer. I'm not sure what you mean by this? Maybe you could expand on this please? Yes, of course. And "Record 5.55 Enter" - we go up to two decimal places. Yes, but it only works for the stack you are currently viewing (the cue itself is actually stored at the point of typing "name", not when you press "enter"). I've added ZOS-6179 to delay the recording of the cue until after typing in the name, so you can select a stack. We know - and we're working on making it much much better. When you press RECORD, the four encoders will change to: - Fade Up - Fade Down - Delay Up - Delay Down You'll be able to use the wheels to change the time, and then choose where to record it, or you'll be able to tap the middle button of the encoder and then type the time you want. I guess everyone expects it to be in different places. Most people think the Solution is weird having Intensity within Position! Intensity doesn't really live in any of these attributes, and doing so adds confusion as Intensity doesn't use that attribute's fade time, and doesn't get stored in that attribute. Also, if there are several parameters in that attribute, it means you have to cycle around the pages to find it, whereas here you can get to it instantly, no matter where you are. Yes... you can set one of the User Definable Keys to be "Rem Dim". Choose an empty UDK, and hold SETUP + press the UDK. You can now choose Rem Dim from the drop down. Yes - you can use "Highlight" which takes the selected fixture's intensity to full, and any other parameter to it's default. This can also be put onto a UDK (like Rem Dim) or you can use the shortcut SHIFT+HOME together. When you have highlight active, the left and right arrows will select the next and previous fixture. However, we're doing a little work on this as we've been made aware that in some situations the next / previous doesn't always work like this. When you load the image in, the console asks you to put all the fixtures into one of the corners (that we mark on the image) and then record them there. You then do this to each of the other three corners. It takes a little while to set that up, but once done it's then a really really quick way to control position. We also record focus and zoom onto this image, which you can use if you wish.
  18. Hi Emily, If you're in Program mode, you should just tap "Mode" and it switches to Run. If you press and hold "Mode" it should go to Preset. Are you saying that's not happening? Can you get into Setup by pressing and holding SHIFT and MODE together? If so, go into Setup, press the Up arrow to get to <Test Mode>. Is the middle line of the LCD blank, like the first image, or does it have something written in it, like the second image. If it has something written in it, what does it say? The keyboard just makes it quicker to type in letters or numbers (rather than using the 10 Multi-Functional Keys). You can also use the left/right/up/down/enter keys. Do you mean this product? You would use this *instead* of the Jester console, not as well as. It might be worth contacting them directly about that product to give you some more information.
  19. Holding clear and moving the encoder should work, but you can also just "tap" the parameter on the touch screen to tag and untag it:
  20. Hi Mathias, If you do exactly what you've written, you'll get B - the fixture will become blue. However, if you'd prefer A, this page shows you how to make RGB Submasters on our other ZerOS consoles. http://www.zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/585/ Doing it on FLX is very similar... the only slight difference is you go into the Stack Setting and change the "Fader Controls" there:
  21. Hi mathias, No, not at the moment - it's RGB / CMY / HSV only.
  22. Hi Lufferov, Really glad you liked the console. Yes - please post your questions here and we'll answer them. Also, we can arrange a demo for you if that's helpful - drop me an email, and I'll put you in touch with one of the team.
  23. Frustratingly, we missed Prolight & Sound for this, but I'm pushing hard to get something on the Beta forum this week. I was given a version on Friday, and they are now working on the feedback I gave them from that.
  24. Hi Jack, For the chase issue, please can you send me a showfile, with instructions on how to recreate it using your showfile. For the fader issue, this might be a problem with the faders themselves. Try going to "Other Windows" in the Output Window, choose "System Info", and then choose "Event Monitor" on the window that appears. Now, push one of those faders right to the top. You'll see a lot of text appear, and the bottom line should include "New Level 0xFF". Now, pull that fader right to the bottom. The bottom line should now include "New Level 0x00". If you see anything other than 0x00 or 0xFF, let us know. Jon
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