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Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. Hi Petr, Sorry, I don't follow - please could you explain some more? Jon
  2. The files you have aren't an update to the whole library, they are just an individual user fixture. So you need to patch your fixtures in the normal way (in <Assign Fixtures>) but then choose "USB" instead of "Fixture Library"
  3. Hi, Yes - in the small Phantom Jester window, click "Settings" and then choose "Browse" under "Local Drive". Choose the location of the ift files (I usually point it to my desktop or the USB drive). Now, you can load the ift files into Phantom in the same way you'd do it on a real console. Hope this helps.
  4. Hi Ziglight, Thanks for bringing this up. It is mentioned a couple of times in the release notes (once in the "general" section and once listed as ZOS-6085), but I've updated the original thread to make it much more obvious.
  5. Zero 88 Fixture Library Release 29 For full information, please visit: http://zero88.com/software/library This release contains 4339 fixtures from 234 different manufacturers. For a list of fixtures in the library please click here. The library is released in 2 formats: a full unfiltered version for desks running ZerOS software (ORB Series, Solution series, FLX, Frog 2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96). a smaller filtered version for other Zero 88 desks. This removes data that is not used by these other desks, so that the file is smaller. When using a floppy disk (original Frog series, Illusion500) it is recommended that the floppy disk be freshly formatted before using it. Download & Installation The correct format of the library for your desk can be downloaded by clicking the product name below. The library (.ift file) should be placed in the root directory of the floppy disk or USB stick. ZerOS desks (ORB Series, Solution series, FLX, Frog 2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96) The latest fixture library is automatically installed on the desk as part of each operating software update, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Files -> Update Fixture File. JesterML & JesterTL The fixture library is installed on the desk at manufacture, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Update Fixture Lib -> Update Library. Frog Series and Illusion 500 Use 'Common Fixture Manager' (included in the Fixture Tools download) to select the fixtures you wish to use, and save this as a file to a floppy disk. Diablo The fixture library is used with the Diablo Fixture Manager PC software. Sirius 250/500 Use the Fixture Type Editor to import fixture types from the fixture library, and then use the ‘Export Sirius UFT’ function (under the ‘File’ menu) to generate data in the correct format for the Sirius 250/500. Further details of assigning fixtures on the desk to fixture types in the fixture library can be found in each desk’s operating manual. Additional Fixtures If you need a fixture type which is not in the library, then you can create this yourself using the Fixture Type Editor. If you post a link to the manufacturers datasheet on the forum, we will endeavour to add the fixture in the next library release.
  6. Hi Ben, Have a look at this article and see if it helps. If it doesn't, let us know and we'll go through it in a little more detail. http://www.zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/585/ Jon
  7. Draft release notes have now been included in the above post. Thank you to everyone who's downloaded the software and given us feedback so far - keep it coming!
  8. Hi Jonny, Thanks for taking the time to sign up and ask us about this. We fully agree with you, and we're currently in talks with our video production company to make this happen :-) Jon
  9. Hi Smeccles, We'll check it out just in case, but if it hasn't happened since and it was the first "power on" after reinstalling the console's software, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Internal reference: ZOS-6268 All the best, Jon
  10. ZerOS 7.8.3 has been released and so the Public Beta has now closed. The new software can be download from zero88.com/software/zeros Hi All, As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency during FLX software development, we're releasing an Open Beta of the next version of ZerOS. What is ZerOS? ZerOS is the software that runs on FLX. A slightly different version of ZerOS also runs on many other Zero 88 consoles, such as the ORB XF and Solution series. What is an Open Beta? The Open Beta lets you test-drive new ZerOS software and provide us with feedback before it's officially released to the public. How do I participate? Download the file attached below, and follow the instructions carefully. Remember that you run this software at your own risk. Although we always try our best to help in all situations, please be sensible when you install this software. Don't install new software on your console mid-run or when it is critical that your console is fully operational. If you are going to load a showfile onto Beta Software, please keep an original version of the showfile safe, in case the Beta Software saves data that can not be read on a previous Release Version of ZerOS. How should I report an issue? All issues should be reported directly to support@zero88.com. When reporting any errors, it's helpful to include as much information as possible, including:A copy of the showfile if available Any debug files the console has offered you Instructions on how to recreate the issue (including cue / channel numbers etc) A list of external devices plugged into the console (remote triggers? audio input? Touch Screen? Mouse? Keyboard? etc etc) How do I install the Open Beta? To install, download the file attached below, unzip it, and drag the .exe file onto a USB stick (don't put it inside any folders). Plug the USB stick into your console, and go into SETUP. Go to “Load file”, and select the file from the list displayed on screen. Follow the onscreen instructions. ***PLEASE NOTE: This version of ZerOS and Phantom ZerOS only supports FLX for now*** Thank you for testing ZerOS - if you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to contact us: Telephone: +44 (0)1633 833101 Email: support@zero88.com
  11. Oh ok, I read it differently because Lufferov mentioned "master Intensity" in his post, which is what you get when release on lower is disabled. I've added your other request (to remember the cue when released) as ZOS-6257, and given it 2 requests just in case that is what Lufferov meant.
  12. Hi Michael, Please could you send me your showfile and let me know which 6 fixtures you recorded into which colour palette, and which 4 fixtures the palette should affect but doesn't? Second issue - have you got a copy of your showfile before you unpatched? Was it definitely patched in the correct mode / DMX address? I can't see any way one fixture of many selected wouldn't work, as you've described. All the best, Jon
  13. Added as ZOS-6255 Added as ZOS-6256 Yes, that's exactly what it will do - so if it's set to release it will loose control over non-intensity parameters when you bring the fader down and if it's not set to release it will retain control of these parameters.
  14. Hi jw-lighting, Either via the forum or directly by email is great. Those will then get logged onto an internal system called Gemini, and we'll give you a reference number for each one (usually formatted ZOS-xxxx). Jon
  15. Hi All, We really appreciate all the feedback we're receiving on our new FLX console. As more and more people start using FLX, more and more requests for features come in. We have to manage these requests and prioritise them, to ensure we give you the most requested functionality as soon as possible. To try to be as transparent as possible during this process, we're revealing an overview of our provisional software roadmap for the next few months. Please remember - this is provisional, and until software is released there is no guarantee of what will and won't make it in the release. Below is purely our intention, and not a guarantee. ZerOS 7.8.3 - released: zero88.com/software/zeros Output window can be viewed on internal monitor (when external monitor isn't present) by using SHIFT+VIEW Command line always available on internal monitor (when external monitor isn't present) Record Window viewable by pressing & holding RECORD Scrollbars and keyboard size improved for easier usability on internal touchscreen Support for ZerOS Wing Phantom ZerOS for FLX UDK improvements Over 30 other security, stability and speed enhancements ZerOS 7.8.4 - released: zero88.com/software/zeros Option to lock intensity to first encoder wheel Blind Mode Additional chase options per attribute "Goto Cue" functionality Flash button options for Playbacks VIEW + Playback will change view automatically Add fixture names into the output window Touch scrolling Updating groups & palettes "Release all" function Coarse & Fine movements on encoder wheels (in addition to the current proportional behaviour) Improved fixtures display in Output Window Central encoder button to allow choice of specific parameter setting "Auto" trigger with previous cue (currently only after previous cue) ZerOS 7.8.5 - released: zero88.com/software/zeros Further "copy" functionality Update Window Time/Delay/Attribute options during Record and Update syntax UDK Pages Improved Highlight functionality Above is not an exhaustive list, it's just the key features we're planning for the next three software releases.
  16. It's not too complicated once you do it, it takes a couple of seconds max, but it gives you MANY more options and flexibility - you can easily reuse chases for example, or run multiple chases at the same time. Have a play with it, if you think there's a simpler and quicker way of doing this, whilst keeping the flexibility and speed, please let me know - we're always open to ideas! My name is on that list too :-) Thank you for the kind words :-) We're working at being ever more transparent and open with our development roadmap for you too.
  17. Jon Hole


    Hi Ray, It's worth telling everyone that you are running Beta software, and you were warned about the network issue you mentioned below before you installed beta code. As we discussed last week on the phone, you had all my personal contact details if you had any problems over the bank holiday weekend, but I haven't heard from you at all. I'll try and answer all your points below: I'm still waiting to hear from you what the model of touch screen you are using, so we can look into this for you? What can't you do within an External Monitor? Everything that's on the external monitor is available on the internal monitor, and is actually much more convenient, easier and quicker on the interal monitor! Just press "Enter" to cancel, as it says on the monitor during calibration: No Zero 88 console has every had a shut down procedure - we put a lot of time (and expense!) into ensuring you can always power down (or loose power!) at any time without loosing data. We do detect if a monitor is attached. We talked about this last week on the phone. If you press "Name" and then choose something to name, an onscreen keyboard appears on the internal monitor. You found one place within Setup where this didn't happen, and as I mentioned on the phone we've added a report about this to fix it. We of course completely agree - there's nowhere in the software where you have to restart to get out of a menu system, as mentioned above. Ray, I gave you my personal details and specifically mentioned you could contact me at any time this bank holiday weekend, but I haven't heard from you at all. On top of that, we have a support number and email which was monitored all weekend, and you didn't use these either.
  18. Hi Jacob, Are you the staff member in charge of this console at Richard Lander School? If so, please email support@zero88.com with the information and serial number, and we'll do our best to help! Regards Jon
  19. Here you go :-) Color Blast.ift
  20. Hi Lufferov Almost everything you've asked about can be doen already, and I've tried to answer them individually below. There's one or two which are coming soon! Thanks for letting me know - this is why we go through Beta Testing before public release :-) Capture has been working fine for us, and we've used it at Trade Shows etc, but I will add an issue to ensure this is checked in the latest Beta for you. Create the chase on a separate playback first, and then you can trigger / release it from any cue within your "main" playback. In the cue you wish to trigger the chase, select the "Cue Settings" column and press Enter, choose "Macros" and then choose "Add" next to "Trigger Cue Stacks". You can now choose which playback to trigger. You can then do the same in a following cue to release that playback (the advantage of this method is the chase can be running across multiple cues). Yes - if you hold down RECORD, you'll get a record window appear, and in here you can choose "Cue Only". Yes - if you press SHIFT + RECORD together, this will take a "snapshot", which will block the tracking. There's also a "snapshot" button in the Record Window (see previous question). You can change this behaviour if you wish. Go into one of the Playback Settings (hold SETUP + press the playback flash button), go to "Trigger" and then set "Release on lower" to "no". We're going to add much better timing syntax into a future release - currently scheduled as ZerOS 7.8.5. We're planning to show you what our plan is for the next couple of software releases to be as transparent and open as we can be, but we just need to confirm a few things internally first! If you're in non-tracking, you can just go into the cue you wish to copy and then record it to the new cue. In tracking mode, you'll need to enable "Smart Tag" or "Snapshot" in the Record Window (by pressing and holding Record). We'll be releasing copy syntax shortly which'll mean you aren't required to go into the cue to record it. Not currently. However, we have had other requests for this, and so I have added your comment to it too. Reference: ZOS-4952 "12 @ 70 Enter Update Enter" should work fine and update this cue. Please can you try again? I know in the beta you are using there's a little bug occasionally regarding ENTER sometimes not completing the syntax - and we'll have a fix for that in the next couple of days, and it is only occasionally - not always. Hope this all helps, Jon
  21. Jon Hole


    Just a quick note to let you know the fixture personalities are done: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/7166-new-fixture-requests/?p=28042
  22. Hi Ray, Please find attached the following 12 fixture personalities: iSoloution iMove 350SR (2 modes) American DJ Inno Color Beam Quad 7 (2 modes) American DJ Inno Color Beam Z7 (1 mode) Acme LED Panel 7TC (4 modes) LEDJ Intense 19T3 RGB LED Slim Panel (2 modes) Antari Z-350 Fazer (1 mode) Ray.ift If there's anything else I can do, please let me know.
  23. Jon Hole


    We are! New software will be released shortly, and we have two more releases of software that we've started on for after that, bringing additional features such as a blind mode, additional chase options etc
  24. Hi Ray, Sorry - not sure why this post got missed, we were completing our list of requested fixtures today. I'll work on these tomorrow for you. Regards Jon P.S. By the way, if you ever require a very urgent fixture, there are tools available here to create your own too.
  25. Jon Hole


    Hi Ray, I'm sorry to hear you've faced problems... please could you drop me a personal message with your contact details and when would be convenient to call you tomorrow, and we'll go through the problems you've been having. We can update the software for you at the same time. Until then, here are a few replies to specific comments: Which fixtures do you require? Who have you requested them from? I've been making fixture files today and have finished all the outstanding requests as far as I'm aware. We can easily make the fixture files you need for you, or there's free software for you to make them yourself. Found your post on the forum now - sorry, not sure why that one got missed. We'll work on it tomorrow morning. The app works as a remote monitor for the console, so unless we included the whole of ZerOS within the app, there wouldn't be a way of doing this. All the best, Jon
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