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Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. Jon Hole

    FLX Locking up

    Hi both - thanks for reporting this, it should already be fixed in the latest software which we've just released - please give it a go and let us know. When you use "Save Show" inside the Z button, if the show hasn't saved yet, it will ask you to give it a name, if it's already been saved, it will automatically save it with an incrememnt on the end... so "Aladdin" will save as "Aladdin1", "Aladdin1" will sabe as "Aladdin2" etc etc
  2. ZerOS 7.8.4 has now been publicly released on the Zero 88 website. Download is available here: zero88.com/software/zeros
  3. Hi Paul, You can also create your own fixture library, and in the "details" you can add each frame, and give each one an RGB value. When you then create auto palettes, these will be populated in automatically. You can download the tools, including a PDF instructions sheet, from this link: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/de/Knowledgebase/Article/View/49/0/zero-88-fixture-tools---version-26 I hope this helps, Jon
  4. Installer, Phantom and draft Release Notes have been updated to Includes a couple of bug fixes and a new option to trigger cues from the GO of the previous cue rather than just once the previous cue’s fade has completed. (Previously
  5. Installer, Phantom and draft Release Notes have been updated to (Previously
  6. Installer and Phantom have been updated to The Output Window now scrolls with the current channel page, and fixtures with values currently in the programmer are now always shown along the bottom of the Output Window. There's a couple of other bug fixes too. Updated release notes will be available soon. Ongoing thanks to all those providing us with feedback. (Previously
  7. No, you don't have to do that - there's an easy way to copy and paste: Select the cue (make sure the "No." column is selected, not the "step" column), and press EDIT. Go to the blank cue where you'd like to copy the chase to, and then press PROGRAM (red glowing button). That should copy and paste the cue where you'd like it to go. After pressing EDIT, you can also press ENTER 150 ENTER, which will jump you to cue 150 (whether programmed or empty) so you can paste it directly there rather than having to press the up / down keys several times. (This method works across submasters and cues too. I didn't mention it previously as I thought you wanted to add the chase on top of an already programmed static cue).
  8. Hi Nodmaz, You need to record the chase directly into the cue, in exactly the same way as you record chases onto a submaster. So, record the first step into the cue, reselect the cue, and then record the second step, and choose <Create Chase>
  9. So... I think some of us, including me, thought this day was never going to come, but today we have launched the first beta of the new ZerOS Apps for Android. As usual with any pre-release software builds, and especially the very first beta version of a new app, we do not recommend using it during live shows. You must be part of our Beta Test group to access the below link. If you would like to become part of the Beta Test group, please drop me an email (my address is in the signature at the bottom of this post). http://zero88.com/forum/topic/7227-zeros-apps-for-android-v1015/
  10. Hi Foozle, This is because all seven colours are defaulted at full. I've changed this in our library, and attached the fixture here. Let me know if this solves your problem. Selador Desire Direct.ift All the best,
  11. Hi, Here's the profile in 6 Channel and 4 Channel mode. LED ML-30 QCL.ift All the best Jon
  12. Hi Sandy, We're currently testing software that allows you to scroll through lists by dragging your finger across the window (just like touch screen phones). This means the scroll bars aren't so important, so we've made them smaller and darker so they are less prominent. You can try it out here if you want, but please be aware that it's Beta Test software, which means you shouldn't use it in show-critical situations: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/7218-flx-software-open-beta/ Let me know if you think this removes the need for your request? If not, no problems - I'll add the request to our database!
  13. Hi Enchancher, We release stability updates as-and-when we need to (very rare), but apart from that there are no software updates currently scheduled for the Jester range of consoles. Regards Jon
  14. Hi Enchancher, We don't support MIDI Timecode on the Jester. We do, however, support MIDI Show Control. If you are using something like QLab, you can program it to send MIDI Show Control commands at specific points when you start playing a track. Hope this helps Jon
  15. Installer, Phantom and draft Release Notes have been updated to Scrollbars have now been darkened to make them less prominent, and the arrows at either end have been removed. Pressing “copy” now brings up a dialog box to allow copying cues with the currently viewed stack. Ongoing thanks to all those providing us with feedback. (Previously
  16. Hi enchancher, We used to distribute Light Converse, but we don't anymore. For more information, you can visit their website here: http://lightconverse.com Hope this helps, Jon
  17. Installer, Phantom and draft Release Notes have been updated to Several new features in this release, even since Wednesday's beta, so have a look at the release notes again. Thank you to everyone providing feedback to us - we really appreciate it. (Previously
  18. Hi keredyelesob, Thank you for the feedback on the beta software. Please could you email me your custom fixture profile, and your current showfile with the fixture patched? My email address is in my signature below. Thanks Jon
  19. Hi gmanno, Sorry - reattached the 6ch profile to the post above. For the 19 channel mode, we suggest patching this as four separate fixtures (one for each "cell" of the bar), which will make it easier for you to program (so long as your console can support the increased number of fixtures). I've attached a personality, with the first 7 channels (mode, dimmer, strobe and the first cell of R,G,B,A). For the other three cells, use the "RGBA" profile that's within "Standard Fixtures" > "Conventionals". So, if the bar is addressed to DMX 50, you'd patch the following on the console: Cell 1 - Address 50 - RGBA Bar 2 (profile attached below - 7 channels) Cell 2 - Address 57 - RGBA (Standard Fixtures > Conventionals - 4 channels) Cell 3 - Address 61 - RGBA (Standard Fixtures > Conventionals - 4 channels) Cell 4 - Address 65 - RGBA (Standard Fixtures > Conventionals - 4 channels) Hope this makes sense? RGBA Bar 2 19ch (first 7ch only).ift
  20. Hi gmanno, Here's the 6 channel fixture you requested. RGBA Bar 2 6ch.ift There was not attachment of the 19 channel fixture? All the best Jon
  21. Hi Nathan, Here you go: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/56/
  22. ZerOS 7.8.4 has been released and so the Public Beta has now closed. The new software can be download from zero88.com/software/zeros Hi All, As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency during FLX software development, we're releasing an Open Beta of the next version of ZerOS. What is ZerOS? ZerOS is the software that runs on FLX. A slightly different version of ZerOS also runs on many other Zero 88 consoles, such as the ORB XF and Solution series. What is an Open Beta? The Open Beta lets you test-drive new ZerOS software and provide us with feedback before it's officially released to the public. How do I participate? Download the file attached below, and follow the instructions carefully. Remember that you run this software at your own risk. Although we always try our best to help in all situations, please be sensible when you install this software.Don't install new software on your console mid-run or when it is critical that your console is fully operational. If you are going to load a showfile onto Beta Software, please keep an original version of the showfile safe, in case the Beta Software saves data that can not be read on a previous Release Version of ZerOS. How should I report an issue? All issues should be reported directly to support@zero88.com. When reporting any errors, it's helpful to include as much information as possible, including:A copy of the showfile if available Any debug files the console has offered you Instructions on how to recreate the issue (including cue / channel numbers etc) A list of external devices plugged into the console (remote triggers? audio input? Touch Screen? Mouse? Keyboard? etc etc) How do I install the Open Beta? To install, download the file attached below, unzip it, and drag the .exe file onto a USB stick (don't put it inside any folders). Plug the USB stick into your console, and go into SETUP. Go to “Load file”, and select the file from the list displayed on screen. Follow the onscreen instructions. ***PLEASE NOTE: This version of ZerOS and Phantom ZerOS only supports FLX for now*** Thank you for testing ZerOS - if you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to contact us: Telephone: +44 (0)1633 833101 Email: support@zero88.com
  23. Yes - inside setup (SHIFT + MODE together) there's a <Save Show> option. As long as the Sub was there when you saved the show, when you reload the show, the submaster will come back.
  24. Hi Mark, Yes - when you save a show, we save the whole desk state - so that's memories, submasters, palettes, fixtures, settings etc etc Inside the setup, we have a "Clear Memories / Submasters" option. Lot's of people use this when starting a new show, as it means they can keep their DMX patch, palettes, other settings etc. You can then save this as a new show, so you still have your old one. Hope this makes sense? Jon
  25. Yes, definitely. Unfortunately Apple won't allow us to update the App description or Screenshots until we update the App itself. However, because of how the app works, all the feature updates are done on the console, not on the app, so we haven't had a need to update it. We're working on a redesigned version, so once it's ready to be uploaded, we'll update the description and screenshots.
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