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Jon Hole

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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. Jon Hole

    Dust Cover

    AFAIK they have arrived... If not, delivery date was first week of December but I thought they come in early. I'm not in the office today but will check tomorrow!
  2. Don't worry - you're not! They are all great posts. We'll probably wait until the forum is populated slightly further, and then look at making some changes.
  3. It's only possible to assign these units in the fixture profile itself, not once they are patched as separate fixtures on the console
  4. Hi Kevin - is this on FLX? It might be that the colour information is programmed into the cue anyway. Are you in tracking or non tracking mode? Try going into Stack Setup and choosing "unblock". Does this solve it?
  5. Thanks Kevin - we'll get these added into the library :-)
  6. Hi Johnny Have a read through Fixture Editor User Guide PDF available on this link: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/49/ Specifically look at the "Parameter Details" on Page 5.
  7. Hi pierotec, We no longer dstribute them I'm afraid. However, I'm sure there are plenty of little companies nearby you in Italy who can make you a FROG 2 flightcase - worth sending a few emails / making a few phone calls. Jon
  8. There's no reason a USB stick shouldn't work on FLX - we've not had any problems so far. We normally use quite small USB sticks (1GB - 8GB) rather than the larger 16GB / 32GB upwards, as it takes ZerOS slightly longer to index them when you plug them in. On our other ZerOS consoles, there are some compatibility issues when installing software (For example, the Kingston Traveller range doesn't work). However, on FLX we have the new, simpler and quicker installation method where we don't have that problem.
  9. Hi Kevin, Thank you for making the profile and sending it over. I've quickly glanced over it and it all looks good, so we'll add it to our next library release. Either is fine, but setting it to strobe definitely makes sense. The "special" option is used for two things: First, the "special" option links parameters to specific functions within ZerOS - such as a the Colour Picker and the Pan / Tilt grid. There aren't any "special functions" for strobe, so this is irrelevant in this situation. Secondly, the "special" option is used when swapping out a fixture for another type of fixture (using the "change" button in SETUP > Edit Fixtures > Patch) to match parameters between the two fixtures. All the best, Jon
  10. Hi Steve, Thanks for the comments, I've added them onto "Gemini" (our issue tracking software). Out of interest, maybe you could expand on this comment: To me personally, a BMP button is much more useful than a fader to control speed, as it allows me to enter the speed to match any music etc that I might be keeping in time with. However, I'd like to hear more about your views? Many thanks Jon
  11. Jon Hole

    FLX User Manual

    Hi Rob, We’re soon to be releasing two new iOS apps, both free, so we’ve taken the old app offline so people don’t purchase it and waste their money. We’re testing the app through Apple’s “testflight” – I’m more than happy to add you to this if you wish, so you can try the apps before we release them. If you’d like to, just email me the email address you use on the App store and I’ll add you.
  12. Hi Akari, I've just had a look at the fixture library - there's definitely a second Gobo Wheel in there! Are you aware that if you press "Beamshape" a second time, you'll get another three options on the three wheels? Each time you press "Beamshape" it will cycle through all the available options.
  13. Jon Hole

    MIDI Control

    Yes, this link might give you a little more info about that: http://www.arvydas.co.uk/2013/07/cheap-usb-midi-cable-some-self-assembly-may-be-required/ It shouldn't matter which midi units you use, but as the above explains, the really cheap ones cut corners and fail to keep to spec. We've got MOTU units which work well and aren't too expensive. A lot of USB / FireWire sound cards also have MIDI outputs on them, so worth looking at those.
  14. Hi, Thanks for that - here's the profile for you. SRL-LB50.ift All the best Jon
  15. Hi All, I've used Google Translate to get an idea of what's being said here. Axente have several staff trained in Zero 88 products who offer regular, free Zero 88 training sessions in France, and offer opportunities for onsite Zero 88 training too. Please get in touch with them for more information about this. Over the years they've sold over 2000 lighting consoles of all shapes and sizes, and have a fantastic reputation for their support. If you have any questions or concerns, I'd highly recommend giving them a call directly. All the best, Jon ----------------------------------------------------------- Translated via Google Translate / Traduit par Google Translate Salut à tous, je l'ai utilisé Google Translate pour avoir une idée de ce qui se dit ici. Axente ont plusieurs membres du personnel formés à zéro 88 produits qui offrent régulière, gratuite Zero 88 sessions de formation en France, et offrir des possibilités de formation sur place Zero 88 aussi. S'il vous plaît entrer en contact avec eux pour plus d'informations à ce sujet. Au fil des années, ils ont vendu plus de 2000 consoles d'éclairage de toutes formes et tailles, et ont une excellente réputation pour leur soutien. Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations, je vous recommande vivement de leur donner directement un appel. Tous les meilleurs, Jon
  16. Hi Red_fox, that's not a link to the manual unfortunately so we can't make the profile
  17. Hi Red_fox, Please can you link me to a manual so we can create this for you Many thanks Jon
  18. Thanks for doing that Jack. Here's the profile. Stageline LSE-140RG.ift All the best Jon
  19. Hi Leighton, Please find the fixtures you've requested attached. Leighton.ift All the best Jon
  20. Jon Hole


    Hi James, On this page you can download the fixture tools that allow you to create your own profiles (Windows only). http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/de/Knowledgebase/Article/View/49/ There is also a .pdf which contains step-by-step instructions
  21. If you email me, no problems :-)
  22. Hi Jack, Do you have the manual for the laser? I can't find it online. There's the range of IMG Stage Line lasers here, but yours doesn't appear to be listed: http://www.monacor.se/produkter/lasrar/ All the best Jon
  23. Here you go James :-) 5IVE.ift
  24. Hi Richard, I've sent you an email. Jon
  25. Jon Hole

    FLX for hire?

    Hi Rob, I believe Stage Electrics and Viking have them in hire, I'm not sure who else. Worth contacting Stage Lighting Services in Cardiff too. All the best Jon
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