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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. I'll try and explain where we stand on this... We now support RGBW fixtures within the colour picker and filter lookups. To do this, we make a very crude assumption that "white" LEDs are always the same (that being "all frequencies"). This is clearly not true, and therefor it's up to the Lighting Designer to choose a fixture with "white" LEDs that they like / are most suitable for the performance. That being said, we've had great feedback on our implementation, not just from users but from multiple fixture manufactures too. Amber (or any other colour) becomes a little more difficult because there's no definition of what "Amber" (or any other colour) is, or exactly where it lies within the frequencies / hues. Trying to solve this, some organisations take real life measurements of each fixture type and use these to try to calibrate control consoles. However, we believe there are multiple reasons why this doesn't give us a full solution: For the calibration to work efficiently, you need 100% of the fixtures in your rig to have had their measurements taken. No one has (or can) take measurements of every fixture type that's released into the market place, and therefor the likelihood you'll have a rig made up of 100% measured fixtures is minimal. Even once a fixture type has been measured, there are too many external variables. Try getting the same colour (and intensity) out of two discharge lamps, when one is brand new and the other is towards the end of it's life. Even if the lamps are replaced at the same time, the measurements are only accurate at the point your fixture has the same lamp hours as the fixture that was measured. LEDs can change over time too, and even more frustratingly between batches. Therefor, two identical fixtures, both used for the same number of hours, can show a difference in colour. Especially at the lower end of the market. Even if you solve all of the above, we're assuming you're projecting onto a white surface. As soon as the surface changes colour, the operator is required to counteract this colour shift anyway (if they can). So, is there a solution? Maybe. Have a look at this: http://www.mikewoodconsulting.com/articles/Protocol%20Fall%202014%20-%20Color%20Communication.pdf
  2. There's no guarantee on this - for now we want to find out how much interest there is, and exactly what the App needs to do, so if we do it, we get it right first time. So, do we need anything else? Display the current cue? If so, of which Playback - the currently viewed playback or only the Master Playback? Do we need a way to press "GO"? With next/previous, do we skip fixtures with Pan/Tilt and assume you won't be focusing those? Do we add the ability to next/previous within a group, so from the console you can select all the fixtures on a truss / bar / stand, and then next/previous only cycles through those? Throw ideas around...
  3. What would a ZerOS Smart Watch do? What would be it's purpose? Here's my idea for a focus tool. The channel in the middle (15) is the currently selected fixture. Next and Previous buttons allow you to select different fixtures. The digital crown on the side allows you to adjust the intensity in steps of 5%. RD = RemDim, HL = Highlight.
  4. The Colour Picker will only affect the RGB values. Amber can then be added in / removed using the dedicated encoder wheel. I'd ensure that Amber is defaulted to 0% rather than 100% (if this isn't already the case, this can be altered in SETUP > Edit Fixtures > Defaults)
  5. Thanks for sending that over. If you select fixture 113, press "colour" and then along the bottom of the touch screen tap "Red", "Green" and "Blue" so they all go light blue rather than dark blue. Now, press and hold UPDATE. When the Update Window appears, tap "Smart Tag" to turn it off. Now type "1" (for Cue 1) and press the {Playback 1 button} to update Cue 1 on that Playback. This should solve this problem. We've logged this as ZOS-7535 so this doesn't happen in the future
  6. As I said before: Last week we released ZerOS 7.9.2 which was the second of these two updates, so no - these two haven't been implemented yet.
  7. I think it depends if you chose the RGB fixture with or without virtual dimmer. Send over the showfile and we'll take a look.
  8. You can record Macros for this sort of thing. Type RECORD MACRO 1 ENTER Choose "Keys" Press PAGE UP on both wings twice Press MACRO to finish recording the macro. Now do the same for PAGE DOWN. You can trigger this by taping the Macro in the Macro Window or by typing Macro 1 Enter. You can also put these onto two of the UDKs so they become "Global Page" buttons - just type MACRO 1 RECORD {UDK}
  9. Have the fixtures got an intensity or a virtual dimmer? If they don't, I wonder if move on dark is having an affect. Could you post the showfile?
  10. Any fixtures (including those from the library) that are used in the show are saved within the showfile to ensure compatibility when switching between consoles (or, as in your example, upgrading the software)
  11. Pressing the Clear button once (if something's selected) will deselect everything
  12. ZerOS 7.9.2 brings major changes to the features, capacity and operation of the Solution Series. These are documented in the below video and the updated manual. IM9210 - Solution Manual Issue 2.0.pdf
  13. They are with Apple being reviewed :-)
  14. I've added the release notes as a separate PDF on the download page (they remain inside the .zip file too) Fair point, I've swapped a few things around, what do you think? zero88.com/software/zeros
  15. We should possibly revisit the options in this window. "Factory Reset" is designed for hire companies in between jobs. On FLX, there probably isn't any difference, but on some ZerOS consoles this resets the options when you first turn on the console (would you like to run in tracking etc). It's there as we're working to get all the options standard across the range... but this is an irregularly admittedly.
  16. This will be changing soon, but yes - to make it much easier to program, run effects, use the colour picker etc, we suggest patching each "cell" individually.
  17. Hi Stefan, We'll look into both of these things. Currently the MFF window only shows the faders of the current page on the console. Jon
  18. Jon Hole

    FLX User Manual

    We don't generally update manuals every software release, only when there are significant changes. Release Notes are used to document the smaller changes. The latest FLX manual is ZerOS 7.9.1, and there aren't any major new features for FLX in ZerOS 7.9.2.
  19. Hi Joggel01, My colleague Franck can support you in German - please email him on FranckTiesing@Eaton.com Mein Kollege Franck unterstützt Sie auf Deutsch - bitte mailen Sie ihn auf FranckTiesing@Eaton.com Jon
  20. Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of ZerOS version 7.9.2 software - a new software release for ORB Series, Solution Series, FLX, SCD Server (& Pro) and Leap Frog 48 & 96. This update is recommended for all users. More information can be found at zero88.com/software/zeros If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the office. Out contact details are: email: support@zero88.com phone: 01633 838088 Best Regards,
  21. ZerOS 7.9.2 has now been released, and so beta download links have been removed. Dear All, We're continuing our Public Beta Releases of ZerOS 7.9.2, allowing users to preview (and provide feedback on) the latest ZerOS features. Please remember that you run this software at your own risk. Although we always try our best to help in all situations, please be sensible when you install this software. Don't install new software on your console mid-run or when it is critical that your console is fully operational. This is a pre-release build of ZerOS, so we do not recommend using it on live shows. If you are unhappy with the Beta software, you can backdate to the current release version of ZerOS by downloading the software from this link: zero88.com/software/zeros/ If you are going to load a showfile onto Beta Software, please keep an original version of the showfile safe, encase the Beta Software saves data that can not be read on a previous Release Version of software. This release is for all consoles and servers running the ZerOS Operating System. Draft release notes can be found here: There are major differences to how the Solution Series (and Leap Frog 48 &96) operate - please read through the following documents, and the release notes, and spend time becoming familiar with the software. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Best Regards,
  22. Hi, it looks like Joseph is using Light Converse. There are various other packages available (Capture, WYSIWYG) but they will all require an Ethernet input, which the Jesters don't have. I'm not sure exactly how Joseph has done this, but he's probably using something like this which can convert Ethernet to DMX or the other way around.
  23. Edward's already asked all the questions we would be asking, so we're waiting to hear the reply :-)
  24. ZerOS has now been superseded by ZerOS RC, and so download links have been removed. Dear All, We're continuing our Public Beta Releases of ZerOS 7.9.2, allowing users to preview (and provide feedback on) the latest ZerOS features. Please remember that you run this software at your own risk. Although we always try our best to help in all situations, please be sensible when you install this software. Don't install new software on your console mid-run or when it is critical that your console is fully operational. This is a pre-release build of ZerOS, so we do not recommend using it on live shows. If you are unhappy with the Beta software, you can backdate to the current release version of ZerOS by downloading the software from this link: zero88.com/software/zeros/ If you are going to load a showfile onto Beta Software, please keep an original version of the showfile safe, encase the Beta Software saves data that can not be read on a previous Release Version of software. This release is for all consoles and servers running the ZerOS Operating System. Draft release notes can be found here: There are major differences to how the Solution Series (and Leap Frog 48 &96) operate - please read through the following documents, and the release notes, and spend time becoming familiar with the software. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Best Regards,
  25. Edward's correct - we are putting in work behind the scenes to bring FROG2 over to the new software, but it's taking a little longer than the other consoles.
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