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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Jon Hole

Zero 88 Alumni
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. The delay was due to having to work on our other apps which needed to be remade to make them "64bit" (32bit apps will not be compatible with Apple's new iOS 11 soon to be released). As of last week, we're now back working on the Apple Watch app :-)
  2. Yes, the numbering system is a little messier than we'd like, but 7.9.3 is already assigned to our next release which'll be released around PLASA
  3. Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of ZerOS version software - a new software release for ORB Series, Solution Series, FLX, SCD Server (& Pro) and Leap Frog 48 & 96. Compared to the previous ZerOS 7.9.2, this release fixes two bugs and adds hardware support for an updated component for newer FLX consoles. More information can be found at zero88.com/software/zeros If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the office. Out contact details are: email: support@zero88.com phone: 01633 838088 Best Regards,
  4. Hi Uriahdemon, If you drop this information and the manual into an email to FixtureSupport@Zero88.com then one of the team will get it made for you. Jon
  5. Jon Hole

    FROG2 & ZerOS

    We pride ourselves in supporting our customers significantly past the warranty of their Zero 88 consoles. FROG2 was first released almost 13 years ago at PLASA Show 2004 in London, and we still regularly support FROG2 customers via the forum, email, social media and phone with programming guidance and fixture library updates (along with many other consoles much older than FROG2!). However, there's one area we can no longer support. We have been unable to port the latest ZerOS features across to FROG2 without affecting performance and stability, due to limitations of the FROG2's older hardware. Therefore, ZerOS, which was released in October 2016, will be the last ZerOS release for FROG2. We continue to release new fixtures for FROG2 (Fixture Library Release 33 was launched last month, in June 2017), and support FROG2 customers in any other way we can.
  6. Jon Hole

    Pixel mapping

    Hi Luke, Yes, this is on the FLX roadmap and has started being developed. However, based upon feedback, we reprioritised features we were working on which is why this hasn't yet been finished or released. We don't currently have a timeframe on when it will be released. Jon
  7. Hi Mike, if you don't mind, please could you email me your serial number as I'd like to get this recorded as a "Customer Comment" so we can keep track in case there are any similar issues in the future.
  8. Glad it's fixed! Out of interest, what was wrong?
  9. We're still reviewing the situation with FROG2, and hope to have news within the next month. FROG2 is now a 13 year old design, and it's not so easy to bring the new features across.
  10. Just to confirm, this is by design and due to the way Smart Tag works - Smart Tag ignores all fixtures with 0% intensity
  11. In Edit Fixtures, go to the channel and click "add" by DMX address... repeat this until you've added all the addresses you wish
  12. When you move an encoder, the box on the touchscreen above the encoder highlights in blue. This means that parameter is "tagged". If you tap that box (or hold CLEAR whilst moving the encoder) it will become untagged. Only tagged values get recorded into palettes. That said... In the Record Window you can override this. "Smart Tag" will ignore manual tagging and use a set of rules to decide what should be tagged and not tagged. If Smart Tag's not enabled, you can also filter by attribute along the bottom of the Record Window - the line along the side of the button changes between blue (off), red or green. Blue means no parameters within that attribute will get recorded (no matter if they are tagged or not). Red means only tagged parameters within that attribute will get recorded (this is default). Green means all parameters within that attribute will get recorded (no matter if they are tagged or not).
  13. We're looking into additional options. Currently there's programmer time which affects anything in the programmer (syntax, palettes etc), Global Tap Tempo which affects chases (only if they are linked to the Global Tap Tempo) and Speed Override which is designed for more theatrical users, where they need live control to speed up or slow down the currently fading cues during a transition. Just to confirm, you're using the 10 built in playbacks, plus 12 external faders via DMX In to control playbacks, plus spare channel faders from the console itself to control additional playbacks? If you remove the merge, and just plug either Universe 4 or the other console directly into the DMX In, do you still see the same issue? As a temporary fix you could disable the shifted mode of the playbacks you're using with the remote console by going into the Playback settings and under "Button action" hold shift and deselect Solo. We will investigate this, thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed explanation! If you hold SETUP and press the GO button of the Playback, is the Button Action set to "GO (Fade)"? If it's not, set it to "GO (Fade"), press OK and now try it. If it's already set to "GO (Fade)", or changing that doesn't help, please save your show and either upload it to the forum, or email it to support@zero88.com and someone will take a look for you!
  14. Thanks! Have done.
  15. Try enabling that, rather than having it on "Auto"
  16. We're excited to welcome Edward Smith to the Eaton family. Edward's already an active contributor to our forums and Beta Test programs. He has now joined us full time from the University of South Wales, studying BSc (Hons) in Lighting Design and Technology, where his skills and experience quickly caught our eye. Edward will be providing both onsite and remote support and training, along with supporting our Sales, Marketing and Engineering teams.
  17. Hi Paul and SJWicks, We've found an issue in the latest software version that affects some hardware variants which causes MIDI to (try and) be read at the wrong baud rate. We're getting it fixed asap and will get a beta out tomorrow. If you would like to be part of the Beta Test group to access this, drop me an email (jonhole@eaton.com) and I'll add you to the group. Jon
  18. It sounds like you're already planning to see the desk "in real life" - we always recommend this method... there's no better way to decide if a console is suitable for you than to get in front of one and play with it for an extended period of time
  19. It's a work in progress, but by doing so we've set of a chain reaction which has become an enormous job. In short, to upgrade the forum we need to support a different version of PHP. To do that, we need to migrate to another server. However that server doesn't appear to support older versions of PHP, which in turn breaks the software that manages our knowledgebase, software downloads and legacy product information. So first we're migrating all that information, then we can migrate servers, then we can upgrade the forum.
  20. Old showfiles are automatically converted when you load them into the new software, so they continue working. However, they are not backward compatible, so showfiles saved in the new software cannot be loaded back into the old software.
  21. We've had several requests for the ability to disable the Grand Master, so in the future you'll be able to use the Grand Master for other functions instead - such as this.
  22. We always like it when it's not our fault
  23. In ZerOS, "Blank Cue" was the name given to "Cue 0" - a blank cue which couldn't be edited. This isn't available in ZerOS 7.9.2 (it wasn't included within the overhaul of ZerOS on x86 consoles), but is will be returning to ZerOS in 7.9.3 - there won't be a setting for it, it'll always be available if you jump to it ("CUE 0 GO" or hold GO, type "0" and release GO) or if you scroll up from Cue 1.
  24. I've added this as a request for this feature, logged as ZOS-3846
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