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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Jon Hole

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Jon Hole

  1. We're aware of the bug when a ZerOS Wing is set to Playbacks and Page 9 on a Solution, and we're working to fix it. Reference: ZOS-7551
  2. Currently there's no way to do that via the Apps. I've added an request (reference ZOS-7667) for this to be added to the App screens. It's also a feature we're implementing on the Watch App.
  3. Hi, take a look at this: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/de/Knowledgebase/Article/View/49/
  4. Jon Hole

    lack of support

    Hi Simon, Sorry to hear you didn't receive the support you'd expect. Zero 88 are known for our industry-leading support, but in this situation it sounds like we fell short on out-of-hours support. Unfortunately we're struggling this week slightly, as we've sadly lost one of our colleagues, and a lot of our team are in Frankfurt this week. Did you contact our support line? That is usually answered at all hours, or worst case goes to an answerphone where someone will call you back. Jon
  5. Just to add to Ed and Ian's comments, you can find your closest Zero 88 distributors on the below link - most of these locations have a service department. http://zero88.com/distributors/
  6. Hi John and Ian, Thank you - we appreciate your words, and we'll ensure they get passed onto the family. We're assembly a book of messages and photos to pass onto Paul's family to remind them how treasured Paul was within our industry.
  7. Ed's correct, this is available on ORB Series and FROG2, but not currently FLX. One way you can get around it is to record palettes of the fixture you want to copy, and then apply that palette to the new fixture - but this is a little bit long winded.
  8. I've been wearing the 38mm watch for a week now, and I'm convinced more than ever that these things are too small for any form of keypad. To unlock the Watch you need a PIN and the buttons feel just about big enough - we'd need to fit additional buttons onto the screen to be able to access basic syntax, and so I don't think would be nice to use.
  9. A quick update: App development was put on pause for a couple of days, but has restarted and is progressing well. ZerOS now fully supports the messages and flags required for the Apple Watch app We've built a development emulator within ZerOS to test these messages and flags
  10. It's a little like Christmas in the office...
  11. Maybe this style interface would work better? One for individual channels, one for groups.
  12. Thanks for the feedback - keep it coming. I think the real advantage here is as a focus tool. I struggle to see the need to have playback functionality from your wrist (although, potentially the current cue, and any fade / wait times and progress bars could be useful for crew backstage?). Rather than using the digital crown to fade up / fade down, what do you think about just using the programmer time on the console, and then Rem Dim / Highlight would use this time - meaning you can still just press "next" rather than having to fade down the previous channel, select the next channel, and then fade it back up. To change selection, if there are difficulties in using the Digital Crown (need to investigate this) how about press and hold the next / previous buttons to scroll through the channel numbers, and the when you let go, we action the Highlight / RemDim (with the programmer time if enabled). Lastly, I think Next / Previous would only select static fixtures, not Moving Lights. If a selection has already been made, Next / Previous would cycle through that selection in the order they were selected (so if you knew you were focusing channel 7, then 10, then 12, then 15 you could just select those fixtures on the desk / phone app, and then using the Watch to cycle through those four channels). Thoughts?
  13. Hi Matthew - can you send us your show file, and let us know which playback numbers you're referring to, and we'll take a look for you!
  14. 1 @@ will go to full (or 1 @ 100 Enter) 1 @ . will go to 0% (or 1 @ 0 Enter)
  15. Hi Karleaton, The ORB Series manual will be coming up for a renewal yes, probably later in the year. We're going through our product range updating the manuals, with the Solution manual updated last month. Jon
  16. Hi Matt, There's not a list no... however we have requests logged to expand our support for keyboard shortcuts, so this might be a good thread for people to request what they think we should include! One useful shortcut - SHIFT + F10 opens SETUP
  17. Kevin got there first - I was going to write exactly the same! Also, check you're running the latest software (ZerOS 7.9.2)
  18. Jon Hole

    chilli 2410i

    There are a few options, it's best to discuss with Keith on email keithrogers@eaton.com In short, we might be able to do a firmware update, but this requires sending back the keypad and one of the internal 3 phase PCBs to us. However, depending on the age of the PCB, there's a possibility the new firmware won't install. The alternative is an "upgrade kit" which includes a new keypad and 3 phase PBC. Keith will be able to discuss the various options with you
  19. Appears that it's pre-populated if the last cue that was recorded is the last cue in the list. If you record a point cue, the next Record Name is left blank. Added as ZOS-7572 Added as ZOS-7573
  20. Jon Hole

    DMX Values

    However it's happened, the setting will be saved into the show. However, I'm guessing you're running old software as the latest software will force it back to percentages, so the best option is to save the show, update the firmware and then load the show back in
  21. Yep, as Mike says it's all within the .zip file. That can be downloaded by clicking "Download ZerOS" on this page: http://zero88.com/software/zeros/
  22. Send over the showfile with details on which fixtures should be doing what in which cue and I'll take a look I end up with all sorts of odd versions of ZerOS only laptop... I think this was an old early beta
  23. You can only have either Snapshot or Smart Tag enabled at any one time. Enabling one will disable the other. SHIFT+RECORD only temporarily enables Snapshot for that one Record, and then reverts the settings back to how they were previously. SHIFT+RECORD / Snapshot doesn't affect the tracking setting - this setting is left as whatever it was before (Tracking forwards / backwards / both / cue only). Already is :-) It's a "macro". If you enable both "Smart Tag" and "Cue Only", you shouldn't get any future blocked values.
  24. This is the problem. Shift + Record is "Snapshot" not "Cue Only". In Snap Shot, every parameter gets recorded, no matter what. The other thing to remember is just because the intensity of a fixture is tracking / not tracking, doesn't matter that the individual parameters are / aren't. Move on Dark only works if the fixture is at 0% (or another parameter is set to a value that "is dark", such as "Shutter Closed") AND the parameters that are "moving" do not have programmed values within that cue. Because you've been using Snapshot, every cue has parameters programmed within it, and therefor the lights are not moving in dark. I've opened your show on an ORB XF, which shows this a little more clearly, essentially the red values are "bad" (in this situation, not always): The easiest way to solve this will be to go into the Playback settings (SETUP + GO together), go to "Advanced" along the top, and then choose "Unblock". This will remove all the red values shown above. To stop this happening in the future, in the Record Window enable "Smart Tag" - this does lots of the cleaverness for you, and 90% of the time means you can ignore tagging, tracking, cue only etc.
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