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  1. Thanks for your suggestion. It’s one of many workarounds that have been suggested. It’s not really the multiple channels that is the problem here. In fact I just have to remember to pull the pump fader every time. It’s a relatively small extra step but forgetting can cause the unwanted sudden bursts of haze through the show! Would just be cleaner if I didn’t have to use workarounds. One less thing to remember!
  2. A feature that I have sought after for many years has been Exclusive Playbacks. For easy dynamic adjustment during tech rehearsals I control my Le Maitre MVS hazer from the FLX Playbacks. The MVS has 4 channels: pump, fan, direction & sweep. However in order not to end up programming these channels into each cue I have to remember to pull them to zero before hitting record. In the heat of very speedy dance show techs I often fail to do this, resulting in subsequent frantic updates!!! This of course would be solved if I could exclude these Playbacks. I didn’t shout about it on this thread up till now as Edward did mention some time ago that it was slated for inclusion in ZerOS 8.0, however I see it hasn’t made the cut yet. I maybe a lone voice here but I still hope Exclusive Playbacks is a feature to be added in the not too distant future. Thanks, John
  3. Correct, no unresponsive finger taps noted as yet. I’ll give this a go and get back to you. Cheers, John
  4. Hi Alex, Jon & Edward, Prompted by this thread, I tried 7.12 on FLX with my T2252MTS. I too am getting the same 'Dead Zone'. However, it's also doing the same on 7.11. Never noticed this before as I've never drawn over the screen that extensively when calibrating! Also, prompted by the 'hang-y' comment, I have noticed that when scrolling through show files in the Load screen 7.12 is more 'jerky' than 7.11. I'll send a couple of videos to you via email that show this. Cheers, John First pic is 7.12, second is 7.11
  5. As I mentioned earlier, I have also experienced this a couple of times with 7.9.5 but forgot to mention that it also happened on 7.9.4, on the odd occasion. Cheers, John
  6. I've experienced this issue too on my first show with 7.9.5.
  7. Yes, this happened to me on an ML48 at a venue I was working at a few years ago. The whole display PCB was replaced by a Zero88 field rep. I would contact the Support boys for advice. cherrs, John
  8. Just wanted to send my condolences to the family, friends and Zero88 colleagues of Paul McEwan, who died this past weekend. Despite only meeting Paul for the first time exactly one year ago, he made a lasting impression, with his enthusiasm for the products he demonstrated, his technical support and his smile. I suddenly found a kindred spirit when I spoke to him of my obsession with Vari-Lite. When personally delivering my repaired FLX to my house, he viewed my Vari-Lite museum pieces with excitement and shared his stories of the time he worked on them in the 1980's. I am truly devastated at the loss of such a genuinely nice guy so soon. John Weitzen JW Lighting Services
  9. My wife bought an apple watch last week, unrelated to my needs obviously, but you didn't hear me saying "Do you really need this?"!! All ideas above developing nicely! I am agreeing totally with Jon's & Edwards's line of thought above to achieve a really powerful focus tool. Swipe selection and Focus Groups options, yes. Also agree with Edward's suggestion for a simplified keyboard as well, for those missed channels! Wow this is exciting! Looking forward to the Beta! Cheers, John
  10. Also, in the meantime, could Z Remote get a single 'Focus' screen with a quick channel(s) select/deselect option and an intensity encoder wheel? This would eliminate having to swap screens using the menu, when up a ladder! Cheers, John
  11. I don't have an Apple Watch yet but I would buy one for this. Anything that would eliminate having to juggle my iPhone up a truss would be great! Crucial for me when focusing is being able to select any fixture, not necessarily sequentially, and wind up intensity so I don't blow a lamp. Some way to scroll quickly to the channel you want, as mentioned by Edward above, would be ideal. Cheers, John
  12. Perfect, thanks for clarifying!
  13. Thanks Kevin, Sounds like he is jumping to cues at the end of his stack and then jumping back. I am in effect leaving gaps in my stack which I fill as each dance comes up in rehearsal, so was hoping that the move-on-dark process would just see the inserted block of cues and act on them? John
  14. Hi, Just looking at the FLX as a possible upgrade to my Jester ML48 for my dance shows and so am in the process of looking at all the functions. I would enjoy not having to program black out cues to reset my movers before each piece, so 'Move on Dark' would be great. I, however, have to program most of my dance shows out of sequence. I number each dance 10, 20, 30 etc. then program the relevant blocks of cues in the rehearsal order. It then obviously all runs in sequence with the running order of the show. If I do this will the tracking, 'move on darks', work correctly? Cheers, John
  15. Can you confirm if there has been an update to the operating software since December 2009? I loaded Version 3.0 at that time. Current version is 3.3. Can you tell me if it is worth my while updating my operating software to 3.3? Cheers, John
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