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Everything posted by RonnieUK

  1. The desk is back on an early version of the software. I`ll download a copy of the current showfile when Im in next week, and forward it to you.
  2. Hold on... My mistake it was 7.2, the one you released on 21.09.11
  3. Just updated to OS 7.1 and the desk still crashes when the pgm window key is pressed.
  4. Debug file sent 27.3.11
  5. Will do Peter, but I`ll have to wait till I have time without a performance, I don't want to risk a lock up mid show. In the meantime I`ll stick with the old version of the OS
  6. I downloaded and installed the latest version of the OS. The desk still crashes when flipping between PGM Win and others but now it doesn't crash everytime but often enough to make it not worth risking the software. Luckily I have an older version of the software on USB stick which I have reverted back to for now.
  7. I`m at that venue tomorrow, I`ll download the current version again and install it before the show. I`ll get back to you, Thanks
  8. On updating to Desk Software Version : 6.1.0 18/2/2011, our venues Leapfrog 48 freezes with a black screen and a central X when I open the PGM WIN window then open any other window. This also happens if I click the close button on the window with the mouse. Ron Johnson
  9. This problem has gone away with the 5.3.5 software update. Ron Johnson The Platform, Morecambe
  10. I have two LEDJ led parcans in DMX 128 and 133 output one/universe one on the desk. They are set up as fixtures assigned to MFKs and I have full on red, blue and green states stored as separate submasters and these work perfectly, raising and lowering each colour has the desired effect. I have a further two identical led parcans on DMX 138 and 143 on output two, also universe one. These are programmed exactly the same way using the same fixture file but don't work as expected. If I raise say the blue sub I get the expected output, but if I then also raise red, the blue dips to zero, then comes up in intensity with the red. Those fixtures work fine on the wheels and in the colour palette, it`s only when a state is stored on a sub that it happens. I've tried swapping DMX outputs on the desk with the same result, so I think the problem lies in the programming of the fixtures. I've tried changing cables and fitting DMX terminators btw. I expect it`s something stupid I`m doing, any ideas? Thanks for your help Ron Johnson The Platform, Morecambe
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