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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by valoparta

  1. Hi, When can i expect that this bug with the infinity spots is fixed? Can you send me info how can i upgrade my frog2 consoles processors etc, i have Frog2 unit from the year 2005 and i would like to keep it if i can get more processorpower to that and maybe i would take even another Frog 2 or me...
  2. Hi! There is Infinitys in library but the is lots of channels missing? There aint focus, gobowheel 2, goboshake, gobowheel2 index....can you fix this as fast as you can! -Kari
  3. Hi! I have Frog 2 console and i just got 6 units of Coemars Infinity Spot S moving Heads. Frog 2 doesnt have that in fixture library. Can you make that for me? -Kari-
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