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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by rt59

  1. rt59

    Chase times

    At the moment it seems to be doing what I ask it to. But I don't know what I did that was different. I think I need some training! I'll get back to you if it happens again. thanks
  2. rt59

    Chase times

    Auto yes
  3. rt59

    Chase times

    I'm having trouble, when programming chases, (Orb XF) in setting the speed. I programme the steps into a stack, and I convert it to chase, but when I change the number of bpm in the speed window and click ok, the chase just keeps going at the same (fast) speed without taking any notice of my programmed bpm. Have I missed something out?
  4. Thanks, Jon. I will watch and wait.
  5. Just taken delivery of a new Orb XF. Touch screen doesn't respond at all. Do we need additional drivers etc? Screen is an iiyama Prolite T1931SR. Any suggestions?
  6. rt59

    Keyboard GO

    Am finding the "click" on the Fat Frog Go button too intrusive when operating in a Studio situation where the control area is not behind glass. Was the external keyboard 'Go' functionality ever implemented?
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