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Everything posted by RealGrooveTom

  1. Hello, I use the Fat Frog with the OS 10_12. I have a fixture where the brightness Channel is full on dmx 0 and closed dmx 255. In the fixture editor is the option to invert the channel, but the fat frog don't invert anything. Do I make a mistake or is the frog not able to invert the chanel? Thank alot for you help, Tom
  2. Hello, Im Using the Fat Frog ith the latest Softwareupdate and have 7 New Showtec Clubspot MK2 The Link to the Datasheed of the Spots http://www.showfotos.nl/manuals/SHOWTEC%20...75%20MKII-E.pdf My Problem is, I created a Fixture for the Clubspot, everything is working but not the Dimmer. As you can see in the Manual, the dimmer is on Chanel 7. In the fixture, I set the Dimmer to "Brightness", but nothing happend. The Dimmer is open everytime. DMX Vlue 0 = open Dimmer; DMX value 255 is closed dimmer. I also tried to invert the Channel, but also nothing happend. Maybe its the software update? Is it possible to downgrad to an earlier Softare? Please Help me and excuse my bad English :-( Best regards, Tom
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