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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Arts Tech

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Everything posted by Arts Tech

  1. Many Many thanks for all you help on this matter every thing is running perfect. Merry Christmas to all at Zero88 and anybody reading this post
  2. Many Many thanks for all you help on this matter every thing is running perfect. Merry Christmas to all at Zero88 and anybody reading this post
  3. Hi I have attached a test show file this is the first 3 sceans. Just to confirm none of my DMX Par56's are not! been held in memory my smart tag is on and the window is cleared. many thanks Arts Tech TEST.isf
  4. I have installed once again the new software for the second time and still having the same problem I have attached the Debug debug.dat
  5. I don't know if this is linked with my problem of desk crashes on chase, but anyway I set a scean with gen lighting through dimmers and DMX LED Par 56 on saving and running through the sceans the dmx side has not saved at all can anybody help (I have smart tag on I know this is going to be something sillybut eresopnce would be greatful Simon Arts Tech Salisbury High school
  6. hi there, I have the latest OS and keep having the crash problem as I have said in my other posts this OS is causing the board to crash on chases from your last you said there is a bug with OS 4 and chases and your working on a debug what I am asking is due to me having to use the board in 2 days time should I just install a lower OS.
  7. Many thanks for your prompt responce. Should I go back and install maybe OS3 due to me having to use the board in 2 days time for our production which has lots of chase sceans in it?
  8. Hi there, I have a frog 48 and had many problems Crashing etc. then I got the Loading !!!!!! please wait the and I did for about 3 hours and nothing so I installed OS 4 and now it keeps crashing on making a chase so looked at this brill site and found a debug but don't know how to install it so can anybody HELP
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