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  1. Something else, Maybe it's an idea to make support for a keyboard / numpad, for setting the fade time, like i mentioned on an avolites pearl (if you understand what i mean) Greetings, Harm
  2. Hello, I've tried, and it didn't work for me. I can't tag or untag the position attributes. Can anybody help me? Greets, Harm
  3. I will try next saturday. Thanks! Didn't think of that
  4. Hello, Is it possible to patch multiple fixtures at once, on every 30st DMX adress? So lets say Mac250 entour 1 on channel 1, next one on 31, next one on 61 and so on? It's easier than to count it out exactely each time. Thanx in forward EDIT: Sorry for my double post...
  5. Hello everyone, Is it possible to mix effects? So I want the following: 1. submaster with an effect for pan (left to right) 2. submaster with an effect for tilt (up and down). Now I want to mix them, to create circles or ovals. The problem is when I open effect 1, and then effect 2, effect 1 is stopped again! Can somebody help me? Maybe there is a possibility for a new feature? Thanks in forward. (Sorry for my english, I'm dutch)
  6. Didn't know that either. Thanks a lot. I'm going to try it tomorrow when I'm working with the console again
  7. Didn't know! Thanks a lot.
  8. Hello folks, Is it possible to change the flash button mode per fader ? So let's say, I want faders 1 to 20 flash, and 21 to 24 off/select Maybe possible as new feature when impossible? Thanks
  9. Hello, For school I have worked with a Pearl once, but I still think a Leap Frog is easier for me to work with. But there were some functions that are very nice. Maybe something thats interesting for the Leap Frog. Like the function that you can enter a number, and press a position button. Then it goes to that position in the time you entered. So when you enter 5 and then press a position, your lights will fade to that position in 5 secs. Maybe it can be an option for next version of console, it's just a pity that the leap frog doesn't have number keys
  10. Hello everyone, Is there a way to make presets, like on a pearl? On a pearl you can program a Position, color and gobo (for example) on one button. When you press it the beam will change in that color, go to that position and that gobo will be enabled. Is there a way to do this on a Leap Frog? I have to do a show on 31st of december, and I would like to know if there's a solution to this. I can also program submasters, but then I have to make an awful lot of them, and switch pages continuously. Thanks in Forward. Sorry for my bad English of bad explaination, I'm dutch Greetings, Harm Wellink
  11. Maybe it's possible to add the functionality to lock or disable programming in the console? So nothing is tagged and so, but you can still use preset faders and the MFK's (and wheels). I would like to point back to this topic, with a problem around submasters and programming. I think this feature is a good solution to this... It is HERE
  12. My desk is already in HTP mode, it helps for my preset faders, but not for my fixtures under the MFK's... Maybe an idea for suggest a feature?? --> disable or lock programming (?)
  13. Thanks Christian. But, what I thougt... Is there a way to lock programming while doing a show? Thanks in forward
  14. Hello Everybody, I've got an issue with my submasters and with my clear button. I do the following. I have programmed a submaster with the intensity to FF for all my intelligent lights. (4 washes and 2 heads). When I open this submaster my lights go on or off.. That's what I want. But if i only want to control the intensity of 2 of the fixtures, I press fixtures, choose the right ones using my MFK's, and roll the intensity wheel. The problem is: My submaster with the intensity isn't working anymore. The problem gets fixed by pressing the clear button, but when I do that -> all my lights go off. Is there another way to solve this? Without using the clear button? Thanks in Forward
  15. It worked! I dont´t know what I have done wrong, but it worked. I´ve got only one issue with the clear button... You can read that in another topic... Well... everybody thanks. (Sorry for my english)
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