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Thorsten Büscher

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About Thorsten Büscher

  • Birthday 03/22/1976

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  1. Hi, thank you for the quick answer. I think 15 Submaster Fader are enough. (with LCD Field ) The DMX Output is not necessarily. ( Do you mean like a Frog BOX) MFK is a great Idea. Yes i think other User´s like the Idea with the Submasterboard. But the Price !!!!!!!!! I think 1500 - 2000€ not more. Thank´s
  2. Hallo, i think a great feature is, when the User of the Leap Frog can change the Backgroundcolor (at the Monitor) of each programmed Colorpalette. You programmed a red palette and the Background is red, yellow palette - yellow ......... This is perfect when the Leap is on Dry Hire. And the same procedure for the gobo´s. You can see the Gobo a the Monitor. The User of the Console can change the Colour and the Gobo´s self. This is a feature of the Grand Ma serie. best Regards
  3. Hi, i think a very good feature is an external Submasterboard s. The Leap 48 had only 10 Submaster, i think it is not enough. The Submasterboard can connect over the USB Port, like the Playback Wing at the HOG. Best regards
  4. Hello Leap Frog users, i think Christian´s idea is great feature. The Leap Frog users need this feature. Best regards Thorsten
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