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  1. Okay, We just want it to WORK now, Me and my group of amatures trying to set up the lights for this ****ed concert, It was working friday, but someone sabotaged the equipment, now we need to manually reset everything. Okay, we have 4 dimmer racks Each with 6 channels Each with two plug sockets Each dimmer is daisy chained to the next. Now, Atm Rack one has the DMX address of = 100 Rack two = 200 Rack three = 300 Rack four = 400 Now, Rack one, Channel 1 has 2 lights plugged in, however on our frog, when we raise channel 1, 4 lights come on, we suspect its because of a clash in DMX address' Any tips Guys I Love You if you can fix this, honestly.
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