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Everything posted by X-Terminator

  1. Where can I get spare parts for my Mambo Frog? The Master Fader is dieing due to a liquid incident. It seems that the fader itself is an Alpha brand, 10K, dual fader type. Does the whole print need replacing or can the fader itself be desoldered & replaced. If so where can I find this fader and it's exact specifications? Is there another more easily fadertype to get? One that also fit's? (Perhaps an ALPS?) Since this is our only desk running the entire show sending it for service is almost impossible. This is one that needs to be done 'in-the-house' due to opening times etc... Thanks in advance.
  2. Is it possible for the Mambo Frog to control mutiple dmx channels with one parameter ? Here is the story: I have 12 led globes, controlled by a 48ch controller (4 channels per globe: brightness, colour, fx & fx speed). The controller only knows the starting address, and adds up the addresses internally. My globes are grouped together by 3, these 3 (12 dmx channels) need to be controlled together. Meaning the brightness needs to control 3 addresses , the colour 3 and the beamshape 2x 3 addresses, resp. for each globe in the cluster. I tried the add sub fixture in the fixture editor, but this doesn't solve my problem. I can't assign them speratly to a fixture, for the simple reason that I'm running out of fixtures. Short: One assigned fixture on the frog, needs to be set to 3 dmx addresses Any ideas ?
  3. I'm using the mambo frog with os v10.4 I want to create a virutal channel (brightness HTP) mapped to the colour of a fixture. Creating it with fixture editor is no problem, but when I assign the fixture on my mambo, the virtual channel isn't displayed. Is it possible that mambo frog can't handle virtual channels, or am I dooing something wrong ?
  4. Well as it seems, the 'solo' sx button is not THE effective way to do the trick. As I need to constantly push it down... Hope this feature gets implemented....
  5. Hi Martin I'm not sure this is possible at this point. This is because submasters only affect the HTP levels of your fixtures, when a submaster is pushed up, or pulled down, the HTP level is affected. LTP channels (such as gobo, position, prism, colour, etc...) are only snapped (or faded, depending on your programming) to their programmed position when the submaster reaches the LTP level.
  6. Using the solo is one way to do it... programming a bunch of submasters another way.... (I think I'll go with the first one). But as I can see by other users comments, It would be a nice 'feature'... Hope this gets to the engineering dept. Greetz....
  7. The use of this button is, that this mambo is used in a discotheque. You can never predect what record the DJ is about to put on the turntables. And if I pre-program entire shows, then the creativity a lightshow is gone. Each evening is has it's own unique show, therfore I don't use pre-programmed shows, the memories are only used for scenes with my intelligent lights. As some records have great 'breaks' followed by a nice climax, it's handy to preset your scene during the break. This buy's you time to change individual parameters during a show. As you can see, I'm not the only user on this board that is in need of such a feature, so I think it should be considered REALLY important.
  8. Well, I can't see where the problem is, all output needs to pass the dmx controllers inside the board, and the mambo has 2 unused function keys available, for instance the F4 key could be used to accomplish this, when it's pressed, the currend dmx output is buffered and send, while making changes continiously to the universes. When the key is pressed again, everything returns to 'normal' mambo function. Perhaps this post should be moved to suggest a feature then ?
  9. Well, no sh*** (xcuse me french) but I already thought of that Only problem is, the martin fixtures are smart enogh to continue what they were dooing, but the switchpacks and other fixutres don't So... other solution ?
  10. This link does not fully answer to my post. The problem is, that I don't need to EDIT my memories / submasters, just change values (bring up / down other submasters, run other memories) without immediatly affecting the dmx output. The output needs to be affected when I push the 'offline' (or whatever you like to call it ) again. So I can give certain commands, without the crowd noticing what I'm about to do, until I 'release' the commands. Lets say we have the following scenario: 1) A show is running (submaser 4 & 6 are up, sx button 26 is pressed and memory 2 is running) 2) I push the 'offline' button 3) Everything remains as set ( the crowd doesn't notice anyting) 4) I make changes (pull down submaster 4 and bring up submaster 5, push sx button 27, make memory 10 running, and affect the color of my fixtures via the pallet). These changes are put into a buffer, all this without the crowd noticing. (Kind of editing blind, but It's not actually editing) 5) I push the 'offline' button again 6) All the new parameters are send to the fixtures 7) A new show is running in just one handle (pressing the offline button)
  11. I'm not sure where to post this topic, in the suggest a feature section or overhere. Is there a button on the mambo frog that puts the desk in a kind of 'offline' mode ? Say you have adjusted some parameters (submasters, memories, sx buttons and fixture output changes) then you press the 'offline' button and everything remains as set, but when you make changes, lets say change submasters, affect fixture outputs and change sx buttons, the changes you make are not directly visible, but remain in some kind of buffer. When you press the offline button again, all changes are send to the fixtures. This is useful in a 'break'. You set a scene, when there is a 'break' you push the offline button, make your changes and when the 'break' ends, you hit the offline button again and all fixtures receive the new parameters. Does this feature exist within the mambo ? Or does this post belong in the 'suggest a feature' section? Greetings.
  12. Quote from mambo frog manual on page 3-5 "Tagging ONLY applies to a fixture's LTP parameters (colour, beamshape and position). Brightness parameters for fixtures are always recorded whether the fixture is tagged or not." But never mind, I will figure it out myself...... :? <topic closed>
  13. Nope that's not it, I think you misunderstand me... I want to use this to save me some space on my pallets, because I've noticed that every type of fixture has a different way of colour assignment. The pallet only holds 48 colours, so with 4 diffirent types of fixtures, It's quite quickly filled up. And if I program a chase with all available colours next to eachother, I can rapidly change by pulling down or pushing up the fader, plus I have saved a lot of space on my pallet, this I can use for my scans and MAC's
  14. But only the selected fixture's parameter is recored into a scene or chase right ? Or are ALL fixtures recorded ? Then, when I mix 2 chases, the 2nd one blacks the 1st one out. Because in the 2nd one the 1st one's brightness is set to 0 Desk is brandnew... so I need to figure some things out...
  15. :oops: :oops: :oops: Think I already discovered the workaround myself :oops: :oops: :oops: Something to do with the Playback X Master ?
  16. Is it possible to record ONLY the brightness parameters of the fixtures that are tagged ? Now every fixture's brightness parameter is recorded into the memory... Or is there a workaround about this ?
  17. It would be nice to make my colorchangers change color... I program several colours into each step of the chase and utilize the submaster to control them
  18. As we all know you can program memories under submasters. But the submaster only controls the brightness parameter of the memory (on - off). Is it possible to program the submaster that, the more the submaster is opened, the further the memory jumps into a chase. Lets say you have 10 scenes in a chase, you program your memory under a submaster, you open the submaster to '1' the chase jumps to the 1st scene. You move the submaster to '5', the chase jumps to the 5th scene in the programmed chase, and so on, ....
  19. Is it possible to show the brightness value in DMX values on the display, in stead of % ?
  20. If you assing generic light cans as 'scrollers' than you have a problem (just like me) with your submasters. The lights will go on (because the LTP is triggered by it's value) but they won't turn off !! If you want to accomplish this you need to assign EACH generic light can under a separate fixture button. Thus meaning that you can only assing 96 generic light cans on a mambo frog.
  21. Full Programming for the initial programs Partial programming for "the finishing touch"
  22. I've figured it out myself, I created my own fixture where the shutter is an HTP channel, and the dimmer an LTP (the dimmers are disconnected inside the PRO218 scanners because of a hardware flaw) Now it's working niceley
  23. Mail has been sent ....
  24. I got to the point of it only affecting the HTP channels but is there any way it will ever affect LTP channels on a Mambo ? (Perhaps a firmware update ?)
  25. The fade down isn't a problem. But how do I get this under a submaster ? ie: Fader open: light on, fader down: light off (same as flash button, button pushed in = on, release = off) If every time I need a flash, or another effect that needs to be turned off, I must select the fixtures, and pull them to home position (all this in just a mather of tenth of seconds) then what's the use of the desk ? I could be wrong in my way of thinking, but the way I understand the solution, it just won't do....
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