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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Neil Hampson

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Everything posted by Neil Hampson

  1. Apologies for thread bumping, but it didn't seem to be worth vreating a new thresd. I have been trying do the same last night and I am having the same problems reading an older showfile from a stick into Phantom. There are 4 showfiles on the USB stick and I can only load 1 file, regardless of filename (originally I thought is was alphabetically or the last saved but it's not) if I try to scroll through the files I get a 'Working' for a fraction of a second and then the same file offered. Any of the files will all open if they are the only file on the drive, they were all on the root directory of the stick. At first I was using an older Phantom, V2.1, running software V3.2. but I downloaded the newest version from the website last night, running V3.4 with no change. The 4 files are: NUTCRACK : 06/08/2009 12:57 SHOW01 : 26/01/2010 20:08 Testing : 27/01/2010 08:10 WedPanto : 26/01/2010 20:03 * This is the file that is offered each time (If I re-name a file to be ZZZ, then WEDPANTO is still offered) I am nowhere near the desk so I can't confirm that I can choose these files from the desk. Thanks, Neil NUTCRACK.JSF SHOW01.JSF WedPanto.JSF Testing.JSF
  2. After watching some of the students using one of the Jesters the other day I have another suggestion; I have noticed that in the smaller studio the students use the desk in wide twin preset mode, the suggestion involves the use of the screen in this mode. In Wide twin preset mode, the LCD screen is pretty much redundant, however it would be useful if the screen displayed a preview of the fader position of the channels set by the 'A' and 'B' faders. (obviously ignoring the A/B/Grand master) This would give visibility as to where the faders were saved when toggling between the two scenes, these previews could be colour coded on the screen to match the yelow / red faders. also the screen could be re-arranged to give greater emphasis as to the current 'live' scene. such as the following:
  3. I am looking at a second hand Jester 24/48 from someone at the Blueroom, however I don't know what the hardware version is without having the guy boot up the desk and check. When was the R2 hardware introduced? I think this is going to be more important as features such as the Keyboard support are not available on R1 Hardware. Is it possible to upgrade the R1 to R2 with a simple Eprom change, or is this a whole new chipset/pcb. Would an upgrade be possible?
  4. Paul, Thanks, Northern Stage are coming out to the school on Wednesday to have a look at it. We are just about to order another Jester for our other studio so hopefully we won't be desk-less for long.
  5. Paul, Thanks for spliting that off, I hadn't realised there was a seperate 'suggestion box' thread. I checked the desk last night and it's running V2.1 of the software. I also took every memory stick that I could find in the house that I could format to FAT32. (3, ranging from 128Mb to 1Gb) When I plugged a stick in to save, the LED does not come on at all, it seems that the desk didn't even regognise the stick was there. I also checked with the dealer Northern Stage, the desk was pretty much shipped direct from the factory.
  6. I have been using our new Jester in anger this week for the first time. However last night I came to save the showfile to USB. I plugged in the drive and selected to save show, gave it a name and hit enter, the desk returned the statement 'Failed' at 0%. Is there any requirements for the USB stick? I am assuming that the Jester is running V2.1 as it was only purchased in December. The stick is a generic 512Mb that works in a windows (XP, Vista Win2K) machine without any problems, the stick is pretty much empty. I have tried formatting to 'FAT', 'FAT32' and 'NTFS?' The led on the stick lights up as soon as I plug it in an remains on throughout. I have tried putting the stick in before the desk is powered, after powering, before and after entering 'superuser' I also tried to use the sound guy's memory stick, with similar results, other than the memory sticks LED flashes on initially and then goes off. Any Ideas???
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