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Everything posted by trumpetsteve

  1. Just wondering. Ive been using the Jester for a couple of months now and love using it. One of the things that does get quite irritating is constantly changing over USB accessories. Unplugging my USB LED light to save a show on a USB stick, then plugging in a USB keyboard for doing something else. Today i found it handy having the jester around as i could charge my ipod on it (however it crashed when i plugged it into the ML, worked fine with the 24/48 though!) Would i be able to plug a USB hub - or would zero88 have to come up with patchbay on the back or something for more USB ports? thanks Steve
  2. Hi Peter The training would not be for me, but for the other members of the drama deparment - i was just hoping of an easy way out of not doing it myself. I can see them picking up the jester very quickly, but the ML may take a little longer! Steve
  3. with the dates announced for the training on the frog range...will any training be available in wales for the jester desks? thanks steve
  4. Just took delivery of my nice new JesterML and Jester48 - wooo! Before this i had always used either a fatfrog or leapfrog on hire. One of the features i always found useful was the pan/tilt function in the superuser, allowing a quick change to the direction of the pan or tilt. I always found this useful, especially when working in a school where the students don't always hang the lights the same way (grrrrr) am i just not being able to find it on the ML or has it vanished? Steve
  5. I would have loved to have known this 4 hours ago...would have saved alot of hassle. Is there a chance this can go in the next manual? As i've never run 2 desks together until today its something ive never come across. Steve
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