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  1. ... also important for me. we use the illusion at a theater and we make photos of our memorys ... have u ever ported a show with 112 Qs, Chases an 8 MLs to a Strand Console ? Or to an AVAB ? ... lots of pictures an 2 pencils ... dont forget the jokes on you ... oh May 2005 ... Quote: "At some point in the future we may look at providing a PC based utility which will enable you to load an Illusion 500 show file and then generate a number of different reports based on the data in the show." Whats about that ?
  2. Hello, at the Moment everything works fine. No "BpM-Bug". All Submasters are ok. Also the "Unpatch-Bug 999 + Enter" looks fine. More about, in 2 Weeks. We're in "Theater-Holliday". regards (sorry for my bad english)
  3. ... i am still waitin !!!
  4. thank you
  6. Hi, another Bug, a big BUG ! i have stored some chases on submasters with 130, 260, 390 Bpm after an normal On/OFF, the desk sets 2, 4, 6 bpm in all stored submasters. bpm in memories are still correct. hmmm, we've payed 3400 .- eur, 3 months ago for a new Desk, released in 2004, still with those Big bugs ! YOU HAVE TO FIX THAT. WHERE IS YOUR CUSTOMERSUPPORT ? Or should we buy ETC ? Sorry but i am a little bit angry !
  7. Hi, i've made an .ift for the Illusion 500 "American Dj Megabar LED 11ch" want to have ? -> PM me Greetings
  8. "Hold or Freeze function for Channel and/or Fixture Data) we often have to go back with our Qs (in lightingsessions only) sometimes it would be great to "fix" some channel and fixture data for that. Thx ps. sorry for my bad english
  9. Hi all, we've bought an Illusion 500 last Week. Same Problem while unpatching with 999. Desk will crash sometimes, sometimes not. 999 and "enter" = 90% Crash 999 and cursor = 30% Please fix that Greetz ps: sorry for my bad english
  10. ... we've ordered an illusion 500. our jester 24/48 only for rehearsles from now thx for help
  11. ... ah. ok. would be an interesting feature for commen updates ... so can I fade recorded input from the 48 with the ML ? greetings
  12. Hi, just a question about the DMX- Input. Can i plug the ML into the Jesters 24/48 dmx-in and record Movinglight Parameters into Cues and Submasters ? Thx for help ...
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