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  1. thanks peter! i will have a look at it and try and get it to the distributor! my prob is its the only desk we have and its used sunday, wednesday, fri!
  2. hey, on my desk, when i use the thmb wheel, the value takes a while to change and the fixture doesnt move, would this be a faulty thumb wheel? peter
  3. smythy75


    thank you! so you have to do it step by step but save it in the same location really! peter
  4. smythy75


    how do i programme a chase on ml24? peter
  5. i dont have any led par cans yet, i just wanted to be sure i could use them on the jester before i got them, glad i can use them as fixtures! that will suit me fine, ill take a look in the fixture library and see what led fixtures are supported! Pete!
  6. Thanks for replying!! How do I go about creating a fixture file? Is this hard to do? Peter
  7. anyone??
  8. hey, im looking to add some LED par cans to my rig and i was wondering if the jester ml 24 can run these ok? and how i go about doing it? Thanks! Peter!
  9. can anyone please offer some advice!
  10. sorry if this in the wrong section! i have a jester ml 24 desk, i currently hire out a hazer for the more important shows, its a 5pin dmx input and i addressed it to channel 24, it works fine, just taking the 5pin dmx lead from my last dimmer to the hazer! what i want to know is, i have a dmx splitter that takes the input from the desk and splits out to the 6 robe fixtures and the three dimmers, im looking at a 3pin dmx input hazer and was wondering, if i plug into a out out on the dmx splitter and plaug into the 3pin haze machine and set it to channel 24 will it work fine on channel 24 fader where i have it preset on the desk? sorry, i hope this makes sense, im still learning! Peter!
  11. hey, it turned out the lamp wasnt set to on in the actual lamp itself, im posting at a ridiculous time because time is running out for me to set and programme scenes for sunday and i have to get used to the rig! thanks and speak soon! Pete
  12. hey, i have assigned the move model to the desk and patched it, but i cant work out how to bring the bulb on, the light is moving around on the faders and i can hear the gobos moving inside etc, just need to work out how to turn the actual lamp on!! Pete!
  13. hey, im new o the forum and jus wanna say hello to all! i want some information on my lighting rig, what i have is, 12 power cans, 6 movers(robe colourspot 250at) jester ml 24. i have all the power cans working fine and i patched channel 13 on the submaster b fader as mover number one which the dmx address is 240! on the number 13 fader i can rotate the mover, thats all i can do, what do i need to do to gain full control of this mover and the other 5? i cannot even get the bulb to turn on! i have choose the correct characteristic in the assign fixtures also!! thanks in advance for any help! Pete! thanks guys!
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