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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by GrantR

  1. I can see a printer being useful. Or a program to extract show file into excel or similar on PC that can then be printed. If you have a large show, to have to make a paper record of it by writing all the cues/levels out by hand is a bit slow. Having the USB stick as a backup is great, but that does not help if the console falls over and you need to re-enter the show to a different type of desk. Cheers
  2. This has sorted it for my machine. Works on all console types. Thanks.
  3. Newest beta version (1.2B3 BETA TEST) now displays front panel for me, but only on ML48. I have tried starting it as all console options and it will only display on ML48. Maybe this helps...
  4. Hi I have tried both patches, and checked about box, and tried start / stop many times, show monitor / show panel checked/unchecked various ways and each different desk type but no change. Sorry can't offer something more for you to work from
  5. Great to see Jester OLE. I have just installed it but "Front Panel" is blank. Version 1.1. The controls work as you move mouse over them, but screen is blank. I have reinstalled and tried starting as various jester desk options. Same result. I am running XP. Thoughts? Also, hate to play a scratched record, but is there/will there be any way to get a printout of cues, levels etc? Thanks
  6. Thanks. Yes it was a bad Sub board. Back to the show file... The file can be read on a PC and imported and formatted in various applications. Can you give me the details on what the formatting / data sequence is. I can then write some code to extract the cue info and get a printout. I do not need offline editing, or to see console screens etc. As a backup in case of desk failure the USB stick is not the solution as it cannot be loaded to another type of console, but a printed out set of cues can at least be reloaded.
  7. Hi I have a Jester 24/48 out on hire and the hirer has just called me to say the desk has displayed an error code, and the display is not behaving normally. He can still run the show on memories, but has no subs. The info on the screen is Error 001 No Presets PCB Data 000 Count 001 I take it that the Submaster PCB is either loose or faulty. Do the error codes give any more clues as to the problem. This is an out of town hire so I am unable to sight the desk myself at this point, and want to gain as much info as possible before going there. This also brings up another question. I have the show saved to USB Stick. If I need to replace this desk while a repair is done, I am unlikely to be replacing it with a desk that has DMX in so it will involve manually setting levels. Is there any way I can interpret the data on the memory stick via a PC, to enable me to print the cue levels out? I coud copy levels direct from Jester screen I guess but it is not an ideal long term solution, and only works if jester is still operating.
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