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Everything posted by gress
this is an attempt for my continuous effort to get a lock code for the desk so no one can operate it. on a side note: what I do now is clear DMX patch. Works but a lock code would be easier.
Just installed the 6 Elations, 2 more in the future. So far so good. Very good product and quality, espicially for the price! Had no problems adding them in with the new file here from Zero88. Looks like I will be buying even more elations in the future.
Thanks, thats what I have done for now.
Any update on this? We continue to have problems with people (kids) messing with the desk. I keep getting phone calls at all hours with people asking me "are the lights supposed to be on and spinning around" ... "are the Martins supposed to be..."
This is really getting annoying - my names in position pallets just disappear also - the positioin is still programmed but the name is gone - I know where they are at but when I have someone help me - thats when I run in to trouble. I cant trace when it dissappears. I set it one day, the very next day I came in and they were gone again! ARG! That and the time on the board always gaining are the only two issues I have. both of these issues happen with the previous and new sw release.
Are there any future plans to be able to print out the patch channels for the dimmer and fixtures? Would be a nice quick way to have documnetation on how things are set up. To clarify, start Phantom Frog, load show from your desk and from Phantom Frog, print the layout from your PC. Thanks
Bullfrog desk, partial mode. How do you make sure the Color and Beamshape will be tagged as well? Say I set my fixtures to one position with a elipse gobo beamshape, and the color red. I set the position to say x/y 128,128. I hit record to make it a submaster 1. I then just change the positions to say for an example x50,y50. I then hit record to make that another submaster 2. as long as I go to submaster 1 then 2 it look ok. But say I have another Gobo and color on submaster 3. If I pull up submaster 3 then jump to submaster 2, submasters 3 gobo and color are there instead of the elipse and red color :cry: . I can quickly recover by hitting submaster 1 then go back to 2. I used to be able to force the COLOR and BEAMSHAPE to be tagged when I am programming different effects by just pressing the COLOR or BEAMSHAPE button and making sure they are flashing. I cant do this anymore with the new software upgrade. What is the trick to tagging all three CBP? I hope all that made some sort of sense to someone! Thanks! Kevin
I am looking to get about 4 wash lights to add to our current set up of 4 Martin Mac 250 Entours and 2 ETC REV and scrollers. I was looking at the ROBE Wash lights but found a much better price on the Elation 250 Wash lights. Does anyone have Elations, good quality and operation? Thanks
Thats what I would think as well.
Thanks! Loaded v10 and works like a champ! Now if we could get channel level locks and the funtion to lock the board so no one can pull up subs or memories.
I may havespoke to soon! I just found release 10 is out. looks like this is a new feature.
I use the Bullfrog console. I think it would be nice if we could have the function of setting just one channel of the beamshape in a pallet. This way when I have my Martins going with something, I could hit a pallet that changes the shutter value only to a strobe. Right now I need to use 2 pallets or subs per gobo effect for this. Did that make sense?
My Bullfrog unit keeps gaining time everyweek. I think it's about 15min time gained per week. Any fix for this?
Hey jester777, I run the lights at our church as well. Its been a long road but we now have 4 Martin 250 Entours, 2 ETC REVs, as well as the other ellips, mirrors and 4 color scrollers. I want to get some of those Martin washes really bad and get rid of the color scrollers (or use them elsewhere). I really dont like the colors scrolling along. Check out http://www.zero88.com/en/news/210
OK - I am sold on the built in effects engine! I played with it a little before but couldnt rally figure it or spent the time to. With your example - I set it up and it works great! I just had to reverse my pan in 2 fixtures to the sweeping motion looks better. Thanks! I think I am really getting all the features of this board figured out now!
I need to play with those more, I did some testing around last night and indeed - I would prefer these set to pallets. Thanks for the hints!
Thanks to both of you! That really helped me understand exactly how to program MUCH better! Also explained some fadding and timing issues I was having trying to make a special light queue for certain songs! k-nine - your explanation was great since I am more of a visual person!
I have been using the Bull FROG for a while now. While everything is working pretty good for me with concerts, dramas etc... (except for one minor thing noted below) I really still dont understand exactly what is LTPFade and what effects it has on how the lights operate. I also still dont get the Fade up and Fade Down times. If I have one memory set with Fade Up and Down times to 3 and the next one to 3, shouldnt that be that it takes 6 seconds for the next memory to come up? And on the C B P - I changed them to Fade or Snap and it doesnt seem to make a difference what its set on. Maybe I dont see the FADE time since its not long enough? And I have no idea what DWELL does! I read the manual but it doesnt really seem to explain these in details. I guess I need examples. If anyone could shed any light (sorry for the pun) on this for me, I would really appreciate it! I assume these settings have something to do with why my fixtures (Martin 250 Entours) dont always go to the correct position using different submasters as different times. Example - they point on the floor at one place with submaster 1, then I pull up another submaster and they go to the correct place - then I go back to the other submaster 1- and they dont go to the correct position. I can home them or pull up another submaster then jump back to SUB1 and it works. I really cant duplicate this to figure out whats going on. I use all the default settings for fade up/down/dwell at 3 and CBP at S except all my submasters I use for the fixtures I have at 0 all the way across and CBP at snap. Note: I am a part timer doing this for our church so I dont always have the luxury to just play with them to figure it all out.
I usually always use a chase memory for this type of an effect. I find it easier since you can control exaclty where it goes. I have the Martin 250 Entours that I do this with. Just program a chase memory and transfer it to a submaster.
I would like to be able to just change one channel for my Martins and have that on a submaster. Here is what I would like I have a submaster for my Martins pulled up for a GOBO, COLOUR and POSITION. Then I would like to be able to just adjust/jump one channel for a strobe speed or something like that without changing any other attribute. Is this possible? Right now I use the wheels and it can be pretty touchy trying to go to what you want quickly.
I think the default on LTP is 5% and I will have to double check on the SNAP or FADE. Can you explain some about the functions of LTP, and the difference it would make if SNAP or FADE? I have been trying to figure out exactly how effects the other I know our software needs updated, I will be doing that soon
If I make my own DMX cable, should it be shielded or unshielded? I have both in the form of CAT5 and would rather use the UTP.
software must be the problem. I will upgrade soon. They always work correctly until I go in and assign new fixtures. thanks
I have some Martin's and a couple times when I setup a submaster for a position/gobo/color etc... When start using some other submasters for effects on them and then I pull up another submaster that changes the effect - the position of the Martin stays where it last was but everything else (GOBO,COLOR) changes like it should. I have even made sure when I set it, C B P was all set to YES. BTW- When I am doing this, I have no MEMORY running that changes the MARTIN or any other SUBMASTER going. Maybe has something to do with LTP? I am still trying to understand LTP, HTP DWELL etc... thanks
I have the Bullfrog console with several moving lights and 4 color scrollers. The color scrollers are patch in as Scroller+1. I have had this problem a couple times in the past and I think I may have found out when it happens. The problem is for any color settings I have for my scrollers in a MEMORY, PALLET or SUBMASTER - is seems they wont change to the value I had in the past anymore. I think it happens when I go in and patch in new fixtures. Of course to correct it, I have to re-edit all my memories, pallets and submasters. It's just the colors for the scrollers and nothing else. Anyone know whats up?