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Everything posted by bamzoom

  1. http://www.americandj.com/pdffiles/vizi_wash_led_108.pdf Channel Value Function 1 0 - 255 PAN MOVEMENT 8bit 2 0 - 255 PAN FINE 16bit 3 0 - 255 TILT MOVEMENT 8bit 4 0 - 255 TILT FINE 16bit 5 RED 1 - 255 0% - 100% 6 GREEN 1 - 255 0% - 100% 7 BLUE 1 - 255 0% - 100% 8 SHUTTER & STROBE 0 - 31 LED OFF 32 - 63 LED ON 64 - 95 STROBING SLOW - FAST 96 - 127 LED ON 128 - 159 PULSE EFFECT IN SEQUENCES 160 - 191 LED ON 192 - 223 RANDOM STROBE SLOW - FAST 224 - 255 LED ON 9 DIMMER 0 - 255 INTENSITY 0% - 100% 10 RAINBOW EFFECT 0 - 7 NO FUNCTION 8 - 231 RAINBOW COLORS 232 - 255 CROSSFADING COLORS SLOW - FAST 11 PAN/TILT MOVEMENT SPEED 0 - 225 MAX TO MIN. SPEED 226 - 235 BLACKOUT BY MOVEMENT 236 - 255 NO FUNCTION 12 RESET & INTERNAL PROGRAMS 0 - 79 COLOR CHANGE NORMAL 80 - 84 ALL MOTOR RESET 85 - 87 SCAN MOTOR RESET 88 - 99 NO FUNCTION 100 - 119 INTERNAL PROGRAM 1 120 - 139 INTERNAL PROGRAM 2 140 - 159 INTERNAL PROGRAM 3 160 - 179 INTERNAL PROGRAM 4 180 - 199 INTERNAL PROGRAM 5 200 - 219 INTERNAL PROGRAM 6 220 - 239 INTERNAL PROGRAM 7 240 - 255 SOUND ACTIVE PROGRAM
  2. Does anyone have this fixture profile for the FAT FROG ? or something that matches the 12 parameters? Much Thanks if you can help me out!
  3. Hi Peter, Im getting errors using the fixture editor w/ the ver.19. I just need to get this single profile into the editor,but cannot open or get to the single listing or manufacturer directories. Could you send me just that one fixture profile to me? Thanks for all you help and dedication to the FRog. Brad Mietzner BAM Stage Lighting bamcybr@sbcglobal.net
  4. Hi Paul, Thanks for the reply . I ran the test and found that one sub fader is bad. In the zero/down position it was throwing up 50% . It makes sense now because anytime you would switch sub pages it would lock that fader in and you could never get out of that first page scene while in a different sub page. Cleaner did not work either. The good people at Act Lighting said that faders are about $6 and $75 per hour to replace(usually 2 hours to do). So this sounds like a very suitable solution. Ive had alot of Leprecons in the past and their faders are tough as nails , but try to have them(CAE) fix them and they act like its time to throw the board away , so they can sell you another one . BullShite!!! Anyway thanks for the test tip ! Cheers1
  5. This is the second frog ive had, that is giving output values in the 10%-20% range to the some of conventional channels and the moving fixtures. With all faders down (subs,Go stack and generics) i get a bleed . The only way to kill it is to bring the Grand Master down to zero. I think i have narrowed it down to values from one dodgy sub fader. Ive also noted that there isnt much discussion about how,where and the cost of having faders replaced . Im in Chicago,USA. The Zero 88 faders are not as tough as other brands , i have noticed . It also looks impossible to to self servicing on these, because they are all on one big PCB. Also is it possible for the ghost problem to come from the pop in memory card? Thanks for your help! Brad the lamper du jour
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