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  1. Today I found the cause of my problem. When I sent the Moving Heads to the home position, the shutter opens. And then I can't fade the brightness with the submaster anymore! I have to select the Moving heads and manually set the brightness to 0% and then it's ok again. Marc.
  2. Hi, last night I couldn't dim the brightness of my intelligent fixtures with the submaster faders. If I opened a submaster the brightness snapped to maximum and stayed like that even if I closed the fader. It was no problem to dim the generic lights with the submasters. Last week I didn't have this problem!! I programmed some new chases for the generic lights last night before we opened. Did I do something wrong?? I tried several things but couldn't get the problem solved. I work with a Mambo Frog, I use it in partial mode. Marc.
  3. Hi tried the frog function on the dimmerbars, wasn't that great. The lights start fading upand down randomly! I now programmed it as a 36 light matrix and that's really cool.
  4. Maybe I'm going to give that a try, can be interesting!
  5. I have 2 times a matrix of 36 pars so maybe I can give 2 pars the same address each time. Although it will be much cooler if I use 72 separate addresses. Is there a possibility to adjust LTP values with a submaster? It's a bit frustrating because I have 1024 DMX channels!!!!! Marc.
  6. Hi, I'm going to make a matrix with 12 6-channel dimmer bars on a Mambo Frog. Is it possible to assign 1 dimmerbar as 1 fixture? The Fixture Type Editor doesn't allow more then 1 brightness channel on a fixture!! I can assign the 6 channels as position but then it's not possible to adjust the intensity with the submaster because then it's a LTP value instead of HTP. Does anyone have a better solution. :?: I can't use one fixture for every channel because I also have 31 intelligent fixtures, six strobo's and a few more dimmers. Marc.
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