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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by miclight

  1. I have a Leapfrog 96 (about 2 years old) and it is stuck at the Load Show screen.... "Loading...." The USB key is not in the console I have no DMX control and no menu navigation on the console however if i bring up the sub groups they seem to activate (still no dmx control) I also know that the go button works as i have a couple cues that trigger macros to run a chase on a sub group and when i hit the go button the subs activate Any thoughts? Of course like any technology that you don't have a backup for it went out on us before our sunday morning service (it worked just fine for saturday night) So i really need help getting to to work before next weekend I was planning on upgrading but now I am a little nervous to do it with the current state of the desk. Current Version 4.4.4
  2. I was wondering if there was a way to use a macro to turn on a channel for a specified time and then turn it off. I wan to be able to press one button and have my hazer run for 20 min. and then shut off. Is there a way I can do this?
  3. Has anyone ever used a Leap Frog 48/96 with any Varilite fixtures? I was at a conference today and the rep said "some consoles don't work well with Varilite fixtures" the only names he said was that a Grand MA and a HOG work very well. I am very interested in varilite fixtures but really like the leap frog for the price and our appliction
  4. Is there any possibility that the remote could work on an Apple iPhone in the future?
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