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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by wysiwyg55uk

  1. Any one ever found how to use the external input DIN connector, the Manual only says "short out a pin to ground to simulate a button push"..... What button Pushes??
  2. I did a show over easter, and I would like to know how to load my saved show!! If i look at my disc it has Show01.inf on it. When I open the phantom frog editor the Floppy path is greyed out and when I go and use the brows function I can't find my file!!! Am I just being stupid or is this a glitch?? I tryed the windows trick of using "Open With..." and selecting the phantom frog editor, it then read the disc, wrote to it and then subsequently still had a blank show on the editor, no cues submasters or any thing. I know the show was saved because I reloaded it haldway through the live run of Sweet Charity so I know it saved. Please help!!!!
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