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  1. jxgriffi


    I never run my movers on a dimmer...too much bad mojo. My situation calls for a "DMX" channel to stay at full to keep the lamps struck.
  2. jxgriffi


    Agreed...however, for my situation, I'm using Coemar Panorama 1800's for "house lights" and in order to keep them struck, I have to have the fourth channel high. It's not like most movers where you send the command to one level for strike and can release it. It truly sucks...but it's what I have to do.
  3. jxgriffi


    I searched through the "requests" and did not see this so I thought I'd start a new request. If this has been discussed...my apologies. It would be extremely helpful (for me at least) to have a "park" function somewhere in Super User. I have several DMX-relays that I trigger on at the start of the day and trigger off at the end of the day. Currently, the only way I have found to do this is to patch them all to a desk-channel and put the fader at full in both A/B presets and tape them down. However, if someone wants to do a blackout, use the "solo" button, whatever, they turns these off. I would be nice to (maybe in the patch) specify to park a dimmer at a certain level (for me, just 0 or FL...but a percentage might be nice. Thanks... Jon
  4. I need to get you an updated picture for that release. That picture was when we were on temporary truss, etc. We finally received the permits and the final truss rig is now in place and looks 100% better. Mike F. has them or I can forward them on to you. You can reach me at jong@saddleback.net
  5. Thanks....I'm the LD for Saddleback. Yes, we have definitely moved along. The main Worship Center is: 1 - Hog III 18 - VL2000 Spot 8 - VL2000 Wash 200+ Conventionals Tent 2: 4 - Coemar Panorama 1800 (houselights!!!!) 12 - Mac250+ 30 - S4 Par w/Wybron Forerunner 6 - S4 Par N/C 1 - Fat Frog Tent 3 (upgrade coming soon hopefully - Movers/Frog) All S4 Leko/Par ETC 48/96 I don't have any Tent pics on the site yet, but there are others. You can view them in the gallery at www.housetohalf.com.
  6. Gress, I wanted to throw in my two cents. I also do a lot of installs for various churches and I am currently the Lighting Director for Saddleback Church. In the past few months, I have done installs with 3 different Frog consoles. We have one here at Saddleback (Fat w/ 12 Mac 250+), 1 at New Song in Irvine, CA (Leap w/ 8 Geni Shiva, 4 Technobeams, 4 Color Pros) and 1 at Calv. Chapel Menifee (Bull w/ 12 Mac500). Everyone has been extremely happy with the console and it's ease of use. It's extremely flexible and easy to busk on as has already been mentioned. If you have more questions...just ask. I'm sure anyone here will be happy to answer.
  7. Another option once the keyboard functions are all in place is to use an X-keys for those things you use alot!!! They are great on other consoles (I love mine on the Hog III). You can map the buttons to any keyboard command or macro of multiple commands. Uses either PS2 or USB. I'd love to be able to use it on my Fat and Bull Frogs too!!! http://www.xkeys.com/xkeys.php
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